(Great Reset Cyber Test?) Power outages across Utah ... America's migrant gang invasion MAPPED ... Biden Embraces (Jesuit) Pope Francis at G7 ... America is a Republic, Not a Democracy - Civil War! ... Supreme Court strikes down Trump ban on bump stocks ... Feed US Troops Lab-Grown Meat To Fight Climate Change ... Massachusetts Bill Would Allow Moms to Sell Their Unborn Children to the Highest Bidder ...


Monstrous Massachusetts Bill Would Allow Moms to Sell Their Unborn Children to the Highest Bidder

The Parentage Equality Bill redefines parenthood on the basis of a ‘person’s intent to be a parent of a child,’ and 'in doing so, it strips all mention of mothers and fathers from parentage law, replacing these vital familial roles with gender-erased language.'

Known as the “Parentage Equality Bill,” or H.4672, the Act devilishly banishes the immutable truth that children should be raised in a loving home by their biological parents while obliterating the terms “mother” and “father,” trading them out for “person who gives birth” and “other parent,” or “genetic source.” Even the pronoun “his” is dumped in favor of a more ambiguous, non-gendered “their.”



New Polish Surveillance Bill will Give Tusk Government Incredible Access to Citizens’ Private Data

Poland’s right-wing Confederation party has rung alarm bells over the scope of surveillance envisaged in the government’s telecommunications legislation



U.S. Special Forces Navy SEALs engage in LGBT Pride prancing on social media as the rest of the world looks on and laughs

The elite Navy SEALs division of the United States military, long considered to be one of the most well-respected fighting forces in the world, has gone woke by joining the LGBT Pride mob.



Propylene Glycol in Food



Order Out Of Chaos…
Sen. Romney again pursues bill mandating E-Verify to crack down on people without work visas

As U.S. lawmakers continue to wrestle with the immigration issue, Sen. Mitt Romney is again pursuing legislation mandating the use of the federal E-Verify system to guard against the hiring of unauthorized workers.

The Utah Republican introduced a measure with a similar provision last fall and, before that, in 2021. Those earlier measures, which ultimately stalled, also called for increases in the federal minimum wage, which were not included in the new proposal, the Mandatory E-Verify Act of 2024.



Putin Names Conditions for Ukraine Peace Talks

Ukraine must remove its troops from Russia’s new regions before any meaningful peace talks can begin, President Vladimir Putin has said.



Democrat Judges Rule Middle Schooler’s ‘Only Two Genders’ T-Shirt can be Censored by School

A federal court ruled in favor of a Massachusetts school district that banned a student from wearing a shirt stating the biological fact that “There are only two genders.”



Eight illegal aliens, suspected to be terrorists, arrested in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles

Ever since 9/11, the United States government via the Patriot Act has been illegally spying on Americans under the guise of fighting terrorism. Why, then, do illegal aliens continue to flood the country with reckless abandon?

The latest illegal alien incident occurred in three major U.S. cities – New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles – where eight men from Tajikistan, suspected to have connections to ISIS, were arrested.



Supreme Court strikes down Trump ban on bump stocks

The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, a gun accessory that allows semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like machine guns.

The high court found 6-3 the Trump administration did not follow federal law when it reversed course and banned bump stocks



DOD-Funded Company Wants To Feed US Troops Lab-Grown Meat To Fight Climate Change

BioMADE, a lab-grown meat company that has been given over $500 million in U.S. tax dollars via the Department of Defense (DOD), is now requesting a contract to feed U.S. service members fake meat in the name of reducing the military’s carbon footprint.

The experimental product, not food, is created in a science lab using animal cells and chemicals.



Rotavirus Vaccine in India Increases Risk of Deadly Bowel Disorder in Infants

A peer-reviewed study, published Tuesday, has shown that infants given a Rotavirus vaccine which is used in India, Rotavac, had an increased onset of intussusception, a disorder where the intestine slides or telescopes into itself inhibiting the passage of stomach contents, potentially leading to death if left untreated by surgery.


Biden Embraces (Jesuit) Pope Francis at G7 Summit



Winter Storm Warning for One State as 12 Inches of Snow Expected

Weather Service meteorologists are warning of heavy, wet snow across parts of Montana early next week as a cold front brings chilly weather into the region.



INSANE - I’m gay. My mom’s a Jew. My dad’s an Arab. I have a Black Kid and Son is half Latin

Fitness Influencer Jillian Michaels Says She Fled California Over Far Left Policies



The Real Story Behind the Fed’s “Soft Landing” Narrative

The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) yesterday left the target policy interest rate (the federal funds rate) unchanged at 5.5 percent. The target rate has now been flat at 5.5 percent since July of 2023. Soft landing” talk was even more prominent in the lead-up to the Great Recession.



America First’s Nick Fuentes Kicked Out of TPUSA Conference

America First leader Nick Fuentes was prevented from attending a Turning Point USA conference for young conservatives Friday.

Fuentes argued he was being blocked from attending the event because it was run by Israel.

After being removed from the conference, Fuentes told reporters he believed he was kicked out for being critical of Israel.


Jesus Christ said the KINGS children are FREE because they pay NO TAXES ... Moses Delivered Israel from Taxes = Bondage! ... The Church vs. State Trials of Jesus Christ ...



North Korea sends 10 thousand containers with 5 million artillery shells to Russia.



Cox condemns Denver sending migrants to Utah, says 'resources are completely depleted'

LIER Utah Gov. Spencer Cox is reacting to news that Denver officials have paid travel costs to send migrants to Utah, calling it "unacceptable" and saying the state's "resources are completely depleted."

Cox issued a statement on the social platform X in response to a news report that Denver has paid for some 2,000 migrants to travel to Utah in the past 18 months.

"Every state has received illegal immigrants and Utah's resources are completely depleted," Cox continued. "All 50 states, including Utah, are now border states due to the failed immigration policies of President Biden and Congress. Once again we call on the Biden administration and Congress to solve the crisis."

"Let me say this as clearly as possible: Utah is not a sanctuary state. It has never been a sanctuary state. It will never be a sanctuary state. And anyone who tells you otherwise is lying," Cox said during a virtual town hall in March. "They're lying to you because they want to use fear and divisiveness to try to gain power."

Comments - Governor Cox signed legislation into law in May 2023 welcoming immigrants to Utah and giving them protective status and access to a higher education with in-state tuitions rates… Utah is very much a sanctuary state. If it walks like a duck. Saying you're not a sanctuary is simply a lie.



America's migrant gang invasion MAPPED: ISIS in LA, Venezuelan sex-traffickers in Texas and Chinese drug lords in Maine. Now check if a violent enclave has sprung up in YOUR neighborhood...


House of Representatives
Passes Bill for Mandatory Military Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26

House Armed Services Committee (HASC) approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025.

The amendment H.R. 8070 will automatically register all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System for a possible military draft, based on information from other Federal databases.

This new system of automatic draft registration would replace the existing system, in place since 1980, in which young men have the freedom to decide whether or not to sign up for the draft.



Iconic American homeware brand closing its last US factory after 76 years to move jobs to Mexico in huge blow to rural South Carolina town

Tupperware, the iconic American brand known the world over for its plastic food containers, is closing its last US factory.

The 78-tear-old company, who intially sold its products at parties thrown by surburban housewives, plans to take advantage of cheaper wages in Mexico.



Social Security bosses reveal potential massive cut to retirement income as Congress desperately scrambles to not run out of cash

  • Social Security trustees said full benefits will run out in 2035 if action isn't taken

This means that if the funding gap is not resolved by Congress, future beneficiaries could receive $325 less per month. Medicare is also projected to run dry in 2036. 



Alex Jones Makes First Statements After Infowars Victory In Bankruptcy Court

Infowars founder Alex Jones breaks down the amazing victory for Infowars.com in bankrupty court allowing the operation to stay in business.


Alex Jones’ personal assets to be sold to pay $1.5B Sandy Hook debt. Company bankruptcy is dismissed

HOUSTON (AP) — A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ′ personal assets but dismissed his company’s separate bankruptcy case, leaving the future of his Infowars media platform uncertain as he owes $1.5 billion for his false claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.

It wasn’t immediately clear what will happen to Free Speech Systems, Infowars’ parent company that Jones built into a multimillion-dollar moneymaker over the past 25 years.



Trump turns 78, spotlighting age as central issue in 2024 race

Donald Trump turns 78 on Friday, a milestone that will remind voters that the two major-party candidates running for U.S. president this year are the oldest ever to seek the office.



LA City Council Removes U-Turn Signs In Gay Neighborhood Because They Are "Homophobic"



MAGA Republicans are claiming that America is a Republic, Not a Democracy - Civil War!



California Senate Votes To Ban Schools Informing Parents of Children’s Gender Transitions

The California Senate voted in favour of a ban on school districts notifying parents if their children undergo a “social” gender transition at school. Schools would only be able to notify parents with a child’s permission.



First Poll: Macron Will Lose Election

The first poll conducted after Macron announced a snap election suggests French President Emmanuel Macron is on course for a stunning defeat at the hands of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party.



Hungary Threatens EU Over ‘Insane’ Migrant Fine

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has threatened Brussels with retaliation after an EU court slapped Budapest with a €200 million ($216 million) fine over its asylum policy



Tech billionaires ramp up plans for 15-minute city in California

WEF: 15-minute cities ‘a matter of life and death’

The group, named California Forever, includes LinkedIn founder and Democrat megadonor Reid Hoffman, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, Emerson Collective founder and Steve Jobs’ widow Laurene Powell Jobs, and former Goldman Sachs trader Jan Sramek.

Since 2017, California Forever has bought up 60,000 acres of land in rural East Solano County, about 60 miles northeast of San Francisco. The group has unveiled plans to build a 15-minute city on that land, expected to house approximately 400,000 residents.



General Michael Flynn Warns of Black Swan Event

One Day Before Same Warning Comes from Former Presidential Candidate and Congressman Ron Paul

“There’s no way they can win a legitimate, fair election so let’s not have one. I am predicting some type of event that will cause some dramatic shift in what is happening.”



The Economy Is Now In A Full-Blown Collapse. Take A Look…

The Economy Is Collapsing - June 14 (King World News) – Peter Boockvar:  The preliminary UoM June consumer confidence index unexpectedly fell to 65.6 from 69.1 and that is well below the estimate of 72. It’s now down almost 14 pts over the past 3 months.



(Great Reset Cyber Test?) Power outages across Utah

Thousands of people throughout Utah lost power Friday evening due to several different incidents that created a "perfect storm," said Rocky Mountain Power officials.

At one point, 61 outages statewide affected nearly 20,000 customers, the company said. By 9 p.m., most of the residents' power had been restored.

The locations, causes and numbers for the outages included:

  • A vehicle crash in North Ogden left about 1,300 people without power.
  • A damaged line in the Moroni, Sanpete County, area affected about 1,300 people.
  • In Tooele County, about 1,900 people lost power. The cause is still under investigation.
  • The Spanish Fork and Mapleton area had about 11,000 people without power. Mapleton city officials reported it was caused by a fire at the Rocky Mountain substation at the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon… ALSO IN Springville, Salem and Santaquin had no power

Two outages in Iron County, in the Enoch area, affected 1,800 people. Its cause also isn't known. "Please be mindful of your water use, as our city's well system is power-operated," Mapleton officials said.

COMMENTS - We were driving through Spanish Fork on I15 and stopped for gas. Traffic was crazy with all the traffic lights out and there was no way to get gas because the pumps weren't working. We had to drive north to Provo to get fuel and then continue south again.



The CIA Is As Evil As The Day Is Long



Australian Consumers Hit with Egg Limits as Half a Million Birds Culled

Australian consumers have been hit with purchase limits on eggs after massive culls on poultry farms in the Victoria region.

Popular store Coles introduced a limit on egg purchases in its stores. Consumers in Coles stores in every state except Western Australia will be able to buy a maximum of two cartons of eggs.

More than half a million birds have been culled on five farms in the southwest of Victoria after the H7N3 strain of bird flu was detected.
