What's going to explode next? The fridge? My phone? ... 20 Trump Supporters Hospitalized After His Rally In Tucson After Burning Eyes ... Diddy Could ‘Bring the Whole Music Industry Down’ ... Putin Sees Weakness in Western Culture - They’re Chronically Sick and Brain-Numbed ... Ten minutes after 3 vaccines, she [Alexis Lorenze] could not see … US moves soldiers to Alaska island amid Russian military ...


Putin Sees Weakness in Western Culture – And Most Americans Don’t Realize it Because They’re Chronically Sick and Brain-Numbed

The President of Russia passed a law in his country that any Russians caught growing or selling bioengineered foods in Russia, in other words, anything with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), shall be considered a terrorist. On top of this, Putin subsidizes and funds land for farmers who will grow crops organically.

Putin says most of the United States populace is over-vaccinated, over-medicated, overfed, and stuck sitting watching the dummy box (TV), believing in our fake news every night about proxy wars and our own lying politicians, while eating food that has no nutrients.



Canadian Military Wanted to Investigate Removal of Tampons from Male Washrooms as ‘Hate Crime’

Canadian military officials requested a hate crime investigation into soldiers vandalizing tampon dispensers placed in male washrooms under a Trudeau government directive.  

Canadian Armed Forces’ hate crimes and extremism investigation unit to look into the vandalizing of feminine hygiene product dispensers placed in men’s washrooms as part of the military’s new “inclusion” policy.   



Australian Woman Fired, Dragged Before Tribunal for Saying only Women Can Breastfeed

In yet another blow to free speech in Australia, Jasmine Sussex, a Victorian breastfeeding expert, is being taken to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal for saying that only females can breastfeed their babies.



Never forget what they did in the name of science


Ten minutes after 3 vaccines, she [Alexis Lorenze] could not see


California Woman Claims Hospital Pressured Her to Vaccinate Before Treatment, Leading to a Horrific Adverse Reaction that Has Left Her Fighting For Her Life

A young woman in California has garnered significant attention online after sharing the life-threatening experience that she claims is linked to being pressured into receiving multiple vaccinations by hospital staff, leading to her developing an extreme medical reaction that is getting worse.

Alexis Lorenze, 23, went to UCI Irvine Hospital seeking assistance for severe migraines she had been experiencing for two weeks, a complication stemming from her rare blood disorder, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH). She was diagnosed with PNH in January 2024.

Despite having not received a vaccine since she was a baby, Alexis felt compelled to comply with their request but has since expressed regret over introducing these vaccines to her already compromised immune system.

“Within 10 minutes of the vaccines Alexis went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting and then things went horribly downhill from there,” according to her fundraising page.



Spanish Government to Restrict Freedom of Information to ‘Save Democracy’

Spain’s socialist government has unveiled radical plans to regulate the press to combat so-called ‘disinformation.’ Critics have branded the move as “censorship” and an attempt by prime minister Pedro Sánchez to distract attention from an ongoing scandal involving his wife.

The Democratic Action Plan will create a register of media outlets operating in Spain, something Sánchez claimed was necessary because democracy is “being besieged” by “campaigns of disinformation and hoaxes.”



Mossad Planted Bombs in 5,000 Hezbollah Pagers Months Before Deadly Detonations

Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency has been accused of planting explosives in 5,000 pagers imported by Hezbollah, setting the stage for devastating detonations across Lebanon, according to Reuters, citing a senior Lebanese security source.

The carefully orchestrated attack targeted Hezbollah terrorists, killing at least 11 people, and more than 4,000 have been injured, including the Iranian envoy to Beirut, marking the “biggest security breach” the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror network has faced since its ongoing war with Israel began.



FDA Approves Monkeypox Vaccine, says it May Cause Death in the Vaccinated AND People They Come in Contact With

While many of the side effects are similar to that of the Covid exotic technology injections, perhaps the most alarming sentence of the medication guide is that these serious side effects can afflict those who come into close contact with a Monkeypox-vaccinated individual.

“[The vaccine] can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and in their close contacts to whom the vaccine virus has spread,” the medication guide said on page 1.

The package insert for the Monkeypox vaccine also includes the proviso of serious side effects for those shed upon by the vaccinated.

Importantly, that piece of literature goes so far as to state that the same specific serious side effects can be spread via shedding,

“[The vaccine] is a live vaccinia virus that can be transmitted to persons who have close contact with the vaccinee and the risks in contacts are the same as those stated for vaccinees,” the package insert said on page 1 in the ‘Warnings and Precautions’ section.



Exploding Pagers Made in Hungary, Says Taiwanese Firm

The Taiwanese pager manufacturer whose branding appeared on remnants of beepers that exploded in Lebanon says that they were manufactured by another company in Hungary.

The model of pagers used in detonations in Lebanon was made by Budapest-based BAC Consulting, Taiwanese firm Gold Apollo claimed on Wednesday.



Hezbollah walkie talkies explode killing three and leaving hundreds injured in second wave of carnage in Lebanon a day after pagers detonated en masse in 'Israeli operation'

Walkie talkies used by Hezbollah fighters have detonated across Lebanon, killing three and wounding hundreds of people including mourners at a funeral, witnesses and security sources have reported.

The second wave of carnage comes a day after thousands of exploding pagers used by the group left almost 3,000 people injured and a dozen dead, including civilians and children.



Diddy Could ‘Bring the Whole Music Industry Down’



1 in 4 Dems Believe U.S. Would Be Better Off If Trump MURDERED

An alarming number of Democrats think America would be better off if former President Donald Trump was murdered, according to a poll released Wednesday.

A national poll by veteran pollster Scott Rasmussen’s RMG Research surveyed 1,000 registered voters about the second assassination attempt of the former president that occurred Sunday Sept. 15.



Fed/Powell Unleash Chaos Across Markets With 'Not A Crisis At All' 50bps Rate-Cut

“The US economy is in a good place and our decision today is designed to keep it there,” said Fed Chair Pay Powell during the press conference.

So a crisis-level 50bps rate-cut at record highs for stocks and home prices, just two months ahead of the election is warranted because the "economy is in a good place."

The next time the Fed meets, voters will have already cast their vote for the next president.


Electronics can be programmed to explode to kill anyone, anywhere - Scott Ritter



Home Solar Systems Explode in Beirut, Lebanon Following Walkie-Talkie and Pager Blasts, Officials Say

Lebanon officials are now reporting that multiple home solar energy systems have reportedly exploded in various neighborhoods across Beirut.

This attack follows closely on the heels of Tuesday’s pager blasts, which claimed the lives of 12 and left nearly 4,000 wounded in what is rapidly becoming an unparalleled security nightmare for the terrorist organization.



What's going to explode next? The fridge? My phone? The scenes here in Lebanon are from a horror film - fleshless faces, eyes hanging out. With dozens dead and thousands hurt, none of us feel safe

Thousands of walkie-talkies, solar panels and fingerprint recognition devices used by Hezbollah fighters have detonated across Lebanon in the past two days, killing 14 and wounding hundreds of people including mourners at a funeral.


‘Take the Shot!’: Democrat C-SPAN Caller
Praises Trump Would-Be Assassins

A self-described Democrat called into C-SPAN on Wednesday to praise the two men who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump in the last two months.

Washington Journal C-Span broadcast host John McArdle welcomed “Willie from Louisiana” to the show, where the apparent veteran made the chilling threat.

 “Good morning. I just want to say I’m a very patriotic American. I did 20 years in the military, two tours in Vietnam, wounded in 1966 and went back ’68,” the caller said. “I look at myself, and to see we let this man Trump destroy America,” Willie said.

“And I look at it and say well these two people had to step up and take that shot! I’m 83, nothing to lose,” he added.



Family Distraught After Horses Abducted, Butchered For Meat, Perpetrators At Large

A Florida family is demanding justice after thieves trespassed on their property, stole their two horses, and butchered them for meat, a bizarre story that comes as a national conversation about migrants eating pets is underway.



House rejects government funding bill linked to proof of citizenship for new voters

The House on Wednesday rejected Speaker Mike Johnson's proposal that would have linked temporary funding for the federal government with a mandate that states require proof of citizenship when people register to vote.

Next steps on government funding are uncertain. Lawmakers are not close to completing work on the dozen annual appropriations bills that will fund federal agencies during the next fiscal year, so they'll need to approve a stopgap measure to prevent a partial shutdown when that budget year begins Oct. 1. The vote was 220-202. Now, Johnson will likely pursue a Plan B to avoid a partial shutdown



EVIL Doctors encourage Utahns to get the new widely available COVID vaccine

A new COVID-19 vaccine is now available and specialists with University of Utah Health held a press conference Wednesday to encourage Utahns to get the vaccine ahead of a potential winter surge.

Dr. Andrew Pavia, chief of the pediatric infectious disease division at Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital, said this summer has been a "very active COVID-19 summer," and new variants have emerged.

The most prevalent variants are on the decline in Utah, but not yet throughout the U.S.



Americans can now renew passports online and bypass cumbersome paper applications

COMMENTS - I have a passport, but I have found it's best not to use it, with so many countries that hate Americans. We went to the Caribbean on a cruise and we had to have an armed guard with a machine gun with us, We were also told it's best not to leave the group on a tour.



Texas brutes posing as food delivery drivers tie-up mom and her kids then shoot cop in terrifying robbery

  • Men showed up to victim's house with DoorDash bags with guns inside of them 

A helpless mom was zip-tied in front of her small children as armed men in Texas who posed as food delivery people forced their way into a Houston home. 



Deep-red state will have to pay for transgender baby-murderer's male-to-female surgery

The state of Indiana was ordered to cover the cost of gender-transition surgery for a transgender inmate who murdered his baby stepdaughter.

A federal judge ruled that Autumn Cordellioné, who was born Jonathan C. Richardson, had been subjected to 'cruel and unusual punishment' after being denied gender-affirming surgery according to the ACLU, which filed the suit.

United States District Court Judge Richard Young ordered that the Department of Corrections must provide Cordellioné the surgery at the earliest opportunity. 


20 Trump Supporters Hospitalized After His Rally In Tucson After Burning Eyes


20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

“Many supporters seated behind Trump onstage went to the ER after the rally with “blurred vision” and “burning” to the eyes. I spoke to several who still have not fully recovered. As many as 20 were affected,” Kelly wrote on X.

The cause of the symptoms remains unknown, and an active investigation is underway.

Supporters from the “Latinos for Trump” group were among the most severely impacted, including Pastor Eli Moreno and his wife, Francesca. Pastor Moreno described mild discomfort, but his wife’s symptoms were far worse.



US moves soldiers to Alaska island amid Russian military activity increase in the area

The U.S. military has moved about 130 soldiers along with mobile rocket launchers to a desolate island in the Aleutian chain of western Alaska amid a recent increase in Russian military planes and vessels approaching American territory.

Eight Russian military planes and four navy vessels, including two submarines, have come close to Alaska in the past week as Russia and China conducted joint military drills. None of the planes breached U.S. airspace and a Pentagon spokesperson said Tuesday there was no cause for alarm.
