World Financial System is About To Switch - World Government Summit 2022 ... future of MONEY pivots this Friday as Putin sets deadline for dropping the dollar, requiring rubles for energy exports ... Aussie Senator Malcolm Roberts To All You Covid-Criminals “WE'RE COMING FOR YOU” ... Christ Was Executed by Crucifixion for Being a KING ... W.H.O. Warns Social Surveillance Must Remain ... Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers ... 2020 Supreme Court ruling The state did not have jurisdiction over almost half of Oklahoma ... ADL Defends Ukraine's Neo-Nazis ... Outlaw Letter "Z" ...


Jesus Christ Was Executed by Crucifixion for Being a KING

Aussie Senator Malcolm Roberts To All You Covid-Criminals “WE'RE COMING FOR YOU”


U.S. Military (18-40 Year Olds) Deaths Up 1100%  And Rising Fast Thanks to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed


The future of MONEY pivots this Friday as Putin sets deadline for dropping the dollar, requiring rubles for energy exports

Beginning this Friday, Russia will only accept rubles, gold or bitcoin as payment for energy exports to “unfriendly” countries. No dollars or euros will be accepted. And why should Putin accept dollars or euros anyway, given that the western financial system has told Putin he can no longer use dollars or euros to purchase anything.

As a result, Putin is demanding rubles, gold or bitcoin. And that means the Russian ruble is now backed by commodities exports, making it a currency backed by something real. If you buy rubles, in other words, you can trade those rubles for natural gas or oil.


W.H.O. Warns Social Surveillance Must Remain Even as Global Coronavirus Cases Plunge

The World Financial System is About To Switch - World Government Summit 2022

Pippa Malmgren, Economist At The World Government Summit 2022 She states her belief that the world financial system is about to switch accounting systems & digital money. Not decentralized cryptos, but centralized CBDCs (central bank digital currency)

"Gold and silver is real money. Everything else is credit." ~ JP Morgan


Live Updates: Ukraine Vows To Reclaim Crimea and Donbas As Peace Talks Stall


Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests

Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, provided customer data to hackers who masqueraded as law enforcement officials, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.


Robot dog carrying loudspeaker barks COVID safety instructions in China

Video filmed in Shanghai City on March 29 shows the robot dog carrying a loudspeaker broadcasting messages on how to keep safe during the pandemic.

The robodog was heard telling residents to “wear a mask, wash hands frequently, check temperature” and more safety instructions.


Hacking the Human Design: Dr. Zelenko Exposes Transhumanist Cult High Priest in Powerful Interview

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko of joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the transhumanist high priest Yuval Noah Harari as Klaus Schwab's right hand man implementing the transhuman agenda of the Great Reset.


What You Didn’t Know About Planet X - Bart Sibrel Joins Kate Dalley


Judge FIRES five Democrat members of Pennsylvania school board after they defied its code and voted to make face masks mandatory for students 

2020 Supreme Court ruling The state did not have jurisdiction over almost half of Oklahoma

Governor of Oklahoma warns that murderers are getting away with their crimes by claiming to be Native Americans and fleeing to reservations which make up half of his state as he reveals 'Indian Cards' are so easy to obtain even he's got one

  • Kevin Stitt, the Republican governor of Oklahoma, appeared on Tucker Carlson's show on Wednesday night to discuss the impact of a July 2020 Supreme Court ruling
  • Stitt explained that the ruling confirmed that the state did not have jurisdiction over almost half of its land, which is considered tribal areas
  • Federal law applies, but the state rules do not, and Stitt said that criminals were now doing DNA tests to try and prove Native bloodlines


German States Outlaw Letter "Z" Displays As Ukraine Asks World To Criminalize

Public displays of the letter "Z" have been outlawed in two German states, after authorities in Bavaria and Lower Saxony announced over the weekend that anyone who displays the letter - which has become synonymous with support for Russia's war in Ukraine - will be subject to a fine or three years in jail, according to The Local.


Samsung Has Cancelled The Letter ‘Z’ After Ukraine Called For It To Be “CriminaliZed”

Samsung had branded its newest phones as the ‘Galaxy Z Fold 3’ and ‘Galaxy Z Flip 3’, and had released a raft of promotional material with the letter ‘Z’ emblazoned on the devices.


ADL Defends Ukraine's Neo-Nazis: They "Don't Attack Jews or Jewish Institutions"

The Anti-Defamation League, the leading pro-Israel lobbying group in America, published a Q&A defending Ukraine's neo-Nazi groups on the grounds that they "don't attack Jews or Jewish institutions."


Bill KILL Gates: ‘All rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef’ to fight climate change

'Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.'

“All rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef” to stave off climate change, software giant and left-wing philanthropist Bill Gates claimed in a recent interview.


Bruce Willis Acting Career Over... Diagnosed With Cognitive Decline Probably Took The BioWeapon Shots



Abrahamic Family House (NWO INTERFAITH) Project in Abu Dhabi Over 20% Complete

The Abrahamic Family House project that is being carried out on Saadiyat island in Abu Dhabi the capital city of the United Arab Emirates is reportedly over 20% complete with the inauguration ceremony set to take place before the end of the year. 

This was revealed in a statement released by the Higher Committee Of Human Fraternity (HCHF), which is supervising the project that is closely followed by imam Ahmed el-Zayed of al-Azhar and Pope Francis who endorsed its overall design.


Consumers Ditch Brand Names For Generic Food As Inflation, Shortages Hit Supermarkets 

Top food companies like Kraft Heinz Co. and Kellogg Co. are at dire risk of losing market share as supermarket operators grapple with shortages and fill empty store shelves with lower-cost brands, industry insiders told WSJ

U.S. to issue gender-neutral "X" passports

U.S. citizens will be able select "X" as their gender on their U.S. passport applications from April 11, the White House announced Thursday as part of a rollout of new policies to coincide with Transgender Day of Visibility


George W. Bush Meets with Illegal Aliens to Promote Amnesty, Snubbing Angel Families

Former President George W. Bush met with illegal aliens this week to promote his amnesty and legal immigration expansion agenda, snubbing Angel Families who have lost loved ones to illegal alien crime in the process.


55 House Democrat ‘Deadbeats’ Skip Paying (UNION) Dues to DCCC as Midterm Red Wave Builds

Fifty-five powerful and influential House Democrats are reportedly financially stiffing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), failing to pay the dues they owe because of the likelihood that Republicans will retake the chamber.


German Minister Prepares Emergency Measures Over Gas Supply

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has declared an early warning level over Russian gas supplies that has led some to speculate the government could end up rationing gas. (FOOD NEXT)

CAUGHT RED HANDED - FBI Cyber Chief LIES ... Russia accuses US of leading massive cyber campaign ... Ruble Currency has soared by 50% since sanctions collapse ... Ukraine calls on world to ban ‘Z’ (Because God’s Z = True Zion is Coming) ... Biden makes lynching a US hate crime ... Google has Erased Trump ... Puppet Zelensky Calls For Europe to Shift to ‘Green Energy’ To Boycott Russia & Usher in Great Reset ... China Locks Down 26 Million in Shanghai ... SICK & PERVERTED DISNEY - ALL future characters to be LGBTQIA or Racial minorities ... Russian TV host calls for 'regime change' in US ...

Google has Erased Trump 45th President of the United States

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell, 1984



China Locks Down 26 Million in Shanghai Amid Surge in COVID-19


The military wants AI to replace human decision-making in battle

This Just Shows How INSANE The USA Has Become

Plano City Council Refuses to Stand Up for Trans Rights



Trump Calls on Putin To Release Hunter Biden’s Corrupt Dealings With Oligarchs

Former President Donald Trump is calling on Russian President Vladimir Putin to release information detailing Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with Eastern European oligarchs.

In an interview with “Just the News” television show on Real America’s Voice airing Tuesday, Trump explained how Hunter was given $3.5 million by the wife of Moscow’s mayor a decade ago that was detailed in a 2020 Senate report.


Puppet Zelensky Calls For Europe to Shift to ‘Green Energy’ To Boycott Russia & Usher in Great Reset

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on European nations to transition to “green energy” to reduce its dependence on Russian oil and “accelerate” the Great Reset on the continent.

“Russia’s aggression against Ukraine…is an argument to accelerate green transformation on the continent. Europe must give up Russian oil, give up as soon as possible!” he said Tuesday.


Biden makes lynching a US hate crime, signs Emmett Till law

President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed into law the first federal legislation to make lynching a hate crime, addressing a history of racist killings in the United States, after the Senate passed the bill earlier this month.


Puppet Russia begins withdrawing forces and reducing bombardments around Kyiv after vowing to 'radically reduce' military activity during 'meaningful' peace talks with Ukraine attended by Roman Abramovich

  • US and UK intelligence have identified battalion movements and a reduction in bombardment in Kyiv
  • Deputy defence minister Alexander Fomin said the move will 'increase mutual trust' in the negotiations 
  • Ukraine's neutral status was discussed and both camps said =talks could happen between Putin and Zelensky
  • Roman Abramovich sat in on the meeting as an unofficial mediator a day after his poisoning was revealed

Russia's Lavrov: "So Many Pussies Around The U.S. Presidential Campaign On Both Sides" (2016)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that there are "so many pussies" in the presidential campaign, on both sides, in an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour. Lavrov was asked about the Republican nominee for president's use of the word and if he believed this was "Donald Trump's pussy riot moment."


Fed Finally Admits That COVID Stimulus Is Responsible For Hottest Inflation In A Generation

It looks like the analytical geniuses over at the San Francisco Fed have finally figured out something that Larry Summers anticipated nearly a year ago: When you pump trillions of dollars of stimulus spending into the economy, it causes inflation to overheat to the highest level in a generation.


Looking for a job? SATANIC IRS in Ogden is looking to hire more than 1,000 people

Most of the available jobs are entry-level positions that do not require tax expertise, according to the IRS.

Starting pay begins at $15.61 per hour, with the potential for pay increases, according to the IRS.

SICK & PERVERTED DISNEY - ALL future characters to be LGBTQIA or Racial minorities

Disney president who is the 'mother of a transgender and a pansexual child' says she she wants at least half of ALL future characters to be LGBTQIA or racial minorities

Karey Burke said at an all-hands meeting that she spoke as a mother and a corporate leader advocating for more inclusive Disney characters

She defended company for its LGBTQIA characters, but promised to bring more

Her comments came after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signing the 'Don't say gay' bill into law

 Disney television animation executive producer Latoya Raveneau said everyone supported her 'not-at-all secret gay agenda'

 Disney partner Nadine Smith, co-founder of Equality Florida said the goal of the Republican bill was to take children from their parents

Disney theme parks no longer assume that little girls want to be called 'princess'


Now Russian TV host calls for 'regime change' in US after Biden demanded Putin be removed from power - and clamors for 'partner' Donald Trump to be reinstated as president

  • Russia's 60 Minutes show host Evgeny Popov urged Americans to replace president Joe Biden with former President Donald Trump
  • The state TV host also called Trump a 'partner' to the Russian state
  • It comes days after Joe Biden made a similar declaration when he called on Russians to remove President Vladimir Putin from power
  • Biden's off-scripted remarks were slammed for further inciting Russian aggression in Ukraine and hurting possible future negotiations


Alex Jones offers to pay $120,000 each to nine plaintiffs to settle Sandy Hook case after being found liable for calling massacre a hoax - but families quickly reject it

  • Alex Jones offered to pay $120,000 each to nine Sandy Hook families suing him for allegedly defaming them by repeating conspiracy theories on his show
  • Jones, 48, was found liable for damages in November with the trial set to determine how much he should pay the families of the victims 
  • The families called the settlement offer a 'desperate attempt' to escape accountability for his alleged role in the harassment they've received 
  • The offer comes after the families called on Jones to be arrested for defying a court order deposition, twice, ahead of the trial


FBI Cyber Chief Does Not Know Where is Hunter Biden's seized laptop is?

Embarrassing moment FBI cyber chief admits to not knowing what the agency has done with Hunter Biden's seized laptop - as Florida Republican Matt Gaetz whips out a copy of the hard drive and has it admitted into Congress as evidence

  • The Florida lawmaker is currently under investigation for sex trafficking claims 
  • He asked how Americans 'are supposed to trust' the FBI if its cyber division cannot establish the whereabouts of Hunter Biden's laptop
  • Gaetz claimed to be in possession of the laptop's hard drive, likely a copy
  • House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler stopped him from entering it into the record but changed his mind a short while later after 'further investigation'
  • Gaetz also introduced the 'Spook Who Cried Wolf Resolution' aimed at stripping security clearances from intel experts who called laptop 'Russian disinformation'


70-year-old man in California imprisoned for kidnapping a bus full of children then burying them alive in 1976 has been approved for parole 

Frederick Newhall Woods was approved for parole on Friday, a spokesperson for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has confirmed. Woods, 70, is one of three men convicted of hijacking a school bus full of children and holding them and their driver for $5 million ransom in 1976. Parole commissioners decided Woods no longer is a danger to the public. The hearing panel's proposed parole decision will become final within 120 days. The convicted kidnapper became eligible for parole in 1982 but was previously denied release 17 times. His accomplices, brothers Richard and James Schoenfeld, were freed years ago.


Russia accuses US of leading massive cyber campaign

Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday accused the U.S. of attacking the country's critical infrastructure and network systems in a massive cyberattack, claims the U.S. government has called false and part of Russia's disinformation campaign.

In a statement posted on its website, the Russian ministry said the U.S. has targeted "state institutions, the media, critical infrastructure facilities, and life support systems" with allegedly thousands of attacks per day.


Russia To Let Ukraine Join EU If It Stays Out Of NATO, But Cautions "Still Long Way To Go" Toward Final Ceasefire

The Financial Times had previewed on Monday that as part of ongoing ceasefire negotiations, Russia was prepared to OK Ukraine's aspirations to join the European Union, so long as it drops plans to join NATO


Ukraine calls on world to ban ‘Z’

(Because God’s Z = True Zion is Coming)

Foreign minister says the letter now represents Russia’s military offensive


Foo Fighters drummer likely died from Vax induced myocarditis, as mainstream media push the 'drug overdose' narrative


Crypto Taxation - 1040


Ruble Currency has soared by 50% since sanctions collapse

The Russian currency has risen dramatically over the past three weeks, reflecting the efficiency of the monetary policy adopted by the central bank in response to sanctions. Another major boost was last week’s government decision to demand that “unfriendly” states pay for natural gas only in rubles rather than in dollars or euros from now on.


 ‘Impossible’ to sanction Russian gold, financier tells RT

Any restrictions may be easily bypassed, Mitchell Feierstein explains

Talking about the US and UK’s latest ban on transactions involving Russian gold reserves, he said it is impossible to sanction the Russian Central Bank’s gold. Firstly, because the Russian Central Bank is a buyer of gold, not a seller. Secondly, the ‘refining’ process to produce gold bars or coins is easily replicated. “Russian” gold can easily be melted – taken to another refiner, assayed and molded into bars and re-sold, he said.


Top global chip maker Taiwan to continue Russia cooperation


Russian Special Forces Capture Ukrainians Who Tortured Prisoners of War

Russian Special Forces have captured some of the individuals who tortured captured Russian prisoners of war by shooting them in knees and watching them die in agony while filming it all on video, it has been claimed.

Over the weekend, horrific footage emerged showing members of the Ukrainian military beating and shooting the POWs, in what appeared to be a war crime.

Congressman Who Claimed DC Elites Invited Him to Orgies Will Face Dressing Down

Republican Congressman Madison Cawthorn is set to receive a dressing down from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy after he claimed on a podcast that DC elites invited him to sex orgies.


University of Utah Health hospitals awarded 'LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader' designation

Five University of Utah Health hospitals received high marks in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Healthcare Equality Index, each earning a spot as LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leaders.

The index is considered one of the nation's foremost benchmarking surveys of a health care facility's practices and policies regarding LGBTQ patients, visitors and employees. It evaluates facilities on various criteria regarding the care and treatment of LGBTQ patients, employees and community engagement.


Israeli forces arrest 5 in connection with deadly shooting

Israeli forces operating in the West Bank on Wednesday arrested five Palestinians allegedly involved in a deadly shooting attack in central Israel, where a Palestinian gunman used an assault rifle to kill five people.