UK Children to be Taught How to Spot ‘Extremist ... Credit card debt hits all-time high of $1.14 trillion .... Take a Tour (WEF Own Nothing and be Happy) Rental Pods ... Truth Bombs About Romans 13 and Disobeying Government ... postpone attack on Israel ... Another MAN Beats Woman For Olympic Gold 2024 in this SATANIC World! ...


Take a Tour (WEF Own Nothing and be Happy) Rental Pods


UK police chief threatens Elon Musk

The billionaire is “a keyboard warrior” and could be prosecuted, Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has warned. The warning comes amid a nationwide crackdown against supposed hate speech following a spate of right-wing riots.


UK Prime Minister’s Approval Rating Hits Post-Election Low

“With violent disorder spreading across the UK, his favourability among the public is the lowest it’s been since the election. It remains to be seen whether his response to the riots has a long-term impact on his standing with voters,”


Another MAN Beats Woman For Olympic Gold 2024 in this SATANIC World!


Russia Begins Heavy Retaliation On Ukrainian Capital As Zelensky Breaks Silence On Kursk Invasion

But that response appears to have already begun overnight and into Sunday, as the capital of Kiev has come under heavy missile attack. Missiles did not reach the center of the city, but the suburbs were impacted.

The Associated Press has described that at least four ballistic missiles slammed into the capital region along with 57 Shahed drones sent, citing Ukraine's air force, which also said its air defenses intercepted 53 of the drones.


Colombian Gang Leader Wanted for Homicide, Arms Trafficking Released Into US by Biden Regime

A Colombian gang leader wanted for homicide, arms trafficking, and other charges has been apprehended after being released into the U.S. by Border Patrol just months ago. “This Colombian fugitive is wanted by authorities in his home country for allegedly committing some violent crimes,” ERO Baltimore acting Deputy Field Office Director Vernon Liggins said in a statement.

“He attempted to hide from justice in Maryland, and we simply cannot allow that to happen.”

Khamenei agrees to postpone attack on Israel

Kuwaiti paper cites sources claiming U.S. Iran dialogue to prevent attack and allow cease-fire deal in Gaza; Washington says buildup of forces is to prevent war


Texas middle school bans all-black clothing, claims ‘associated with depression and mental health issues’

Argued connection between clothing color and mental health, crime

Truth Bombs About Romans 13 and Disobeying Government

Jesus Christ on Trial for NOT PAYING TAXES

Jesus Christ said the KINGS children are FREE because they pay NO TAXES...


Christians Arrested in Paris for Driving Around a Bus Carrying the Message “STOP ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANS


Maria Bartiromo interviews Real-life Clone on-air




Eyewitness, Who Secretly Recorded Interrogation with Police, Claims to Have Overheard Police Radio Comms Mentioning ‘Blood in the Bathroom’ and ‘Second Shooter on the Loose’ Following Trump Assassination Attempt

The witness, who goes by the name Dave James Stewart or “realDJStew724” on YouTube, claims to have overheard police discussing the presence of blood in a bathroom and a potential second shooter on the loose.

The man, who appears to be the same man in a suit later seen in police bodycam video talking with officers on the roof guarding Crooks’ body, just wanted to photograph Stewart’s ID. A state trooper would soon take Stewart into custody and take his phone, apparently giving it to the FBI who would keep it for almost a week.


UK Children to be Taught How to Spot ‘Extremist Content’ & ‘Putrid Conspiracy Theories’ Online

Children in England will be taught how to spot “extremist content” and “misinformation” online as part of planned changes to the school curriculum, the education secretary announced Saturday.

Labour MP Bridget Phillipson said she was launching a curriculum review in primary and secondary schools to foster critical thinking and arm children against “putrid conspiracy theories.”


The strongest meteor shower of the year is about to peak.

Visible annually from mid-July to September 1, the Perseid meteor shower is set to peak between Sunday and before dawn Monday. Up to 100 meteors are expected per hour, moving at a speed of 133,200 miles per hour.

Here are upcoming meteor showers, with the dates they are expected to peak:

  • Draconids: October 7-8
  • Orionids: October 21-22
  • Southern Taurids: November 4-5
  • Northern Taurids: November 11-12
  • Leonids: November 17-18
  • Geminids: December 13-14
  • Ursids: December 21-22


US carrier strike group is rushed to the Middle East as new Israeli intelligence suggests Iran attack within days

A US carrier strike group has been rushed to the Middle East as new Israeli intelligence suggests Iran will launch an attack within a matter of days. 

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered a guided missile submarine to the Middle East late Sunday, telling the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group to move quickly into the area, the Defense Department announced.


JD Vance hits back at racist attacks on Indian wife after white supremacist made vile comment about his family

  • White supremacist Nick Fuentes has criticized Vance over his wife's identity
  • Vance called Fuentes 'a total loser' whom he disavows in an interview Sunday 
  • Trump dined with Fuentes and Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago in November 2022


Trump Returns to Twitter


Consumer credit card debt hits all-time high of $1.14 trillion

U.S. consumers are carrying more debt than ever before on their credit cards with outstanding balances reaching $1.14 trillion in the second quarter of the year, according to a new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Credit card balances grew by $27 billion over the first three months of 2024, according to the report, and are up 5.8% over last year. Delinquency rates for credit card holders also increased slightly last quarter with 9.1% of card holders now in default on their outstanding balances.

Comments - Everywhere has gotten more expensive. Food, gas, vacations, etc. This house of cards made of debt is going to fall soon and fall hard


Volatility is the stock market's new normal

No matter where the economy goes, Wall Street is entering a prolonged period of chaos.

Fire Breaks out at Nuclear Plant After Ukrainian Attack

The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) has caught fire after being shelled by Ukrainian forces, the governor of Russia’s Zaporozhye Region, Evgeny Balitsky, announced on Sunday. The fire is under control, the official added.

The fire broke out following a Ukrainian attack on the nearby city of Energodar on Sunday and affected the plant’s cooling systems, Balitsky said in a statement. The plant’s six reactors were placed in a state of “cold shutdown” as a precaution, the governor continued, adding that there is “no threat of a steam explosion or other consequences.”


Lightning strike causes Angel Moroni replacement to step in atop a Latter-day Saint temple

Several months ago, lightning struck the Angel Moroni statue atop the Star Valley Wyoming Temple.

On Monday, workers replaced the damaged statue with a fresh one, the Star Valley Independent reported.

The damaged statue was just doing its job.


Switzerland mulling ‘secret agreements’ with NATO

Experts commissioned by the Swiss president reportedly suggest that the country should revise its neutrality policy


New Documents Show the FBI Implemented Nationwide Social Media Censorship Ahead of the 2022 Midterms

America First Legal (AFL) has disclosed documents obtained through a lawsuit against the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ), accusing them of concealing federal records that detail government-sponsored censorship by the Biden-Harris administration before the 2022 midterm elections.


Louisiana’s New Law Sparks First Amendment Showdown

Under Louisiana’s new, recently enacted law (HB 173), journalists and other citizens are limited in their right to film the police.

Anyone who finds themselves within 25 feet of an on-duty officer doing that – after being warned to stop or retreat – could face misdemeanor charges.

Now a group of Louisiana-based media companies is challenging the new legislation by suing the state – Attorney General Liz Murrill and two other officials – on First Amendment grounds, seeking an injunction.

The plaintiffs behind the Deep South Today v. Murrill case, brought before the US District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana, go into the importance of the media being able to cover police activity to ensure public scrutiny and avoid miscarriage of justice.