Clinton: ‘I Don’t Know’ If Trump Will Leave Office if Defeated ... Kaepernick calls Independence Day a 'celebration of white supremacy' ...

Protesters defy Donald Trump and risk ten years in jail as they throw Columbus statue into Baltimore harbor just hours after he called them 'Nazis and terrorists' in July Fourth address as protests break out across the US
  • Protesters in Baltimore hauled down a statue of Christopher Columbus and threw it into a harbor on July 4
  • Demonstrators used ropes to topple the monument while police, who were present, did not intervene  
  • The move came hours after Trump called protesters targeting statues 'Nazis and terrorists' in his Independence Day address
  • Meanwhile, thousands of Americans have held police brutality and racial inequality protests across the country on the Fourth of July
  • Black Panther members arrived to Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial in Georgia to protest its reopening because of its ties to the Ku Klux Klan
  • Protesters in New York City burned an American flag near Trump Tower and crowds swarmed the streets

According to figures released by the NYPD, for the first six months of this year, there were 176 murders, an increase of 23 per cent on the 143 killed during the same period last year. The number of shooting victims has gone up 51 per cent to 616 this year. In June alone, there were 250 shootings compared to 97 in the same month last year. Month-on-month, burglaries are up 119 per cent and car thefts up 48 per cent.

Kaepernick took to Twitter to share the powerful rejection, along with a video of actor James Earl Jones reciting Frederick Douglass's renowned speech 'What to the Slave Is the 4th of July?'

People are speculating Former Entertainment Tonight host Mary Hart, 69, used a 'white power' sign on Friday evening. The alleged incident happened while Hart was hosting the White House  Fourth of July firework celebration at Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. Hart appeared to flash the sign while thanking the 7,500 attendees. Her son, Alec 'AJ' Sugarman, reportedly works for the Trump administration.

Hillary Clinton: ‘I Don’t Know’ If Trump Will Leave Office if Defeated
Hillary Clinton said she is unsure if President Trump would leave office without putting up a fight if defeated by Joe Biden (D) in November’s presidential election, making the remarks in a Hollywood Reporter interview published on Friday.
A Black Lives Matter billboard sponsored by Silicon Slopes giant Domo has been defaced in Draper.

Strongmen rush to remake the world order as Trump faces potential election defeat
London (CNN)This past week, on US President Donald Trump's watch Russia and China have effectively re-aligned the coming world order. They didn't do it together, but both took advantage of uncertainty and unpredictability that Trump has helped create.