A Warning From a History Teacher ... Hotel Wolcott lying! The military is at their hotel again, why are they trying to hide? ... Rogan Raises SERIOUS Questions About Why So Many Pro-Vax People Are Dying Suddenly ... Putin backs Kamala ... Trump Warns Kamala Harris Is A Committed Communist ... Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is in Texas city unleashing chaos ...



"No one is safe! Americans need to arm themselves now" ICE agents warn



Germany: Syrian Teen Accused of Raping Girl in Swimming Pool

The public prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig, Germany, is investigating a 15-year-old Syrian alleged to have raped a 12-year-old girl.

The reported incident in the city in Lower Saxony took place in a public swimming pool on August 10, but details have only just been released. Local newspaper the Braunschweiger Zeitunghas repeated police claims that the delay is due to the age of the alleged victim. 


NFL Washington Commanders VP Rael Enteen Suspended After This Shocking Video

There Are No Licensed Covid Vaccines for Kids Under 12 — But CDC Wants Babies to Get 3 Pfizer Shots by Age 9 Months

The CDC’s updated guidance, issued Aug. 30, states that children — as young as 6 months old — should get either two doses of the 2024-2025 Moderna vaccine or three doses of the 2024-2025 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

If getting the new Pfizer shot, the baby is supposed to receive the first dose at 6 months, the second dose three weeks later and the third dose at least eight weeks after the second dose — meaning, that by 9 months old, babies are supposed to have received three Pfizer shots.


Hotel Wolcott lying! The military is at their hotel again, why are they trying to hide?



President of Italy Explains How Leftists Stay in Power Despite Losing Elections

Italian President Giorgia Meloni released a video in English recently explaining how Leftist European political parties hold on to power in the face of election defeat after election defeat.

“Governments have not been the outcome of what the citizens shows by voting, but rather have been the outcome of agreements often under the table between the same parties that were fighting each other in the electoral campaign,” Meloni said



Biden says He’s No Longer Allowed Out

“Mr. President, how was it to be back on the campaign trail today?” a reporter asked the 81-year-old Biden. “Feels good,” Biden said. “Except I’m not able to go out in crowds anymore. *Mumbles a bit*. The Secret Service doesn’t let me.”



Companies are crafting new ways to grow cocoa to keep up with demand

California Cultured, a plant cell culture company, is growing cocoa from cell cultures at a facility in West Sacramento, California, with plans to start selling its products next year. It puts cocoa bean cells in a vat with sugar water so they reproduce quickly and reach maturity in a week rather than the six to eight months a traditional harvest takes, said Alan Perlstein, the company's chief executive. The process also no longer requires as much water or arduous labor.

COMMENTS - The days of real cocoa are almost gone, if you really look at what they put into a chocolate bar you will be surprised. They put in an emulsifier, that's wax people we are eating wax.



New COVID vaccines could cost uninsured up to $200

COMMENTS - I wouldn't take the shot for any amount of money.



US pharmacy chain Rite Aid to operate as a private company as it emerges from bankruptcy

Rite Aid will operate as a private company after it successfully completed its financial restructuring and emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the U.S. drugstore chain said on Tuesday.



Republicans Secretly Hope Trump Loses ‘Soundly’ Against Kamala, Politico Claims

Politico’s Jonathan Martin claims he’s spoken to numerous Republican lawmakers who wished to remain anonymous who’ve said they believe “the best possible outcome in November for the future of the Republican Party is for Donald Trump to lose and lose soundly.”

“GOP leaders won’t tell you that on the record,” Martin wrote on Wednesday. “I just did.”


Rogan Raises SERIOUS Questions About Why So Many Pro-Vax People Are Dying Suddenly


A Warning From a History Teacher

If you trust your government your history teacher did NOT do their job



Experts reveal sneaky way your phone listens in on your conversations - and how to stop it

But experts have revealed how listening into your conversations has become a multi-billion dollar industry.

Earlier this week, a leak from a leading marketing firm appeared to confirm how companies use microphones on your smart devices to eavesdrop before selling the data to advertisers.

Active-Listening software can be enabled through any app on an Android or iPhone, and other devices like smart home assistants can listen in too, LoCacio said.

What's more, these devices are listening practically all the time, not just when you're intentionally using your microphone to make a phone call or talk to Alexa, for example. 



Dallas police confirm Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is in Texas city unleashing chaos

The notorious South American mob best known for sex trafficking girls and women and exploiting their fellow Venezuelans, crossed the US-Mexico border in recent years- as DailyMail.com was first to report- mixed in with asylum-seeking migrants, and is behind a crime wave stretching from Miami to New York.



Trump Warns Kamala Harris Is A Committed Communist In Lex Fridman Discussion


Putin backs Kamala Harris (VIDEO)

He also suggested that Harris’ positive disposition could mean that she would refrain from imposing as many sanctions on Russia as former US President Donald Trump, who Putin said had introduced more restrictions on Moscow than any other president in American history.

“In the end, the choice is up to the American people and we will treat their eventual decision with respect,” he said.



Kamala Harris Buses in People From Massachusetts to Her New Hampshire Rally

At least a dozen yellow buses full of people from Massachusetts arrived at Harris’s New Hampshire rally.



Georgia high school student, 14, kills 4 and wounds 9 in campus shooting, police say

COMMENTS - More gun laws aren't going to help as guns have already been prevalent for years and criminals don't care about gun laws. You could have a gun rack in your car in the 70s and nobody would care. What we need are stable families where a mother and father are present in the home, loving their kids and teaching good values. We need people getting back to a belief in heavenly parents and learning to love their neighbor. This isn't a gun problem. It's a moral decay in society.

