Dr. Peterson Pierre: Gov. Paying Hospitals To Kill People ... Massive Exploding Cancers ... new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ... Corporate media refuses to report on Sen. Ron Johnson’s panel discussion exposing deadly covid “vaccines” ... NYC Rite Aid ALL empty because 'everybody stole everything' .... Chuck Schumer Pushes $1.5 Billion for Gun Control ... Ex-GOP leaders file lawsuits against Gov. Cox ...


Podcaster Joe Rogan vows to 'balance things out' after music legends flee Spotify: Streaming giant’s boss bows to pressure and says Covid podcasts will now come with ‘warnings’

  • Joe Rogan posted a 10-minute video to Instagram addressing controversy surrounding his surrounding his Spotify-hosted show The Joe Rogan Experience
  • Rogan promised to 'balance things out' with a more varied range of guests 
  • But stressed that he is simply 'interested in finding out what the truth is'
  • Spotify meanwhile will add 'content advisories' to episodes related to Covid 
  • The announcement came shortly after it was revealed that the Sussexes said they have reached out to the online music streaming service with 'concerns'
  • Harry and Meghan said they were 'committed to continuing our work together'
  • It comes after Neil Young removed his music from the platform and accused the streaming giant of spreading 'Covid misinformation' 
  • Spotify's shares tumbled 12 per cent, losing $2bn in market value following Young's announcement 



Harry and Meghan WON'T hand back Spotify millions despite putting pressure on the streaming service to drop Joe Rogan in row as cancel mob try to remove vaccine-sceptic podcaster 


'We won't censor but we do have rules': Spotify FINALLY responds to Joe Rogan controversy with plan to add content advisory to podcasts that discuss COVID - hours after $25m partners Meghan and Harry voiced their 'concerns' over misinformation



Neil Young gives fans a free four-month subscription to Amazon Music after removing his music from Spotify over Joe Rogan's COVID misinformation


Bruce Springsteen guitarist Nils Lofgren removes his music from Spotify over Joe Rogan's 'lies and misinformation' on vaccines - joining Neil Young and Joni Mitchell


Corporate media refuses to report on Sen. Ron Johnson’s panel discussion exposing deadly covid “vaccines”

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) held a panel discussion called “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” that revealed the ugly truth about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.” And as you may have noticed, it was completely ignored by the establishment press.


Denmark Is First EU Country To Scrap All COVID Restrictions

Later this week, England is scheduled to drop its problematic mask mandate for shops and public transport, along with its highly unpopular vaccine passport regime. Up north, Scotland says it will “relax” so-called ‘work from home guidance,’ and reopen nightclubs, as well as ending venue capacity limits.

While the UK and Ireland gingerly roll-back their highly disruptive COVID restriction policies, other European countries are now leading the way by scrapping the entire ‘pandemic’ regime altogether.



Let’s Go Brandeau! Freedom Convoy Delivers Massive Haul of Hilarious Trudeau Memes

Trudeau fled to an “undisclosed location” just before the Freedom Convoy arrived on Saturday, prompting a flood of epic memes referring to the disgraced PM as “Brandeau” in reference to the anti-Joe Biden slogan “Let’s Go Brandon.”



North Korea conducts most powerful missile test since 2017: Weapon reaches altitude of 1,200 miles and travels 500 miles before landing in sea off Japan in country's seventh launch this month

  • Japanese authorities said that the missile was launched 1,242 miles upwards  
  • Flight details suggest it is territory's longest-range ballistic missile since 2017
  • Sunday's test was the North's seventh round of weapons launches this month 
  • Unusually fast pace of tests indicates its intent to pressure Biden administration



Actor Michael Rapaport returns to his NYC neighborhood Rite Aid, days after filming thief stroll out with bags of stolen goods, and reveals how shelves are now ALL empty because 'everybody stole everything': Store closes and staff are out of work

  • Michael Rapaport, 51, returned to his local Rite Aid on the Upper East Side on Sunday to showcase how barren the shelves were
  • In a video posted to his Instagram he said 'there's nothing to steal because... everybody stole everything'
  • His video came less than one week after he captured a brazen thief walking out of the pharmacy with two shopping bags of stolen goods 
  • The Rite Aid store on the Upper East Side is scheduled to close on February 15 due in part to a recent rash of thefts
  • Rapaport has blamed New York's lenient bail reform for the brazen thefts




Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' vows to stay in Ottawa as tens of thousands of protesters pledge to 'create chaos' until government reverses vaccine mandates: Vital US border route is blocked after Trudeau flees city and Elon Musk backs truckers 



Gov. Paying Hospitals To Kill People

Frontline Flash: ‘Biden’s Bounty’ with Dr. Peterson Pierre

Gov. Paying Hospitals To Kill People Up To $160,000 In 'Bonuses' Per Death!

And there are Many MORE Financial rewards!



Dr. Ryan Cole On Massive Exploding Cancers Coming Directly From The BioWeapon Injections - Vid


Your Body… their Battlefield: COVID “vaccines” are biological warfare via 5 major fronts

Big Pharma knew that if the Covid clot shots caused too much catastrophe too quickly, it would be too obvious, and that is why the Fauci Flu shots are designed mainly to attack the human body on multiple fronts, especially exacerbating preexisting conditions, diseases and disorders. Then every death by vaccine can be termed death by co-morbidity or just death by Covid.

Geographically speaking, inside the body, there are several major systems (fronts) where the vaccines are designed to attack. For instance, the vascular system. Both Pfizer and Moderna shots instruct human cells to create billions of microscopic “spike proteins,” which is just a fancy term for deadly, blood-clotting and cancer-causing prions. The entire vascular system can become clogged rather quickly, causing the side effects we already see so commonly in the vaccinated, including myocarditis, rare blood clots (brain and lungs in particular), central nervous system malfunctions, cancer cells multiplying at exponential rates, and sudden heart attacks just hours or days after injection.



New Scientific Study finds that the Covid-19 Vaccines are causing a new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

A new scientific study conducted by Dr Peter Mccullough and other leading scientists has concluded that the Covid-19 vaccines are damaging the innate immune system, supporting evidence published by The Expose over the last few months that the fully vaccinated are developing some new form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome induced by the Covid-19 injections.



Injected BioWeapon Is Premeditated Mass Murder And Global Genocide - Video

Dr. Lee Vliet & Todd Callender


Black Lives Matter 'transferred millions to Canadian charity run by the wife of co-founder Patrisse Cullors to buy Toronto mansion formerly owned by the Communist Party'




Parents Outraged: 4th-5th Graders Asked to Join Queer Club Without Their Consent

Parents of fourth and fifth graders in a Beaverton, Oregon, elementary school are outraged about the creation of a Queer Student Alliance (QSA) club they say their children were asked to join without their consent.



California Democrat proposes COVID vaccine mandate for schools — with no exemptions

State Sen. Richard Pan (D) is proposing that COVID-19 vaccines be added to California's list of required inoculations for attending K-12 schools. His bill would override the vaccine requirements implemented by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom last October, removing personal or religious exemptions.



Ex-GOP leaders file lawsuits against Gov. Cox, Zions’ Anderson and Tribune, among others

Two former Salt Lake County officials are seeking a combined $100 million in damages.

Two former Salt Lake County GOP leaders filed lawsuits against state and county leaders and others on Friday, saying there was a coordinated campaign to remove them from their roles in the Republican party.

Both David Robinson and Scott Miller’s lawsuits name more than 100 defendants, including Gov. Spencer Cox, Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson, House leader Brad Wilson and Senate leader Stuart Adams, Zions Bank President and CEO Scott Anderson and The Salt Lake Tribune, among others.

In March 2021, The Tribune reported more than half a dozen Republican women said they experienced a toxic environment within the Salt Lake County GOP. The women accused Robinson, the party’s former volunteer communications director, of harassment, body shaming and other inappropriate behavior. They also said Miller, the party’s former chairman, dismissed their complaints about this behavior.

Miller’s suit alleges defamation, conspiracy, interference with election efforts, violation of GRAMA requests, and violation of civil and constitutional rights. He is seeking $40 million in damages, the suit states.



US Attorney Doc: IRS Issued Grand Jury Subpoena to JPMorgan for Hunter, James Biden Bank Records In Probe into Biden Family’s China Connections

A criminal IRS investigation into Hunter Biden — President Biden’s son — appears to have convened a grand jury as far back as May 2019, a confidential subpoena served to JPMorgan Chase bank reveals. The subpoena also seeks bank records of James Biden, the president’s brother, which appears to be the first time another Biden family member has surfaced in connection with the investigation.

The document, obtained by Breitbart News, specifically demands information on related transactions between JPMorgan Chase Bank, which the document calls “correspondent bank,” and the Bank of China, which the document calls the “originating or beneficiary bank.”



Chuck Schumer Pushes $1.5 Billion for Gun Control

On Sunday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) pushed for the federal government to allocate $1.5 billion to fund new gun control actions by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).

The New York Post reported that Schumer wants to use the funds to get the ATF behind the Interstate Task Force on Illegal Guns. The task force is ubiquitously aimed at getting illegal guns off the streets of New York.



Bioethicist: Mandatory Vaccines Should Also be Imposed For Measles and Flu

A prominent bioethicist has suggested that health authorities should consider expanding vaccine mandates to cover illnesses other than COVID-19 such as measles and influenza.

The comments were made by Christiane Druml, lawyer and chair of the Austrian federal Bioethics Commission.



Pope Francis Sign Contract with Pfizer KILL Shot ... Border Patrol Agents Get into Heated Exchange with Leadership ... Russia will wipe out Ukraine's military in just 48 hours ... TRUMP charges $100,000 per couple for lunch ... Sufi Muslim devotees poke out their eyeballs with knives ... Prince Andrew made eight trips to China as a guest of its propaganda unit ... TERRORISM WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY ... speed camera nightmare that's coming to America ...


Obama 1st Gay President (Newsweek - May 21, 2012)




Local NBC Plays Blatant Lies About COVID-19 Vaccine For Children

NBC Channel 10 out of Boston plays a propaganda piece insisting COVID vaccines are safe for children even though the FDA was caught on camera admitting they don’t know the long-term risks.



Virginia’s New Republican AG Bans Colleges, Universities From Mandating COVID Jabs

Virginia’s new Republican Attorney General, Jason Miyares has issued a legal opinion that bars colleges and universities from forcing students to accept the COVID-19 jab as a condition for in-person enrollment.

“Attorney General Miyares has issued a legal opinion that Virginia’s state institutions of higher education cannot require the COVID-19 vaccine as a general condition of students’ enrollment or in-person attendance,” an announcement from the Virginia Attorney General’s Office read on Friday.



Leaked Video: Border Patrol Agents Get into Heated Exchange with Leadership During Mayorkas Visit

U.S. Border Patrol agents got into a heated argument with CBP Chief Raul Ortiz in Laredo, Texas, on Friday as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was visiting.

In leaked video from the meeting, Ortiz, with Mayorkas in the room, confirmed morale at the agency was at an “all-time low.”

“I do think that we’re losing too many agents,” Ortiz said. “As an organization, we gotta start taking care of each other.”

“I get it,” Ortiz continued. “You come to work, you’re frustrated. You’re upset because you didn’t get the desired outcome that you want. Doesn’t mean you give up.”



Pope Francis Sign Contract with Pfizer KILL Shot




Biden warns he will deploy troops WITHOUT NATO's backing: President says he will move troops to Eastern Europe 'in the near term' but not as part of NATO force as General Milley warns Russian attack on Ukraine 'would be horrific'

  Joe Biden on Friday evening said that he would be moving some troops to Eastern Europe - but 'not too many' - as tensions mount in Ukraine

  Landing back in Washington DC after a trip to Pittsburgh, the president said that the troops would be moved 'in the near term', but did not say when 



Putin ally says Russia will wipe out Ukraine's military in just 48 hours as Ukrainians practise with British anti-tank missiles and Putin's force build-up hits 130,000 troops - the biggest since the Cold War

  • A new video shows Ukrainian army soldiers learning to use British NLAW anti-tank weapons for the first time 
  • It comes as an ally of Vladimir Putin has claimed invading 'outnumbered' Ukraine would take just 48 hours 
  • Top US general Mark Milley has called the Ukraine border force build up the biggest since the Cold War
  • The US Defense Secretary also expressed concern that Putin could utilise other means beyond an invasion 
  • But Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky accused the West of creating a 'panic' around the tensions



Russia moves blood supplies near Ukraine, adding to U.S. concern, officials say



China says U.S. plans to pay athletes to 'sabotage' Beijing Games

China's foreign ministry and an official newspaper have accused the United States of planning to interfere with and "sabotage" the Beijing Winter Olympics by paying athletes from some countries to make half-hearted efforts in competition and to criticise China.



Trump heads to Texas for back-to-back big dollar fundraisers: Former president charges $100,000 per couple for lunch event ahead of rally on Saturday in Conroe

Trump will be collecting some serious money ahead of a rally in Texas on Saturday, hosting a $100,000 per couple lunch and second second fundraiser before he takes the stage.


Trump calls Russia-Ukraine crisis a 'European problem', says US should not be involved and warns 'Putin has total control over Germany' due to gas supply deal agreed by Merkel in 'one of the dumbest moves I've ever seen'


Prince Andrew made eight trips to China as a guest of its propaganda unit and heralded closer co-operation with the UK - prompting accusations of him being a 'useful idiot' for Beijing



Justin Trudeau and his family EVACUATE their home in Ottawa for a secret location amid security concerns as thousands of 'Freedom Convoy' truckers march in front his office in protest at vaccine requirement to cross the US-Canada border

50,000 anti-vaccine mandate 'Freedom Convoy' truckers march



A sight for sore eyes! Sufi Muslim devotees poke out their eyeballs with knives as part of religious procession for the annual Urs festival in India


Jan-6er Defense Attorney Confirms the US Capitol Magnetic Columbus Doors Were Opened from the Inside







Trump demands BOYCOTT of AT&T after it drops OAN from DirectTV and accuses them of acting 'political' for nixing right-wing network but keeping 'fake' CNN 


T-Mobile will fire employees who aren't fully vaccinated by April 2 and those who don't get at least one jab by February 21 will be placed on unpaid leave



The speed camera nightmare that's coming to America: How the UK's hated war on motorists - costing drivers $56M in fines every year - provides a chilling glimpse of what's in store under Pete Buttigieg's plan

  • Buttigieg on Thursday revealed plans to 'promote' speed cameras across the US
  • The plan is part of a safety package backed by $14 billion in new funding 
  • In the UK, speed cameras have been ubiquitous for decades and are despised
  • In the US they are a matter of debate, and banned by law in at least seven states
  • US critics from both the right and the left are opposed to speed cameras 
  • Conservatives view them as overreach and liberals oppose fines funding police 
  • In the UK omnipresent speed cameras are matter of fury and controversy 



Ukraine won’t get any US combat troops, Pentagon says

US troops won’t partake in “combat operations,” but defense secretary didn’t rule out other roles for American soldiers



Marines Reject COVID Vaccine Exemptions, Potentially Forcing Thousands Out of Service

Navy informs Rep. Issa just three religious exemptions out of thousands approved

Just three Marines who requested a religious exemption to the legally mandated coronavirus vaccine have had their requests granted by military brass, leaving scores of active-duty service members facing expulsion from the force, according to Navy information provided to Congress.

The Marines who had their religious exemption requests granted were slated to leave the service in the coming weeks. Out of 3,428 reported requests for a religious pass, none were granted to active-duty service members who are planning to remain in the service longer than six months.



U.S. Navy Begins Discharging Sailors Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine

The U.S. Navy announced Wednesday it has discharged 45 service members who refused to accept inoculation with the coronavirus vaccine.

The personnel were released after failing to meet the November 28 deadline set by the Pentagon for the injection. Twenty-three active duty sailors were amongst those let go.



First Degree Murder - Remdesivir is Being
Used to 'Kill


Incredible video shows Nantucket UNDERWATER as winter storm Kenan barrels through New England: More than 30 inches of snow could fall in parts of Massachusetts



Moment a jumbo jet skids off the runway in Chicago blizzard as storm Kenan batters the East Coast cancelling 3,500 flights in travel chaos


Pro-life cop wins settlement after being suspended for praying at abortion clinic

The city of Louisville, Kentucky agreed this week to pay a $75,000 settlement to a Louisville Metro Police Department officer who was suspended last year for praying outside an abortion clinic while off-duty.

"A quiet, off-duty prayer, on a public sidewalk, resulted in Schrenger being immediately suspended for over four months, stripped of his police powers, and placed under investigation," the 13-year police veteran's lawyers wrote in the complaint.

Several months prior, on Feb. 20, Schrenger was photographed in his police uniform while walking and praying quietly near the EMW


50,000 truckers begins to arrive in Ottawa ... IDIOCRACY 2022 ... Pfizer Signs and Symbols Headquarters in NYC ... Campus Into Stasi-Like ‘Surveillance State’ ... Homeless people and others getting vaccinated up to 6 times for $100 ... Courts strike down mask mandates across the country ... Bush Family Cashed In on Friendship with Chinese ... China threatens US ... 5G service near US airports after dozens of flights were disrupted in rollout fiasco ...


Because I CompliedMusic By MediaBear



Yale Students Warn That COVID Tyranny Has Turned Campus Into Stasi-Like ‘Surveillance State’

Some students at Yale are warning that the litany of restrictions and rules, and the system the university has implemented to report anyone seen to be breaking them, has transformed the campus into a “surveillance state” policed by Stasi-like students who are annoyed at others violating the ever changing decrees.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that complaints are being registered anonymously against anyone not wearing a mask, or indulging in “handshakes, hugs, and high-fives.”




Homeless people and others getting vaccinated up to 6 times for $100 gift cards

Pfizer Signs and Symbols Headquarters in NYC



General Michael Flynn Issues Emergency Warning Of Nuclear War & Coming Domestic False Flag: FULL INTERVIEW

General Michael Flynn warns that big talk coming out of Washington could lead to a nuclear war and the possibility of a domestic false flag attack as we saw on Jan 6th.


Canada's 'Freedom Convoy' of up to 50,000 truckers begins to arrive in Ottawa ahead of a weekend of protests against the vaccine requirements to cross the US-Canada border

  • A convoy of 50,000 trucks, stretching over 40 miles long, has arrived in the Canadian capital, Ottawa
  • The convoy set out from British Columbia on Sunday and was cheered by hundreds of Canadians as it made its 2,000-mile journey to protest vaccine mandates
  • Since mid January, Canada and the United States have imposed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for foreign truck drivers crossing the border between the two countries
  • Canadian drivers are unable to enter the U.S. unless they are vaccinated, and U.S. drivers are unable to enter Canada 
  • Furthermore, unvaccinated Canadian drivers returning home must get tested and quarantine
  • Unvaccinated American truckers are not forced to test and quarantine when returning to the U.S.   
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the huge group a 'small fringe minority' and pointed out 90 percent of Canadians are vaccinated
  • The group plan to protest in Ottawa over the weekend, with some vowing to stay until the government rescinds the vaccine mandate


LIVE Canadian Freedom Convoy Rolling To Ottawa!!



Sean Penn: “Cowardly” Men Are Surrendering Their Masculinity

Actor Sean Penn has commented on the perilous state of masculinity in the west, remarking that men shouldn’t have to become ‘feminized’ in order to show respect for women.





Mike Pence reveals he hasn't spoken to Trump since last SUMMER and hints their relationship deteriorated because of January 6

You're about to get a lot more speeding tickets!' Critics slam 'Pothole Pete' FAGGOT Buttigieg's plan to fix the nation's roads crisis with MORE speed cameras and lower speed limits that will guarantee fines for drivers

  • Pete Buttigieg announced a plan yesterday to make the nation's roads safer
  • Tucked away in his 42-page strategy is a promise to promote safety cameras
  • Buttigieg claimed cameras are less racially biased than cops so will patrol more fairly
  • But critics say it's just a Trojan horse to fine motorists more in the way of speeding tickets 
  • They questioned why Buttigieg wasn't doing more to fix roads and bridges 
  • Many trashed him using the hashtag Pothole Pete - a reference to when he was the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and the city was ravaged by potholes 
  • 'If we can't tax you to death, we'll fine you,' quipped one critic



Biden admin warns Wall Street about impending Russian sanctions: Bank chiefs told country will be cut off from global banking system and unable to convert its currency

Members of Biden's National Security Council met with executives from banks like Citigroup, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, according to Bloomberg.


Ukraine's defence minister warns Russia may want to split Germany in to east and west in revival of Soviet-era divide as he hits out at Berlin for refusing to supply Kiev with weapons

  • Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov made the warning in parliament
  • He said Moscow may want to revive the GDR that fell with reunification in 1990
  • Russia's president Vlaidmir Putin has spoken before on the collapse of the USSR, once describing it as 'the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century' 
  • Germany is not providing Kiev with arms during its standoff with Russia
  • Berlin has also refused to issue permits for German-origin weapons to be exported from Estonia to Ukraine, according to a report last week 



How Putin could invade Ukraine: From cyberattacks and sabotage to all-out Blitzkreig, the Russian strongman's options and targets revealed after Biden warned war might only be weeks away

  • Putin is considering how to respond after the US and NATO rejected his security demands around Ukraine 
  • Biden warned President Zelensky in a call that a full-scale Russian invasion could now be just weeks away 
  • Russia denies plans to attack, but has continued to mass forces on the border and has moved into Belarus 
  • Here, MailOnline examines the military options that Putin could be considering as he weighs up his options 



Assault-style rifle Kyle Rittenhouse used to shoot three people in Kenosha will be destroyed at Wisconsin crime lab

The AR-15 assault-style rifle that Kyle Rittenhouse used in Kenosha to shoot three people - killing two men and leaving a third injured - will be destroyed, a Wisconsin judge ordered on Friday.

'I'd say his dog's a** would make a better governor than him': Bette Midler hits back at West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice after he held up his dog's BUTT at the end of his state of the state

  • West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice concluded his state of the state address Thursday by lifting up his English Bulldog Babydog and showing off her butt
  • The gesture was meant as a message to actress Bette Midler 
  • 'They never believed in West Virginia. That we could do it. They told every bad joke in the world about us,' Justice said 
  • 'And so from that standpoint, Babydog tells Bette Midler and all those out there, "kiss her hiney,"' he added 
  • Midler made disparaging comments about West Virginia following Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin's refusal to support Build Back Better 
  • 'He wants us all to be just like his state, West Virginia. Poor, illiterate and strung out,' she said of Manchin 
  • On Friday she hit back and tweeted '...I’d say his dog’s ass would make a better Governor than him'




An invasion of Ukraine could drive up global food prices and spark unrest far from the front lines

But in a worst-case scenario, the cost of a major Russian invasion of Ukraine — one of the world’s largest grain exporters — could ripple across the globe, driving up already surging food prices and increasing the risk of social unrest well beyond Eastern Europe.



China population: county sparks uproar by telling ‘leftover’ women to marry unemployed men

  • Yihuang county in Jiangxi province is encouraging women to marry unemployed men, with offers of special training and treatment for potential husbands
  • China is grappling with a declining marriage and birth rate, which has prompted a flurry of policies from local governments to address the issues



FAA reaches agreement with Verizon and AT&T on 5G service near US airports after dozens of flights were disrupted in rollout fiasco

  • Federal Aviation Administration said it has agreed that Verizon Communications and AT&T can safely turn on more towers for C-Band 5G deployment 
  • Move will let the companies activate 5G cell towers closer to airports without hindering the ability of planes to land during poor weather 
  • Telecom firms have spent tens of billions of dollars to obtain 5G licenses, but were forced to delay the launch following an outcry from the aviation industry 
  • At issue was the possibility 5G signals will interfere with radio altimeters that allow aircraft to conduct low-visibility landings
  • Verizon and AT&T agreed on January 18 to delay 5G implementation at some airports, with FAA gradually clearing more aircraft following a review
  • The disastrous rollout led to flight cancelations nationwide – leading to blame on the administration and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg 



Commie Pope warns of growing ‘infodemic’

Pope Francis said on Friday that “baseless” misinformation about Covid-19 and vaccines is a violation of human rights



ADL (CIA) Changes Definition Of Racism So Only Whites Can Be Labeled As Racist

The Anti-Defamation League has changed the definition of racism so that it only applies to white people. 

The pro-Israel, pro-censorship lobbying group currently defines racism as, “The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.”



George Soros Pledges ‘Unprecedented’ $125 Million To Help Democrats Win In November



Apple Releases Pregnant Man Emoji To Brainwash The Public



W.H.O. Chief Backs Neil Young Against Joe Rogan: Demands End to ‘Infodemic’

The globalist World Health Organization (W.H.O.) announced Thursday it sided with left-wing rocker Neil Young in his stand-off with podcaster Joe Rogan and streaming giant Spotify.



China threatens US: There will be 'military conflict' if Biden supports Taiwanese independence

China's ambassador to the United States said Thursday there will be "military conflict" between the U.S. and China should the island nation of Taiwan attempt to become fully independent from Xi Jinping's communist regime.



State Supreme Courts strike down mask mandates across the country

A state judge strikes down New York State’s mask mandate, ruling the governor and State Department of Health did not have the authority to enact such a mandate without approval from the legislature. One America’s Caitlin Sinclair explains.


Kris Irvin, a tweeting transgender Latter-day Saint who pushed for equality, dies at 35

Kris Irvin was a quirky queer Latter-day Saint with an incomparable Twitter presence, a member who challenged the faith to be more accepting and showed up at church every Sunday wearing a bowtie in the colors of the transgender flag and a lapel covered with rainbow pins.

Some would question why Irvin continued to attend, especially after church leaders had threatened to oust them for going ahead with breast-removal surgery to give them a more masculine frame (although that discipline never came). Those who knew Irvin, though, say it was driven by a real belief — and a lot of stubbornness — that things would get better for LGBTQ members like them who love the faith.

Irvin once stopped popular LDS apostle Dieter Uchtdorf at a Christmas fair where, Irvin recounted to The Tribune with laughter, they couldn’t stop making “make your yuletide gay” jokes with a lot of winking.



Pennsylvania Court Rules Mail-in Voting Unconstitutional, a Win for Election Integrity…


Fully Vaccinated Sen. Romney Tests Positive for Coronavirus



Kid Rock Cancelling Concerts on His Tour over Vaccine, Mask Mandates: ‘I Won’t Be Showing Up’

Detroit rocker Kid Rock says if venues implement vaccine or mask mandates for concerts on his upcoming “Bad Reputation Tour,” fans will “be getting your money back, because I won’t be showing up.”

“If you think I’m going to sit out there and say, ‘Don’t tell me how to live,’ and ‘We the people,’ while people are holding up their fucking vaccine cards and wearing masks, that shit ain’t happening,” Kid Rock said in a video posted to his Facebook on Thursday.



Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Partly Owned a Chinese Company That Sold Spyware to U.S. Military

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) husband Richard Blum was part owner of a Chinese firm that allegedly sold computers with spyware chips to the U.S. military. The military has never been able to calculate how much sensitive data these computers allowed China to steal.



‘Red-Handed’: How the Bush Family Cashed In on Friendship with Chinese Official Involved in the Tiananmen Square Massacre

The Bush family has cashed in on friendship with former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, the architect of the Tiananmen Square massacre, for generations
