Doctor Exposes Monkey Pox Scam: Says It's a COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect ... Vaxxed Kids Had Altered Immune Systems ... Driver Micromanaged by a Machine ... It cost over $280,000 for the Utah Department of Corrections to execute Taberon Dave Honie ... Battery with a 1,000 Mile Range & 9 Minute Charge ... NINE SETS of Pronouns in Harris campaign’s Woke Application ... DEEP STATE Gov. Cox asks for audit ...


New footage of sniper Thomas Matthew Crooks at the Butler rally before shooting President Trump


Never give up!


Watermelon Warning! I cant believe this is a thing!


Déjà Vu Flu? CCP Runs Emergency Drills For “Pneumonia Of Unknown Cause” Spreading Across Country

China’s communist government is running emergency drills in major cities like Beijing as authorities attempt to monitor and prepare for an outbreak of a “pneumonia of unknown cause.”

That phrase is haunting for those who remember the exact same description being used by the World Health Organization at the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak.


Family devastated after lightning strike kills 1, injures 2 on Bear River

According to the Box Elder Sheriff's Office, the three men saw a thunderstorm and started to return to shore until the lightning struck their boat.

"Flipped all three of them out of the boat into the air," said Arnold Mutti, Granath brothers' grandfather. "My one grandson that's alive said that he flipped three times up in the air before he hit the water."

Mutti said Bridger Granath tried to bring him to shore before they were struck again, separating the brothers. Search crews found Skyler Granath's body several hours later.

NINE SETS of Pronouns in Harris campaign’s Woke Application Process!


Covid-Vaxxed Kids Had Altered Immune Systems 1 Year Post-Injection, Similar to Adults — Study

A study that investigated spike protein-specific antibodies in children that received the Covid vaccination has discovered that those kids still had altered immune systems one year after their shot, similar to adults.


‘Lock Him Up!’: Hillary Clinton Stirs Up Unhinged DNC Crowd Over Deep State Lawfare Against Trump

“Donald Trump fell asleep at his own trial, and when he woke up, he made his own kind of history — the first person to run for president with 34 felony convictions,” she said.


RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Says They Are Considering Dropping Out and Endorsing Donald Trump – DNC PLANTED INSIDERS IN THEIR CAMPAIGN!

Robert F. Kennedy’s running mate Nicole Shanahan, told Impact Theory platform that they are considering dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Donald Trump.


More than half of Fountain Green impacted by weekend flood, city officials say

More than 50% of the city was impacted by the flood that happened Sunday after three inches of rain fell in just one hour, Mayor Mark Coombs said.

"Once the water hit, we were underwater within 10 minutes," Robyn Cox said. "Everything downstairs was destroyed."

Driver Micromanaged by a Machine

New AI technology on Canyons School District buses aims to improve student safety

As the 2024-25 school year gets underway, the Canyons School District is rolling out a new GPS and artificial intelligence-powered safe driving system.

"We can tell what's wrong with the bus mechanically through Samsara, it will recognize if the driver is being distracted, whether he's looking away from the road, it will recognize if the driver is on the cellphone, it will recognize if the driver makes too harsh of a brake or too harsh of a turn," said Matthew Curtis, dispatch coordinator for the Canyons School District.

COMMENTS – Driver Micromanaged by a AI Machine

Time to homeschool your kids instead of sending them to these surveilled indoctrination camps. It's only a matter of time before they force this tech into all of our vehicles.


Camp Williams marks transfer of 50.9 acres of Fort Douglas land to University of Utah

When Fort Douglas was established during President Abraham Lincoln's administration, its primary mission was to protect the Overland Mail Route while keeping an eye on settlers who were early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Who is the Queen Bee?

“And the Woman which thou sawest is that Great City (Vatican City), which Reigneth Over the Kings of the Earth.” - Revelation 17:18


German Doctor Exposes Monkey Pox Scam: Says It's a COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect.

German Doctor Warns Monkeypox Is Really Covid Jab-Induced Shingles

German Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg recently appeared in an interview where he suggested the current monkeypox hype is nothing more than fearmongering by the corrupt globalist establishment trying to cover up the symptoms of the experimental COVID-19 shots.


14 Bomb Threats Rock Chicago On Second Day Of DNC Convention

Chicago police are investigating multiple bomb threats downtown near the Democratic National Convention, according to multiple reports.

As of this writing, the Tuesday security scare totaled 14 unique bomb threats, with many being popular hotels packed with DNC workers and attendees.


Nearly 1,000 fires have started in Utah this year. Here's how much it has cost to fight them

As of 9 a.m. Tuesday, there had been 971 fire starts this year, including nearly 100 new starts over the past week, according to state and federal data. The vast majority of the new starts are listed with an undetermined cause or were sparked by lightning from monsoonal storms.

How costly?

State land managers are still calculating exact costs, but they believe the first 961 fires have cost about $28.5 million to suppress. Utah is expected to be on the hook to pay about $7.2 million of that estimated cost based on where fires have burned. Fire impression costs about $29,600 per start on average.

Barnes explains it could take six to 12 months to calculate the exact total after any given fire season to know the real cost. However, the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands projects that this year's total cost may reach $37.5 million; about $11.8 million of that would come from the state.

COMMENTS - Let. Them. Burn.


Honie execution cost Utah Department of Corrections over $280,000

It cost over $280,000 for the Utah Department of Corrections to execute Taberon Dave Honie, according to a cost breakdown released Tuesday.

Why You Should NOT Take Calcium Supplements


Michelle Obama delivers a series of blistering insults of Trump 'black jobs'


Thai man is bitten on the testicles by a python while sitting on the toilet, leaving his bathroom sprayed in blood

  • Bangkok man had to beat snake with a toilet brush until it died to break its grip


Every time Kamala Harris opens her mouth, she sounds like an idiot, spewing meaningless word salads, dressed with shameless hypocrisy... No wonder all her good ideas are stolen from Trump!


NYT Reports Biden Signed Secret Order Commanding US Forces to Prepare For Simultaneous Nuclear War With China, Russia & North Korea

Alex Jones breaks down a bombshell report from the New York Times detailing how Joe Biden signed a secret order in March commanding U.S. forces to prepare for “possible coordinated nuclear confrontations with Russia, China and North Korea.”


Netanyahu Won’t Accept Gaza Ceasefire That Ends War

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ruled out accepting a ceasefire proposal that includes ending the war in Gaza, Al Jazeera reported on Tuesday.


DEEP STATE Gov. Cox asks for audit of signature-gathering process amid Lyman's continued challenges

"Announcing an audit of 'the process' is a smokescreen," said Lyman, a member of the Utah House from Blanding. He called the audit request jointly put forward Monday by Cox, U.S. Senate hopeful and current U.S. Rep. John Curtis and Derek Brown, who's vying for the Utah attorney general post, "theatrics."


Armed guardians coming soon to every Utah school

A new state law requires every Utah school to have an armed guardian on site, every day.

The goal is to protect against school threats. But several districts are struggling to find volunteers willing to respond with lethal force. And there are concerns about who these school guardians will be.

Among many other things, the law clearly states the guardians can't be teachers or principals, and they can't be assigned the job. They must volunteer.

For taking on this most serious responsibility, guardians will be compensated with a one-time $500 stipend.

But finding hundreds of guardians willing to defend schools every day, with little compensation, seems a tall order.


GLOBAL GAMECHANGER: Samsung’s Silver Based Battery with a 1,000 Mile Range & 9 Minute Charge Set to Push Silver Through the Roof