China informs state banks to prepare for a massive dollar dump ... How Dire the World Financial Situation Is ... North Korea fires missiles after Harris leaves South Korea ... Global Police Force: Chinese Law Enforcement ‘Service Stations’ Operating In USA ... mRNA Flu Shots ... Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Used to Inject Vaccines into Humans ...



California Man Attempts to MURDER Officer with Bat

In March 2022, an El Cajon police officer in California responded to a call at a Walmart about theft and threats from a man with a metal baseball bat. When the officer arrived he confronted the man and commanded that he drop the bat. The suspect then approached the officer and swung the bat at the officer's head. The police officer was able to defend himself against the swing and detain the suspect until backup arrived. The suspect was arrested and charged with attempted murder, robbery, and assault on a peace officer.


Hang The Traitors


The Infancy Of A Global Police Force: Chinese Law Enforcement ‘Service Stations’ Operating In USA & Dozens Of Other Nations

As of early September, the Chinese government has already set up at least 30 surveillance stations in 25 cities across 21 different countries.

The lone center in America is located in New York City and there are three stations in Toronto, Canada.

According to the human rights group out of Spain, China is violating international laws and may be violating the territorial integrity of nations where the offices are operating.

The report is titled, “110 Overseas: Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild.”

Chinese nationals living or visiting abroad were “persuaded” to return home by the rogue police force threatening to take their children back home in China out of school or punish their family members back in China regardless of whether or not they engaged in any wrongdoing.


Why Beijing is allegedly opening police stations on Canadian soil

Critics say the vaguely named stations are an 'extrajudicial' way for China to keep tabs on their nationals abroad


Searches For “Real Estate Market Crash” Exploding As Mortgage Rates Surge

“Two earlier Google search trends revealed the sentiment market participants feel in the last month, with one related to the recession and the other on selling their house,” Finbold reported. “Now, a third worrying Google trend emerged; the search volume for ‘real estate market crash’ skyrocketed by 284% in the US as of September 2022, the highest in Google Trends history.”


FDA is using the COVID-19 Vaccines as a "Platform Technology" for mRNA Vaccine Trials.

This shows shocking idiocy and malfeasance on the part of the FDA, as well as complete regulatory capture.


Kate Dalley and Greg Mannarino Lay Out How Dire the World Financial Situation Is


Russia Suggests U.S. Destroyed Nord Stream, Warns Against Provoking Nuclear War


Kamala Harris In High Stakes Gaffe At DMZ Hails Strong US "Alliance With Republic Of North Korea"

Standing on the southern side of the demarcation line, opposite of which North Korean soldiers kept a close watch on the proceedings, she gave a speech hailing the "ironclad" commitment of the US to its allies in the region. But that's when she made an unfortunate and deeply awkward gaffe touting the strong alliance with "the Republic of North Korea."


North Korea fires missiles after Harris leaves South Korea


The Fed May Not Be Able to Pivot Even If It so Desires

The Bank of England relieved teetering U.K. markets on Wednesday, announcing a bond purchase program.


Study: Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Used to Inject Vaccines into Humans

A new study published last month in Science Translational Medicine used 200 mosquitoes to deliver live malaria-causing Plasmodium parasites that had been genetically modified to inject malaria into the arms of human test subjects in a new vaccine trial.

Forget the blame game, Nordstream Sabotage is about the Great Reset & nothing else.


Flu Season Is Coming. mRNA Flu Shots Aren't Far Behind

Many Retailers Facing Collapse As Hard Times Are Coming


China informs state banks to prepare for a massive dollar dump

The People’s Bank of China has told major state-run banks to prepare to shed dollar holdings while snapping up offshore yuan, which has continued to fall despite prior interventions, sources told Reuters. The scale of this latest effort to prop up the yuan will be big and could provide a floor to the Chinese currency, according to the report.


2nd Utah CRIMINAL inland port audit blasts lack of 'transparency and accountability' in contracts

The report, released by the Utah Office of the State Auditor Thursday, focused on a complaint the office received about a $2 million communications and logistics management network deal. The port reached the agreement through a sole source procurement, meaning that it didn't go through a bidding process.


First Openly Transgender Army Officer Indicted for Trying to Give Soldiers’ Medical Info to Russia

The Army’s first openly transgender officer was indicted Thursday on charges of trying to provide American soldiers’ medical information to the Russian government.


President Biden U-TURNS on student debt relief for MILLIONS after lawsuit filings and public backlash over huge cost to taxpayers

  • The Department of Education announced the change on Thursday
  • Biden administration announced plans to provide up to $20,000 in relief
  • Change affects FFEL loans, held by private banks but backed by the government
  • Loan programs switched to direct lending in 2010 under the Obama admin
  • The new shift will reportedly affect 770,000 people who have student debt 
  • Six Republican-led states sued in federal court seeking to stop the loan relief
  • One apparent concern is that lenders may sue and claim harm 
  • There has been a moratorium on federal student loan repayment since March '20


COMMIE Pope Francis reveals he was involved in efforts to release 300 Ukrainian prisoners held by Russia after Kyiv military chief travelled to the Vatican with a list of captives

  • Pope said 'Ukrainian emissaries' came to the Vatican with a list of prisoners
  • He said he was asked to facilitate an exchange and spoke to ambassadors
  • Last week, around 300 Ukrainian and Russian prisoners were released in swap


Judge Napolitano & Col. Doug Macgregor - Ukraine Russia War Latest (29th Sept.´22)

Trump Warns: "We're At The Most Dangerous Time... Maybe Ever"

Former President Donald Trump said his biggest worry now is where geopolitical tensions over Ukraine and Taiwan may be headed, saying that he thinks “we could end up in World War III” and that the conflict could go nuclear.


Is the Real Covid Pharmaceutical Bonanza Just Getting Started?

Whilst not all pharmaceutical companies have produced enormously profitable Covid vaccines, the emerging medical toll, side-effects and general aftermath of these vaccines and lockdowns is only just emerging.


Transhumanism Is The New Eugenics


Mitt Romney’s Refusal to Endorse Mike Lee Infuriates Senate Republicans

The Post also noted that Romney’s refusal to endorse Lee would serve as a “boon” for McMullin and make it “harder for Lee to consolidate the votes of moderate Republicans.”


Why Is No One Discussing the 25th Amendment for Joe Biden?

President Joe Biden called for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) to appear during a live event on hunger and nutrition Wednesday. Walorski was killed in a car accident last month, and Biden had previously called her family to offer condolences.

And yet there is no talk about removing him from office, using the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, under which the Vice President and the Cabinet submit a written statement to the leaders of Congress that the President is unable to discharge his duties. When President Donald Trump was in office, the media talked constantly about the 25th Amendment. There were even reports that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein tried to invoke the 25th Amendment and replace Trump with Vice President Mike Pence.

Gas Price Soars 16 Cents Overnight in L.A.; 70 Cents in One Week


BANKS TO SEIZE MONEY IN THE NEXT FINANCIAL CRISIS ... Morgan Stanley Warns of Something Worse Than a ‘Normal Recession’ ... NASA HOAX - Spacecraft Rammed an Asteroid in Self Defense Test ... Schwarzenegger - whose father was a decorated Nazi soldier ... Why Biden Asked For Dead Congresswoman During Speech ... Japan is moving towards a cashless society with digital salary payments ... Lenin Freemason



NASA HOAX - Spacecraft Rammed an Asteroid in Self Defense Test

Bam! NASA spacecraft crashes into asteroid in defense test

A NASA spacecraft has rammed an asteroid in an unprecedented test to see if a potentially menacing space rock could be knocked off course

Morgan Stanley Warns of Something Worse Than a ‘Normal Recession’

Morgan Stanley’s Chief U.S. Equity Strategist Michael Wilson said that he’s convinced a corporate earnings recession is coming—and that it could be worse than a “normal” recession.

Wilson said in a Sept. 26 interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that his team at Morgan Stanley is looking closely at the U.S. business earnings story and the impact of corporate profits on equities, which have been on a wild ride in recent months.

“We think it’s unavoidable … to avoid an earnings recession and that’s what matters for stocks,” Wilson said

Ted Cruz Points Out Democrats Have Objected To Election Results Multiple Times

GOP Senator Ted Cruz noted Tuesday that while repeatedly accusing Republicans of being a threat to Democracy for questioning election results, The Democratic Party has done that exact thing on multiple occasions.

 “We know that because Democrats objected in 1969. And then they objected again in 2001. Then they objected again in 2005. And then they objected again in 2017,” the Senator explained.

“So Democrats have a long history of going up and objecting to electors. And by the way, in two of those times, 1969 and 2005, it wasn’t just a Democrat House member who objected — a Democrat Senator joined in that objection and triggered the debate and vote,” Cruz further noted.


Squirming Jean-Pierre Struggles To Explain Why Biden Asked For Dead Congresswoman During Speech

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was caught flatfooted when asked why Joe Biden was looking around asking for deceased Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) during a Wednesday speech.

The press briefing descended into chaos as Jean-Pierre offered a series of non-answers while fielding multiple questions from CNN, ABC, CBS, and Washington Post reporters about why Biden kept looking around the room for Walorski, who died in a car accident last month.


While the US Dollar Tramples the Euro, Pound and Yen, Russia’s Ruble Skyrockets Against the Greenback

While the U.S. dollar has soared in value against a basket of worldwide fiat currencies, Russia’s ruble climbed 4.5% against the greenback this week. During the first week of September, Russia told the press China would pay for natural gas with rubles and yuan. Moreover, Switzerland’s imports of Russian gold reached a high not seen since April 2020.

Jan. 6 Prisoner Beaten until He Lost an Eye, Later He Was Tied to Chair for 12 Hours, Now He Has Blood Clots and Precancerous Growths, Government Won’t Allow Him Medical Treatment – They Want Him Dead

Since his arrest, Ryan Samsel has been held in a Washington DC prison. On March 21, 2021, Ryan was awakened by correctional officers and his hands were zip-tied.  Then they walked him to an unoccupied cell where he was brutally beaten by the officers. Ryan Samsel lost an eye in the beating.  His face was smashed.  The next day the guards beat him again.

In July 2021 Ryan’s attorney Joseph McBride joined Greg Kelly on Newsmax to reveal the unbelievable abuse of the Jan. 6 political prisoners in Washington DC.


This ship tried to warn the Titanic about the iceberg. Now scientists have found its wreckage

UNITED KINGDOM — The wreck of a ship that tried to warn the RMS Titanic of the iceberg that sank it on its maiden voyage has been found at the bottom of the Irish Sea.

The British merchant steamship SS Mesaba sent a warning radio message to the Titanic on April 15, 1912 while crossing the Atlantic. The message was received by the Titanic — which was advertised as unsinkable — but did not reach the main control center of the vessel.

Later that night, the Titanic hit the iceberg and sank. More than 1,500 people died in what remains the world's most infamous shipwreck.

The Mesaba continued as a merchant ship until it was torpedoed by a German submarine while in convoy in 1918. Twenty people, including the ship's commander, died.


Biden - Get your Hurricane Vaccination Now!

“Everything is a lot more complicated if you are not vaccinated in a hurricane”


The Other Reason The BOE Panicked: 26% Of All UK Mortgages Are Variable Rate And Set For Imminent Repricing



Arnold Schwarzenegger - whose father was a decorated Nazi soldier - visits Auschwitz where he meets son of Holocaust survivor and signs visitor book 'I'll be back'

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger visited the Auschwitz Nazi death camp on Wednesday and spoke against prejudice and hatred, something he feels strongly about
  • His father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, was a Nazi soldier during World War II, with the actor talking through painful memories about how his father was lied to as he fought
  • He returned a broken man, which the former bodybuilder attributed to guilt and shame over what Gustav did
  • During Schwarzenegger's visit this week, he met with the son of a survivor, along with a woman who as a 3-year-old child was subjected to cruel experiments

THE GESTAPO FBI - Tucker Carlson  09-28-2022


11 Prepper Items You Need To Get Now


Nord Stream damage might be irreparable

If the damage is not repaired quickly enough, too much salty sea water could run into the pipes lying at the bottom of the Baltic Sea and irreversibly corrode them, German officials have warned, according to the news media outlet. Denmark said on Wednesday that its authorities would be able to launch a probe into the issue no sooner than in a week or two due to “safety concerns,” Tagesspiegel added.


Globalist Deep State Behind Nordstream 2 Pipeline Attack: Geopolitical Expert Joel Skousen

“First of all, only governments can do those kinds of deep underwater explosives. So this had to either be the Russian government and the West, and I think it’s the West.”

“Here’s why,” he continued. “The mood was turning against sanctions in Germany because they’re looking for a very frigid winter without enough gas supplies.”


Vaccination Increases Infection Risk by 44%, Oxford Study Finds

Two doses of COVID-19 vaccine make you 44% more likely to be infected, a study from Oxford University has found, contradicting the basis of global vaccine policy, which assumes vaccination significantly cuts incidence and transmission.

Air Force Academy to Cadets: Drop “Mom and Dad,”

The U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) has gone woke. It is now telling cadets in their diversity and inclusion classes that they are to use words that “include all genders​” and stop saying things like “mom and dad” or “boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“Use words that include all genders​: ‘Folks’ or ‘Y’all’ instead of ‘guys’; ‘partner’ vs. ‘boyfriend or girlfriend.’”


How Japan is moving towards a cashless society with digital salary payments 

  • The Japanese government is preparing to introduce a system for companies to pay salaries digitally – without going through bank accounts – by spring 2023.
  • According to a recent survey, only 30% of companies are considering implementing this system.
  • Compared to other Asian countries, Japan has been slow to move towards a cashless society, but it hopes to change that.


Finland closes highway for fighter jet drill for first time in decades

Finland has shut down a section of one of its main highways for five days for the first time in decades to allow its fighter jets to practice landings and take-offs on a reserve road runway.


Hurricane Ian To Unleash Up To $70 Billion In Losses, Insurance Market Devastation And Even Bigger Spike In Inflation


Fauci’s Net Worth Soared To $12.6+ Million During Pandemic – Up $5 Million (2019-2021)

While millions of Americans suffered under his pandemic policies, Fauci's personal profits soared.

Last night, our auditors at received Dr. Anthony Fauci’s FY2021 financial disclosures from the National Institutes of Health.


First arrest made in Utah County ritualistic child sex abuse investigation

The Utah County Sheriff's Office has arrested a suspect in an ongoing ritualistic child sex abuse investigation.

Former therapist David Hamblin, 68, was previously charged with 18 counts of sexual assault. He was taken into custody Wednesday morning and booked on the following:

  • 3 counts of sodomy on a child
  • Rape of a child
  • 2 counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child
  • Lewdness involving a child

On June 1, 2022, Utah County Attorney David Leavitt held a press conference, announcing himself as a subject of the investigation and describing his link to Hamblin.

"This therapist was my elder's quorum president in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was my neighbor. I had a family connection.

Survey: Nearly 7-in-10 Americans Searching for Extra Work Due to Surging Inflation

A majority of Americans say they are being forced to search for extra work as inflation increases the cost of living.

According to a recent survey by Bluecrew, a workforce service platform, 69 percent of Americans say they are actively looking for extra work hours, while 68 percent say they are reevaluating their current work situation.

Eighty-five percent of Americans said skyrocketing prices are affecting their spending and buying habits.