Women to Be Drafted ... Biometric ID for IRS ... $10 per gallon ... another 9/11 attack is on U.S. soil...and why it will be even more deadly ... Punishing People For Using Cash ... Russia Overtakes U.S. As Gas Supplier To Europe ... Kremlin Plans Nuclear Strikes on US Ships ...


Back in 1974, Senator Joe Biden made a very clear statement to America



US Tried to Provoke China Into Attacking Taiwan, Xi Told EU Commission President

Chinese President Xi Jinping has repeatedly underscored that the Taiwan issue in China-US relations is a major red line that must not be crossed. Beijing has also urged Washington to stop sending “erroneous signals” to Taiwanese separatists.

Xi Jinping warned Ursula von der Leyen about Washington’s attempts to provoke Beijing into attacking Taiwan, the Financial Times reported.

China’s president delivered the cautionary message in April 2023 both to the European Commission president and officials in his own country, according to insiders.



Premature Babies Being Exposed to Massive Quantities of Gender-Bending Chemicals in Intensive-care Wards

Premature babies are being exposed to massive quantities of gender-bending chemicals in intensive-care wards, according to a new study. The findings are particularly shocking because premature babies are even more vulnerable to the effects of such chemicals than full-term babies.



Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: I Heard Biden Will ‘Likely’ Be Replaced as Democrat Nominee

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) claims she heard on Capitol Hill that Joe Biden will “likely” be replaced as the Democrat presidential nominee before the November election.

Luna made the remarks during an appearance on Jesse Watters Primetime Thursday.



Senate Committee Sneaks Provision into NDAA Allowing Women to Be Drafted

The 2025 National Defense Authorization Act now has a provision that initiates mandatory selective service registration for American women.

The 2025 NDAA Executive Summary proposal by the Senate Armed Services Committee now includes a mechanism for a mandatory military draft of American women.



Alex Jones Calls Out Globalist Tyrants in Surprise Appearance at Turning Point Action Convention

Alex Jones joined Turning Point Action’s People’s Convention in Detroit, Michigan, on Sunday to warn about the Deep State takeover of America and explain what the globalists have planned ahead of the 2024 election.



85,000 Users locked out of savings accounts at “YouTube Bank” as fears over bank failure grow

America’s next big bank failure is only a matter of time, and the current problems of the so-called “YouTube Bank” should serve as a reminder to everyone with savings accounts that their money isn't as safe as they'd like to think.

The "YouTube Bank" is not really a bank in the technical sense, despite the nickname. Instead, it is a savings application that numerous YouTubers promoted heavily to their audiences known as Yotta.

Now, CNBC is reporting that the accounts of 85,000 Yotta users have been locked and they are unable to withdraw any of their money.



France is on the brink of all-out civil conflict

500,000 Left-wingers marched in France’s cities yesterday, shouting anti-Fascist slogans, never had Lenin’s phrase seemed more apposite: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”



God is Real!




Marilyn Monroe had sex with Bobby Kennedy 30 minutes before she sang 'Happy Birthday' to his brother JFK

President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby both engaged in simultaneous affairs with Marilyn Monroe, a new book reveals.

In 'Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed', author and DailyMail.com columnist Maureen Callahan describes the crossover relationships as an 'incestuous sexual competition' between the two men.


Doctorcraft Exposed



Daily use of popular mouthwash brand 'could increase risk of cancer', claims scientist - who now warns that 'most people should not be using it'

Using Listerine mouthwash every day could increase the risk of developing esophageal and colorectal cancer a new scientific study has claimed. 

The scientists discovered that two species of bacterium - Fusobacterium nucleatum and Streptococcus anginosus - which have both been linked to cancer were more abundant in the mouth after daily usage. 

It is believed that the alcohol in the mouthwash may increase the level of bacteria inside the mouth, according to the academics. 



Mass evacuations across Los Angeles where wildfires tear through 14,000 acres

Around 1,200 people have been forced to evacuate their homes as wildfire continues to spread outside Los Angeles



Data analyst reveals the state where gas prices are expected to increase to $10 per gallon

A price gouging law passed last year by California could send gas prices skyrocketing in the neighboring state of Nevada

The law, which went into effect in June 2023, gives the California Energy Commission (CEC) the authority to set a maximum profit ceiling for gasoline refineries in the state.

If the CEC takes its mandate to the extreme, an expert said a ripple effect could cause prices at the Nevada pumps to surge as high as $10 a gallon. 

Nevada's only viable option, according to him, would be to build more refineries and make itself more like California, where 90 percent of the gasoline consumed comes from in-state refineries

'We're stuck with what happens in California,' Krueger told the Review-Journal. 'If it’s based only on price, then we’re going to have to suck it up and pay the price that it’s delivered to us at.'

Legislators in Arizona are equally as concerned about this, since their state also gets a huge portion of its of gasoline needs filled by California refineries. 



FBI agent and Twin Towers first responder reveal how likely another 9/11 attack is on U.S. soil...and why it will be even more deadly

And the attack is likely to be bicoastal as terrorist cells have set up shop all over the country



Study: Two-Thirds of Young People with Gender Dysphoria Grow Out of It in Five Years

Nearly two-thirds of children, adolescents and young adults diagnosed with gender dysphoria will cease identifying with the opposite gender within a period of five years, according to a large-scale German study



No More ‘Endless’ Payments to Zelensky – Trump

Former US President Donald Trump has said that he would stop handing over tens of billions of dollars to Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky, promising to have the situation in Ukraine “settled” if he is re-elected this year.

“I think Zelensky is maybe the greatest salesman of any politician that’s ever lived,”Trump told supporters at ‘The People’s Convention’, a conservative conference held by Turning Point Action in Michigan on Saturday.



Russian Military Expert Suggests Kremlin Plans Nuclear Strikes on US Ships

Igor Korotchenko recently suggested on state-owned TV that the Kremlin plans to attack U.S. ships with nuclear weapons.

Late last month, U.S. officials revealed to the Associated Press that President Joe Biden has since allowed Ukraine to use American-made weapons to fight against Russia's attacks or planned attacks in the Kharkiv region. The weapons are only allowed to be used to defend Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, and Kyiv is not to use American-provided long-range missiles.



George Clooney, Julia Roberts Warn ‘Democracy’ and ‘Our Children’s Future’ Are at Stake if Trump Wins

Hollywood stars George Clooney and Julia Roberts struck an ominous note at Saturday’s glitzy Los Angeles fundraiser for Joe Biden, warning that “democracy” and “our children’s future” are at risk if former President Donald Trump re-takes the White House in November.



Tucker Carlson Shares Details on Jack Ruby’s Sudden Death by Cancer After Being Visited By CIA Psychiatrist Involved in MKUltra



171,300 patients traveled out of state for abortions in 2023



"It's Just Not Right": Major Venues Now Punishing People For Using Cash Vs. Plastic

Fans heading to Yankee Stadium hoping to pay in cash at the iconic ballpark for their favorite concessions have been thrown a curveball: go cashless or pay extra



Russia Overtakes U.S. As Gas Supplier To Europe



Indiana Cop Used Facial Recognition Scans to Preform Non-Work-Related Searches

The use of Clearview’s facial recognition tech by US law enforcement is controversial in and of itself, and it turns out some police officers can use it “for personal purposes.”



Biometric ID for IRS FOIA Requests Trigger Privacy & Access Concerns

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has come under fire for its decision to route Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests through a biometric identification system provided by ID.me. This arrangement requires users who wish to file requests online to undergo a digital identity verification process, which includes facial recognition technology.
