MONKEY god Hanuman, 90ft tall, 3rd tallest statue in the USA ... Kamala’s Secret Masonic Police ... Jews bow in prayer on Temple Mount ... New Covid Shots This Month ... largest-ever drone attacks on Russian capital ... DNC is more secure than America’s border ... Catholic Cardinal Prays for ‘Peace and Unity’ at DNC While On-Site Abortion Truck Kills Babies ... Google agrees to America’s first newsroom ...



They Tried to Warn Us…


Catholic Cardinal Cupich Prays for ‘Peace and Unity’ at DNC While On-Site Abortion Truck Kills Babies

Cardinal Blase Cupich remained notably silent on Catholic teaching on life issues and abortion during his invocation at the 2024 Democratic National Convention, at which Planned Parenthood is offering free abortions and vasectomies.


Doctor Stopped Committing Abortions After Feeling ‘Unmistakable Presence of Evil’ in Operating Room

In ancient times, the pagan god Moloch required child sacrifices. These so called “gods” were actually demons, which begs the question: Has the worship of Moloch returned, this time in an operating room? Those who celebrate abortion, the destruction of the most vulnerable, are doing the bidding of the devil. You don’t have to convince Dr. Catherine Wheeler, who in the early 1990s occasionally committed abortions. But that all changed one day when God got her attention.


New Covid Shots from Pfizer, Moderna to be Released as Early as This Month

 Updated mRNA COVID booster shots are slated for public release as soon as August, according to reports, despite the admission of doctors that COVID now causes “really mild” symptoms and the reportedly high injury and death toll from the jabs.

The DNC is more secure than America’s border


China's Submarine Force Can Track (And Sink) U.S. Navy Aircraft Carriers

The U.S. Navy maintains carrier superiority over China, but Beijing has demonstrated its ability to track American carriers, raising concerns. In 2015, a Chinese Kilo-class submarine shadowed the USS Ronald Reagan for over 12 hours near Japan, highlighting China's growing submarine capabilities.


Gold bars are worth a million dollars for the first time

The milestone was reached Friday, when the precious metal’s spot price surpassed $2,500 per troy ounce, an all-time high. With gold bars typically weighing about 400 ounces, that would make each one worth more than $1 million.


Ukraine targets Moscow in one of largest-ever drone attacks on Russian capital as war intensifies

Ukraine attacked Moscow on Wednesday with at least 11 drones shot down by air defenses in what Russian officials said was one of the biggest drone strikes on the capital since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022.


Man gets assaulted for walking in the middle of the street in Australia


US Jobs Revised Down By 818,000 In Election Year Shocker, Second Worst Revision In US History


Washing Fruit DOESN’T Remove Pesticides — Study

A study has shown that washing fruits does not remove harmful pesticide residue.

“Notably, the distribution of pesticides in the apple peel and pulp layers is visualized through Raman imaging, confirming that the pesticides penetrate the peel layer into the pulp layer (30 μm depth). Thus, the risk of pesticide ingestion from fruits cannot be avoided by simple washing other than peeling,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.



Obama keeps the Hindu god Hanuman idol in his pocket who is half-monkey and half-human

MONKEY god Hanuman in Houston, Texas. 90ft tall, 3rd tallest statue in the USA


Biden-Harris Dept. of Energy Official Calls for ‘Queering Nuclear Weapons’ as Part of Radical DEI Push

Sneha Nair, who was appointed by the Biden-Harris administration in February as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration, claimed “white supremacy” dominates the nuclear field and that “queering nuclear weapons” as part of the DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) push “is essential for creating effective nuclear policy.”


Kamala’s Secret Masonic Police Scandal Gets Even Weirder

The scandal surrounding Kamala Harris’ connection to a secret Masonic police force is getting deeper as records reveal a close relationship between Harris and the Freemasons involved in the illegal police force.

As I recently reported, Kamala Harris was working directly with the Masonic group in Los Angeles that operated an illegal shadow police department that aimed to set up shop in 33 different states including Mexico City. Kamala Harris’ own staffer Brandon Kiel was arrested for his role in the scheme. The secret police force claimed to be a modern descendant of the Knights Templar, based on “bloodlines.”


Kamala’s Dad Praised Karl Marx In Pro-Communist Essay

Donald J. Harris is on tape (below) discussing how the world financial system should be “changed” and “altered” to benefit Third World countries. Harris, who was repeatedly identified as a Marxist in the Stanford University newspaper, also praised Marxist economics as being “rooted in the interests of the working class.”


Rocky Mountain Power seeks 30% rate increase; Utah legislators want a company restructure

Rocky Mountain Power executives say they will continue to push forward a plan to increase rates by about 30% over the next two years, but state lawmakers want it to make major organizational changes or have shareholders take up a portion of the rising costs impacting the public utility company.

Rocky Mountain Power is a division of PacifiCorp, which provides power to parts of Utah, Wyoming and Idaho. PacifiCorp also provides power to parts of California, Oregon and Washington. It has dealt with enough lawsuits tied to wildfires sparked during operations in recent years that it set up an entire webpage devoted to wildfire litigation updates


Home Depot sparked fears about the economy

Home Depot sparked fears that it could face setbacks after it posted weakened earnings for the second quarter and issued a concerning warning about the economy.

CFO Richard McPhail told analysts on an earnings call last week that consumers were spending less on big home projects due to a 'sense of greater uncertainty in the economy.'

Home Depot is even struggling to sell its flooring and lighting products, which are usually best sellers. 

Home Depot said it expects its full-year 2024 sales to decline by 3-4 percent compared to last year.


I was fired from IBM because I'm a white man - how diversity targets ruined my career

  • Randall Dill of Michigan says he was fired to make way for diversity hires 
  • Jay Zook and other bosses had to sack white men staff to get bigger bonuses  

The way Randall Dill tells it, he was a 'model employee' for IBM, nurturing relationships with the Pentagon and other big spenders.

Then came the diversity targets, and the Michigander was kicked out of the computing giant so it could hire more women and minorities, he says.

Worse still — says a lawsuit filed with a Michigan US District Court on Wednesday — Dill's bosses didn't tell him straight why he was being axed.


Supply chain issue causes shortage of pants for US Navy

The Navy has run out of pants for sailors’ off-base uniforms because of supply chain problems — and they likely won’t get new ones until next year, officials said.


Trump Says DAY ONE He’ll Demand Resignations of ALL Senior Officials Involved in Afghanistan Debacle

Trump on Wednesday said he intended to hold accountable incompetent senior level officials who facilitated the botched military withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Treason? Trump Hints Obama Gave Russia Plans to Build Hypersonic Missiles

Trump suggested former President Barack Obama may have been involved in the U.S. government giving away hypersonic missile technology to Russia in recent years.


Trump Vows to Rehire Service Members Fired for Refusing COVID Jab WITH BACKPAY

US service members who were unjustly discharged for refusing a mandatory Covid-19 vaccine would be rehired under another Donald Trump presidency, the former president said Wednesday.

Speaking to a crowd in Asheboro, North Carolina, Trump said he condemned “vaccine mandates” and would fully compensate wrongfully terminated soldiers.


Holy war erupts as National Guard officer booted from command for voicing Christian beliefs

Subordinate claims: 'All the posts on his social media and how public he is about his hate towards individuals like me and my family. Not just for me but for my husband and my child'

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, "Gov. Brad Little must ensure that the Idaho Army National Guard uphold federal and state law and protect the free speech of enlisted personnel. This discrimination against an officer based on a frivolous complaint must be addressed and his record cleared and career restored."

The names of the case participants were not immediately released.


Proposed licensing makeover prompts concern among Utah's beauty professionals

The current approach, Shumway said, is complicated, with many different "micro-licenses" nested inside "sub-licenses" nested inside broader licenses.

Comments - There should be no business licenses required. It is against the Constitution and the thought of the founding fathers… Well, it doesn't stop after getting a license, taxes, taxes, and a lot more taxes, and the big joke of a tax is inventory taxes on tools you already paid taxes on when purchased


Jews bow in prayer on Temple Mount, violating status quo, as police stand by and watch

Police officer ignores Jews bowing in prayer on Temple Mount for second day in a row, defying the status quo which prohibits Jewish worship at the site; A Jew who was praying on western side, near Al-Aqsa Mosque, was detained


Google agrees to America’s first newsroom funding deal. It’s already unpopular.

The California agreement includes funding for artificial intelligence, a technology many journalists fear could replace their jobs.

Google has brokered a first-in-the-nation deal with California lawmakers to direct millions of dollars to local newsrooms, the latest in a series of global efforts to require tech companies to support the journalism they profit from.


Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign bankrolled by Republican mega-donor

Super Pac affiliated with anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist received $5m from Trump backer Timothy Mellon