Texas GOP Calls for Secession Vote ... On June 9th, 2024 The Petrodollar Will Officially Come To An END! ... U.S. Must Take Over Ukraine to Control Its Resources ... Pro-Palestinian Rioters Attack Washington DC Statues and Park Ranger ... More Utah women in government ... Americans Support Deportation of All Illegal Aliens ... Costco’s Bid to Turn Customer Data into Profits ...






New Texas GOP Platform Calls for Secession Vote, Resistance to Federal Infringements

Texas Republican Party has adopted two platform planks that call for legislators to assert state sovereignty, and to schedule a secession referendum in the next general election after November's. 

"This historic vote at the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Convention represents a substantial shift towards enhancing state sovereignty and exploring the potential for Texas to operate as an independent nation," said the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) in a statement. "It reflects the growing sentiment among Texans for greater autonomy and the protection of our rights against federal overreach." 



McCloskeys Vindicated: St Louis Couple Who Defended Home from BLM Mob Have Convictions Quashed

Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St Louis couple who armed themselves and confronted BLM protestors outside their home in 2020, have had their misdemeanour convictions overturned by a judge.



NATO Chief Scraps €100 Billion Ukraine Fund Plan

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has ditched a five-year plan to provide Ukraine with €100 billion ($108 billion) in military aid after pushback from members of the bloc, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the matter.



Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing

In response to last weekend’s terrorist stabbing at a counter-Jihad meeting in Mannheim which left one officer dead – and a second stabbing of an AfD politician in the same city, (and not years of terrorist attacks, having to close public pools and double-digit increases in crime among non-Germans), Chancellor Olaf Scholz – a leftwing social democrat, announced a new ‘zero tolerance’ program which will deport criminal migrants or those “who venerate them.”



Vivek: ‘Lunatics’ in Washington Seeking Regime Change in Russia

Vivek Ramaswamy has warned that the US should be careful what it wishes for

Ramaswamy agreed with Ingraham’s remarks that the White House is “getting ready for a war with Russia,” with an “offensive push inside Russia to defeat [Russian President] Putin” and overthrow the government, warning that Washington should beware of the consequences of its actions.



Weber State to axe Black, Latino, other cultural centers to comply with new diversity law

OGDEN — Weber State University will eliminate seven cultural centers geared to varied segments of the campus — including Black, Latino, female and LGBTQ students — to comply with the new Utah law targeting diversity initiatives at public universities.



Pro-Palestinian Rioters Attack Washington DC Statues and Park Ranger



Old School Humor



MTG: If Alex Jones Owes $1.5 Billion For ‘Misinformation’, How Much Does Fauci Owe?

the congresswoman wrote on X Friday.



Illegal Aliens Now Throwing Themselves in Front of Cars To Extort Drivers

Illegal aliens have begun deliberately jumping in front of cars in attempts to extort terrified and confused drivers for cash.

The New York Post obtained dash cam footage showing an illegal alien brazenly tossing himself in front of a moving vehicle, causing the driver to swerve into the left lane to narrowly avoid hitting him. 



Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

Proverbs 3:5-7


Lindsey Graham Admits U.S. Must Take Over Ukraine to Control Its Resources Worth TRILLIONS

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) gave away the neocon playbook Sunday, admitting that the U.S. must win the Ukraine proxy war against Russia to control Ukraine’s vast resources worth trillions of dollars.

“They’re sitting on 10-12 trillion dollars of critical minerals in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe,” Graham said on CBS News’ “Face the Nation.”

“I don’t want to give that money and those assets to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to share with China.”



On June 9th, 2024 The Petrodollar Will Officially Come To An END!



Millionaire investment banker, 52, punches woman to the ground on Brooklyn street in shocking video

Jonathan Kaye, 52, was seen throwing a vicious overhand right at the unnamed woman in Brooklyn - where he lives in a $4million four-bedroom townhouse in pricey Park Slope. It is unclear what sparked the confrontation.

Kaye works as a Managing Director at Moelis & Company, a leading investment bank with offices in Midtown Manhattan.



Top cancer charity apologizes for using word 'cervix' instead of trans-friendly 'front hole'

A top cancer charity has apologized for using the word 'cervix' instead of trans-friendly 'front hole.' 

The Canadian Cancer Society, which is run by philanthropist Andrea Seale, acknowledged the LGBTQ+ community on a webpage dedicated to cervical cancer, under the page's 'words matter' section. 



Mormon lays bare fascinating DATING slang



Why stroke risk is increasing in younger people

LDS Deseret News - SALT LAKE CITY — When it comes to killers, stroke is No. 5 in the United States. Stroke is also a leading cause of long-term disability. And both stroke and heart attack are increasingly striking at younger ages

Comments - Why is there no mention of mRNA vaccines and the admitted adverse effects by the AMA. FDA and European Medical Association?



Bull Leaps fence at Oregon Rodeo Attacking Tax Slaves


Wild moment bull leaps fence at Oregon rodeo and charges at terrified spectators, injuring three, as others run for their lives

A feisty rodeo bull hopped a fence at an Oregon arena and charged through a concession area into a parking lot, injuring at least three.



Macron Dissolves Parliament After Humiliating Defeat by French Right

French President Emmanuel Macron has dissolved the French National Assembly and called a snap election in response to his humiliating defeat in the European election. The decision is a significant gamble that could backfire spectacularly for him.



Nearly Two Thirds of Americans Support Deportation of All Illegal Aliens

A significant majority of Americans support the deportation of all illegal immigrants, according to a new CBS / YouGov poll.

The poll, which was published on Sunday, shows that 62% of respondents are in favor of a “new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally.”



Gantz Withdrawal Puts Pressure on Netanyahu

AOC: Trump Will Lock Me Up If He Wins

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez believes she will be thrown in jail if Trump wins this November. AOC gave voice to her concern in an appearance on Kara Swisher’s podcast.



Costco’s Bid to Turn Customer Data into Profits

Costco, which ranks among the three largest retailers in the US (and globally), is joining the club of big corporations with access to massive amounts of customer data, who are launching various schemes to monetize that data.



More Utah women in government leadership positions now than 4 years ago, study says

Things are trending in a good direction for women in the workplace, as a new study from the Utah Women and Leadership Project finds 41.4% of leadership positions in the state government are held by women, up from 39.3% in 2020.

Comments - We won't be happy until it's 99% women. That's the wrong direction. We need families to keep our country growing.



Boston Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla Silences Room



Another GMO ‘Vanity Product:’ Bayer to Sell Gene-Edited Salad Greens in US Stores

Chemical giant Bayer last week signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Pairwise, a genetic-based food startup, to develop and market its CRISPR-edited mustard greens.

Pairwise was the first company to bring produce created with the gene-editing technology known as CRISPR to the U.S. market when last year it started selling its mustard greens in some restaurants, hotels and retirement centers in a few U.S. cities.
