YouTube Bans All Anti-Vaxx ... Spike Protein Hurts the Heart ... Vatican to Punish Employees Who Refuse to Comply With COVID-19 ... COVID-19 Detention Camps ... DHS Is Planning To FIRE Unvaxxed ... LDS Church support Bill & Melinda Gates (SATANIC) Foundation ... DeSantis - Australia is NOT a FREE Country ... Australian MP: ‘Life For the Unvaccinated Will Be Very Difficult INDEFINITELY’ ... ESPN Sage Took the Kill Shot & Feels Defeated ... shipping warn of 'global transport systems collapse' ...


YouTube Bans All Anti-Vaxx Activists & Anti-Vaxx Content

YouTube has announced it’s removing the channels of prominent anti-vaccine activists like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola in a bid to suppress COVID vaccine hesitancy.

The new policies will shift from censoring COVID vaccine “misinformation” to policing content questioning vaccines of any kind.

“As part of a new set of policies aimed at cutting down on anti-vaccine content on the Google-owned site, YouTube will ban any videos that claim that commonly used vaccines approved by health authorities are ineffective or dangerous,” the Washington Post reported. “The company previously blocked videos that made those claims about coronavirus vaccines, but not ones for other vaccines like those for measles or chickenpox.”


Dr. Ryan Cole: How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart

This video from the Front Line doctors White Coat Summit was published in mid-August. In it, pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole succinctly outlines many of the health challenges associated with the experimental genetic therapy injection program. He asks, after thousands of people have died from the injection, where are the autopsies to investigate this investigational program?

  • The FDA ignored warnings before the vaccine was distributed that it would likely cause organ damage; data published before and after the program was initiated showed it was the spike protein that damaged the microvasculature
  • An analysis of 789 professional athletes with COVID-19 showed no adverse cardiac events in healthy individuals; however, the VAERS shows 11,793 people who had a heart attack or diagnosed with myocarditis or pericarditis after the jab
  • Data from a patient group treated by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko showed none of the 3,000 patients he treated within the first five day of the onset of COVID-19 went on to develop long-haul symptoms, including fatigue, brain fog or difficulty breathing
  • The list of people reporting adverse events from the jab is growing. To tell their stories, two websites have been created since social media platforms are routinely removing any information about adverse events


COVID-19 Detention Camps: Are Government Round-Ups of Resistors in Our Future?

“No doubt concentration camps were a means, a menace used to keep order.”—Albert Speer, Nuremberg Trials

Under the indefinite detention provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the President and the military can detain and imprison American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a terrorist.

So it should come as no surprise that merely criticizing the government or objecting to a COVID-19 vaccine could get you labeled as a terrorist.


Republicans Warn DHS Is Planning To FIRE Unvaxxed Border Patrol Agents

Republicans have warned that according to an insider at the Department of Homeland Security, the agency’s head Alejandro Mayorkas plans to FIRE border agents who are unvaccinated.


Cop Who Raped and Strangled Woman Used COVID Lockdown Rules to Abduct Her

The off-duty police officer who raped and strangled Sarah Everard used the excuse of COVID lockdown rules to handcuff, ‘arrest’ and abduct her, a court has heard.

33-year-old Everard was murdered after she went missing following a visit to her friend’s house for dinner in South London on March 3rd.

“He could have used COVID as a reason to get her into the back of the car and said, ‘you’re breaching COVID rules’ and arrested her,” said Simon Harding, a former senior detective.


New York initiates medical martial law rollout with troops to take over hospitals where unvaxxed health care workers are being fired en masse

The medial martial law takeover of society has begun in New York where Governor Kathy Hochul has announced the mass firing of unvaccinated health care workers, to be replaced by foreign workers and National Guard troops.

This same pattern of replacing civilian workers with military troops will be replicated across law enforcement, paramedics, fire fighters, truck drivers, factory workers and other sectors of the economy that are rapidly collapsing due to covid lockdown restrictions. The upshot is that we are witnessing a fast-moving military takeover of society under the cover of a “state of emergency” following personnel shortages that are actually caused by the government’s own policies.


Georgia company to buy Larry H. Miller Dealerships, valued at $3.2B  (Sold The Utah Jazz in 2020)

Georgia-based company Asbury Automotive Group has announced it plans to buy Larry H. Miller Dealerships and Total Auto Care.

"Larry H. Miller Dealerships is one of the most respected automotive dealer groups in the United States with a strong culture and stewardship mentality," David Hult, Asbury president and CEO, said in a statement Tuesday.

The purchase of both companies in the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies is valued at $3.2 billion, with about $740 million in real estate.


These Three Countries Just Ended Their Covid Lockdowns

Three European nations ended their Covid restrictions in the month of September, providing hope to other countries looking to get back to normal.

Denmark, Norway and Sweden each lifted all Covid-related regulations recently.


Utah's tracking of electric vehicles raises privacy concerns for owners

Utah is tracking the movements of those who drive electric cars as it looks for a way to take in tax money.

Most of the money used to build and maintain our roads comes from the tax we pay with every gallon of gas we pump. But when electric vehicles hit the road, it created an issue.

Suddenly, you have thousands of cars that are using state roads but not paying for them. So, the Utah Legislature came up with a solution, but it is one that has raised privacy concerns.

When Floyd McDermott bought his set of electric wheels, the state issued him a track that logs his car's movements and then sends him a bill – 1 1/2 cents for every mile driven.

"I was concerned about some privacy issues," McDermott said about the device.

In addition to tracking his movements, the gizmo communicates with an app McDermott said he was instructed to download to his smartphone.

"Can somebody, through a back door, get into my cellphone and find out what's going on with me that I don't want them to know?" McDermott asked.

Rather than paying 1 1/2 cents per mile, a driver can choose not to install the tracker and instead pay a flat rate — $20, $52 or $120 per year, depending on the type of car.

"It's a voluntary program," affirmed Pocock.

"I'm going to pay the $52 and get out of the program," he said. "I'm not even going to worry about it."

For people who don't put a lot of miles on their electric vehicles, going with the tracker chip will be cheaper than paying a flat rate. And, that flat rate is not set in stone. In fact, it has already gone up in 2020 and 2021.

Utah Sen. Mike Lee says people are scared of Biden's vaccine-or-testing mandate: 'I'm here to defend them'

Promising to return to the Senate floor for as long as it takes, Utah Sen. Mike Lee unsuccessfully rolled out the first of a dozen bills Tuesday he has drafted to upend President Joe Biden's yet-to-be issued vaccination mandate.

The president's "strong-arm" push to force Americans to choose between decisions affecting their health and providing for their families is wrong, the Republican senator said.

"This is a scare tactic of the absolute worst sort, and it's working," Lee said. "People are scared, and I'm here to defend them."

Lee called the mandate unconstitutional, "but, frankly, I don't think the president cares."

'Joe, do you distrust Americans so much that you need to know when they buy a couch?' GOP Senator Cynthia Lummis hammers Biden's proposal for banks to report every transaction over $600 to the IRS

  • Lummis said people will 'find alternatives' to thwart the IRS' leering eye 
  • 'I am astounded by what you're supporting and proposing. I think it's invasive. I think privacy for individuals is being ignored' Lummis said 
  • Yellen said requires banks to hand over the IRS data on aggregate inflows and outflows of an account for transactions over $600
  • She noted that the tax gap is expected to swell to $7 trillion over the next decade
  • The proposal, meant to help pay for the $3.5T budget reconciliation plan, is expected to generate $460 billion over the next decade
  • It would require banks to report gross inflows and outflows to the IRS, including transactions from Venmo, PayPal, crypto exchanges


Outrageous moment deaf Colorado man is slammed to the ground, tasered twice for running a stop sign and then jailed for four months for 'resisting arrest' - because he couldn't hear what cops were saying

  • Brady Mistic is suing two police officers after he was slammed to the ground and physically assaulted by them for running a stop sign in 2019
  • Mistic hadn't realized that he was being pulled over and had parked his car and was walking towards a laundromat when he saw police vehicles' flashing lights
  • In his lawsuit, he said he used his hands to try to communicate to the officers that he was deaf, but to no avail 
  • He was then  jailed for four months for 'resisting arrest' and , where he was mistreated and couldn't communicate due to the jail staff's lack of adequate training 
  • One of the two officers involved in Mistic's arrest has been arrested while the other is still on active duty


Receptionist is crushed by car driven off the second floor of Brazilian showroom by worker 'with no driving license'

The car tumbled forwards and landed upside down directly on top of the receptionist in the Sao Paulo showroom, who only had a split second to see what was coming. CCTV footage of the incident shows the unassuming receptionist sitting in the middle of a pod of desks situated at the centre of the dealership's lobby, when the car smashed through glass above before toppling forward and onto the reception desk. The younger receptionist was so badly injured with several fractures throughout her body that she had to be transported to hospital by helicopter. It later transpired that the 29-year-old valet who was driving the car that caused the accident was not licensed to drive, according to the authorities. He was also injured in the incident.


Florida Governor DeSantis - Australia is NOT a FREE Country

DeSantis: “In Australia right now, after a year and a half, they’re still enforcing lockdowns by the military…Is Australia freer than communist China right now?…The fact that’s even a question tells you something has gone dramatically off the rails.”

Speaking at the International Boatbuilders Exhibition (IBEX) in Tampa on Tuesday, DeSantis, 43, said America should re-examine its alliance with the island continent in light of its suspension of freedom.

“You know, you guys, look what’s going on in Australia right now,” he said.

“You know, they’re enforcing, after a year and a half, they’re still enforcing lockdowns by the military.”

The land down under is “not a free country at all,” DeSantis said, prompting him to question the nation’s diplomatic ties with the US.

“In fact, I mean, I wonder why we would still have the same diplomatic relations when they’re doing that,” he added.

The governor, who has banned vaccine passports and face masks in his state, also worried Australia has less freedom than that of communist China.


GAVI commends (N.W.O) LDS Church for US$ 1.5 million gift

Donation to be doubled under GAVI Matching Fund as immunisation becomes major Church initiative

The GAVI Alliance today commended the leadership and generosity of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for its US$ 1.5 million gift and the volunteer work of LDS members to support immunisation programmes through the GAVI Alliance.

The donation will be doubled as part of the GAVI Matching Fund by the Bill & Melinda Gates (SATANIC) Foundation, making the Church-sponsored LDS Charities the seventh public-private partner in the programme. Under the GAVI Matching Fund, the Gates Foundation and the British Government have agreed to match contributions to GAVI from corporations, foundations, their customers, employees, business partners and members


Australian MP: ‘Life For the Unvaccinated Will Be Very Difficult INDEFINITELY’

Australian MP Gladys Berejiklian warned that life for unvaccinated citizens will continue to be “very difficult” well after the government lifts its restrictive COVID lockdowns.

“Let me be very clear: Life for the unvaccinated will be very difficult indefinitely,” Berejiklian told 7News Australia, adding that “9 of 10 adults” in NSW have already taken the jab.


ESPN Sage Steele Took the Kill Shot & Feels Defeated

Steele got a Covid vaccine just days before the company’s deadline despite reluctantly admitting she “didn’t want to do it” and saying she felt “Defeated” afterwords.

“I respect everyone’s decision, I really do, but to mandate it is sick and it’s scary to me in many ways,” Steele said. “I just, I’m not surprised it got to this point, especially with Disney, I mean a global company like that.”



Vatican to Punish Employees Who Refuse to Comply With COVID-19 Certification

The Vatican is set to punish employees who refuse to comply with COVID-19 certification by not paying them.

Vatican staffers who are unable to prove they’d been jabbed or who refuse to pay for expensive negative COVID tests will be considered “unjustly absent” and paid no salary.  The new rules will go into force from October 1st onwards.


Tucker Talks To Attorney Of Imprisoned Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, Thrown In Brig For Criticizing Biden Withdrawal

Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed the attorney of imprisoned Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who was thrown into the brig after publicly criticizing how the U.S. military mismanaged the withdrawal from Afghanistan ordered by Democrat President Joe Biden. Scheller has not been charged with any crime despite being held in prison at the time of publication.


Only Seven Premier League Clubs Have More Than 50% Vaccinated Players

Despite a massive PR push to encourage vaccination, only seven of the twenty Premier League football clubs have more than 50% of the players in their squads fully jabbed.

The figure was revealed in a Sportsmail report about a Premier League plan to “reward” teams who have a high vaccination rate, with football authorities seemingly concerned about low uptake.


From a Mormon living in a gas station to the senator with Biden's $3.5T budget in her hands: How Krysten Sinema came out as bisexual and went from being 'too liberal to be a Democrat' to the moderate holding ALL the cards




Buck stops here: Dollar Tree admits that supply chain crunch, increased shipping costs and inflation (is a TAX) mean it will now sell goods for more than $1

  • The retail chain had reported last month that rising shipping costs would take a bite of $1.50 to $1.60 out of its per-share profits this year
  • Annual inflation in the U.S. reached 4.2% in July, the highest in three decades
  • Fed Chair Jerome Powell said this week that price increases have worsened amid snarled supply chains and rising labor costs
  • The company said the change would allow it to provide a wider product assortment for customers 
  • The news sent Dollar Tree's stock up 13% at the opening bell Wednesday


What happened to Afghanistan's missing millions? Country's central bank coffers were drained of hundreds of millions of dollars in weeks before Taliban took over and bank officials fled


Hawaii's Big Island is put on red alert after the Kilauea volcano erupts for the second time this year, three years after huge blast injured 24 people and destroyed hundreds of homes

The Kilauea volcano on Hawaii's Big Island erupted for the second time this year on Wednesday afternoon. The eruption was detected by the Hawaii Volcano Observatory who was a glow in summit webcam images of Kilauea. The eruption is reported to be happening in the Halema'uma'u crater in Kilauea's summit caldera in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.


Belgium to Pay for Women in Poland to Have Abortions Abroad

The government of Belgium has announced that it will contribute money for women in Poland to get abortions in other European Union member states, in response to the predominantly Roman Catholic country enacting a ban on most abortions earlier this year.


CDC issues ‘urgent’ advisory calling on ‘pregnant people’ to take Covid jabs, citing spike in deaths & pregnancy complications

A Wednesday statement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “strongly” urged vaccinations for pregnant women – or in the agency’s gender-neutral phrasing, “people who are pregnant” – in order to prevent “adverse pregnancy outcomes” caused by Covid-19.


From paints to plastics, a chemical shortage ignites prices

 In an economy upended by the coronavirus, shortages and price spikes have hit everything from lumber to computer chips. Not even toilet paper escaped.

Now, they're cutting into one of the humblest yet most vital links in the global manufacturing supply chain: The plastic pellets that go into a vast universe of products ranging from cereal bags to medical devices, automotive interiors to bicycle helmets.

The price of polyvinyl chloride or PVC, used for pipes, medical devices, credit cards, vinyl records and more, has rocketed 70%. The price of epoxy resins, used for coatings, adhesives and paints, has soared 170%. Ethylene — arguably the world's most important chemical, used in everything from food packaging to antifreeze to polyester — has surged 43%, according to ICIS figures.


IOC Says Only Chinese Citizens Allowed to Attend 2022 Winter Games in Beijing

The International Olympic Committee announced on Wednesday that only Chinese citizens will be permitted to buy tickets to attend the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing.


Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Package Includes $700,000 Penalties on Companies Violating Biden Coronavirus Mandates

Companies that fail to adhere to the Biden administration’s coronavirus rules, including the anticipated employer vaccine mandate, could face fines up to $700,000 thanks to Democrats, who snuck the severe monetary penalties into the controversial 2,465-page spending bill.


International shipping workers warn of 'global transport systems collapse' unless pandemic restrictions on trade and movement are quickly lifted

In an open letter on Wednesday, the workers groups warned that fragmented and inconsistent pandemic restrictions around the world have thrown global shipping into chaos.

NY Governor "Be My Apostles…God Wants You to be Vaccinated” ... JPMorgan Chase preparing for a 'potentially catastrophic' federal default on October 18 ... It’s All Theater: Joe Biden Staged COVID Booster ... Otters are mysteriously attacking people ... Jailed for telling the truth: Father reveals his US Lt. Col. Marine ... unvaccinated Australians 'will lose their freedoms' in October ... Fauci may release MORE deadly bioweapons on the world ...


NY Governor "Be My Apostles…God Wants You to be Vaccinated

New York Governor Kathy Hochul spoke at New York City's Christian Cultural Center Sunday, September 26, and urged members of the audience to act as her "apostles" to New Yorkers "who aren't listening to God and what God wants" by declining coronavirus inoculations.


Milley Defends Promise To Tip Off China In Case Of US Attack, Excuses Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley on Tuesday defended two phone calls he had with his Chinese counterpart in which he promised to warn them if former President Donald Trump was going to launch an attack against them.

“My task at that time was to de-escalate. My message again was consistent: calm, steady, and deescalate. We are not going to attack you,” Milley told the Senate Armed Services Committee in a prepared statement, claiming that the calls were generated by “concerning intelligence” that China thought Trump would take action against them.


Watch: Brazen BLACK Robbery at Ulta Beauty in Chicago

Footage shot by a customer shows a gang of three thieves ransacking Ulta Beauty near Chicago with garbage bags, pilfering thousands of dollars worth of expensive merchandise.


The Work of the Devil

Is the Pope Catholic?


Government officials declare unvaccinated Australians 'will lose their freedoms' in October 

Australian officials on Monday again reminded their subjects that the nation's "zero COVID" strategy has somehow given them the power to strip the people of their freedoms.

Government leaders in the state of New South Wales — where the bureaucracy just a month ago announced that it was giving vaccinated citizens a "reward" of one extra hour outside their homes for recreation time — announced during a Monday press briefing that unvaccinated folks "will lose their freedoms" in October, Sky News reported.


Jan. 6 trials slowed by mounting evidence in US Capitol riot

In the nearly nine months since Jan. 6, federal agents have tracked down and arrested more than 600 people across the United States believed to have joined in the riot at the U.S. Capitol.


N.C. hospital system fires about 175 workers in one of the largest-ever mass terminations due to a vaccine mandate

A North Carolina-based hospital system announced Monday that roughly 175 unvaccinated employees were fired for failing to comply with the organization’s mandatory coronavirus vaccination policy, the latest in a series of health-care dismissals over coronavirus immunization.


It’s All Theater: Joe Biden Staged COVID Booster On Mockup Set Complete With Fake Outdoor Background

The question is, why did the Biden administration feel the fake set was necessary for Biden’s booster shot event?

The bizarre movie set speaks to a wider pattern of lying, deceit, and fraudulence by the Biden administration.

But it’s somehow fitting for a fake puppet president to stage a vaccine stunt on a fake set in a bid to fool the American people that the dangerous Covid injection is “safe and effective.”

DHS Mayorkas Reveals 20 Percent of Illegals Entering US Are Sick

Feds released over 10,000 Haitians from Del Rio surge without health screenings

Approximately one in five illegal aliens crossing the U.S. southern border are arriving infected with COVID and other ailments, according to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.


(PATSY) John W. Hinckley Jr.'s freedom is unprecedented. Others who tried to kill presidents faced very different fates.

The man who shot President Ronald Reagan (Note, It was Reagan’s body guard who shot the president)
and three others in a 1981 assassination attempt will be granted an unconditional release by a judge, likely making him the first person to ever shoot a president and live to see freedom again.


Elizabeth Warren calls Fed chief Jerome Powell a 'dangerous man' who weakened the US banking system and will oppose his re-nomination 

Elizabeth Warren grilled Fed chair Jerome Powell on the central bank's regulatory actions since he took the helm in a Senate hearing on Tuesday where she told him she'd oppose his re-nomination.


Jailed for telling the truth: Father reveals his US Lt. Col. Marine son is languishing in THE BRIG for blasting leaders over chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal

  • Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was taken into custody at military prison at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina
  • He is awaiting a military hearing for breaking a gag order which prevented him from criticizing the US pull out from Afghanistan on social media 
  • The first hearing is expected this Thursday, but it is not known how long he will be held in 'the brig' 
  • The Lieutenant Colonel first began posting critical videos on social media on August 26 - the same day a suicide bomber killed 11 US marines in Kabul


'Biden lied to America': GOP senators sensationally call out the President after Gens. Milley and McKenzie say they DID advise him to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan - weeks after he said they didn't


Parents of imprisoned Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller demand General Milley and Secretary Austin RESIGN for 'breaking the chain of trust with the American people' over Biden's Afghanistan debacle 

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller's parents Cathy and Stuart Sr slammed the top military leaders in an interview on Tuesday, hours after Milley and Austin faced tough grilling from Senators on Capitol Hill. Scheller gained notoriety in August when he released a public video ripping into the hasty withdrawal of US troops and personnel from Afghanistan, after 13 US troops were killed in the chaotic exit. After being ordered to stop posting on social media, he again tore into military and civilian leadership in a Facebook post on Saturday, inviting commanding officers to throw him in the brig. 'While Stewart broke the chain of command, General McKenzie and General Milley and Secretary Austin broke the chain of trust and confidence of the American people. For that, they should be embarrassed,' Scheller Sr said. 'They should resign for that.'


'I'm not going to resign, no way': Gen Milley REJECTS Tom Cotton's suggestion he should step down after Biden 'ignored' his advice to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan

NBA Hall of Famer COMMIE Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, 74, demands unvaccinated players are AXED before season opener - with Brooklyn's $34m-a-year Kyrie Irving and Warriors' Andrew Wiggins leading rebels

JPMorgan Chase boss Jamie Dimon says the bank is preparing for a 'potentially catastrophic' federal default on October 18 if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling while passing Biden's $3.5T spending bill

  • Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said Tuesday the bank is preparing for US credit default
  • Government funding will expire unless Democrats resolve internal disputes
  • Treasury says default will occur by October 18 unless borrowing limit is raised
  • Biden faces two holdout Democrat senators who want cuts to his spending plan
  • Dimon says he expects policymakers to find a solution as they have in the past


Gov. DeSantis says the US should rethink its alliance with Australia over its military-enforced COVID lockdowns, says it is 'not a free country' and compares its government to communist China

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has slammed the United States' recently announced alliance with Australia over its harsh COVID lockdowns, claimed it is no longer a free country, and even likened it to communist China.   

DeSantis said the country had gone 'dramatically off the rails' with its draconian response to the pandemic.


Troops knuckle down: Pentagon says that only 97K active duty members out of 1.4M - 7% of the total - are NOT vaccinated. Down from 250K a month ago when mandate was introduced

As of Friday, 93 percent of the country's 1.4 million active-duty service members had at least one shot, meaning about 97,000 were still unvaccinated, the Pentagon said on Friday .

Football player, 11, who has the body of a GROWN MAN and towers over his COACH at Philadelphia youth team becomes a viral sensation

  • Nyeem Powell, 11, towers over his West Philly Panthers teammates 
  • The young boy usually is number 40 and plays both defensive and offensive
  • It's not clear what caused Nyeem's growth spurt but he appears to have a bright future in football

Pfizer CEO Says ‘Normal Life’ Won’t Return Without Regular COVID Vaccinations

The CEO of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says that normal life will return within a year, but not for those who don’t have regular COVID-19 vaccinations.

During an appearance on ABC This Week with George Stephanapoulos, Albert Bourla was asked about when he foresaw the end of the pandemic.


Dr. Judy Mikovits warns Fauci may release MORE deadly bioweapons on the world


Russia Threatens Total Ban on YouTube After Major Channels Deleted

After YouTube deleted two huge German-language news channels operated by broadcaster RT, Russia threatened to impose a total ban on the platform.

The controversy began yesterday when the Google-owned video website removed the RT DE channel and a second channel called DFP, which had amassed a combined total of hundreds of millions of views.


Experts (DEEP STATE) say 'megadroughts' are likely to be more common in Utah's future

said Jon Meyer, a climate scientist with Utah State University's Utah Climate Center.

The paper, published earlier this month in Advancing Earth and Space Science, suggests even "modest warming" can result in a 50% probability that a megadrought like the one the Southwest is currently in will appear again by the end of the 21st century. That means a 21-year megadrought wouldn't be a once in a 400-year or 1,200-year occurrence but potentially a twice-in-this-century phenomenon.


At BYU, Martin Luther King III echoes Latter-day Saint themes of charity, service and God's family

The standing ovation that followed was repeated when King left BYU's new, circular speaker's stage. About two dozen Black students stood by their seats at the foot of the stage with their right (COMMUNIST) fists raised in the air.


Here comes $90 oil

Goldman Sachs ramped up its already optimistic forecast on Sunday, calling for Brent crude to hit $90 a barrel by the end of the year. That's up from its previous call for $80.

The Wall Street bank expects US crude to hit $87 a barrel, up from $77 previously.


Stocks Tank as Bond Yields Rise and Oil Hits 3-Year High, Natural Gas 7-Year High

 U.S. stocks fell Tuesday, as rising bond yields and energy prices weighed on the market.


Otters are mysteriously attacking people and dogs in Alaska's largest city: "Unusual behaviors"

Residents of Alaska's largest city often contend with bears and moose, but state officials are warning of another wild animal that has been causing problems: river otters. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game says river otters have attacked people and pets in some of the city's most popular outdoor areas.


Barack Obama: U.S. ‘Desperately Needs’ Biden’s ‘Build Back America’ (N.W.O) Program

Appearing Tuesday in an interview with ABC News’ Good Morning America, former President Barack Obama said the United States “desperately needs” to implement the left-wing agenda spearheaded by President Joe Biden.

Migrant Intentionally Started California Wildfire near Border, Say Feds

El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested an illegal alien they say was intentionally setting fires in the Jacumba Wilderness region on Saturday afternoon. The Mexican national had already lit one blaze and was in the process of starting another when they found him, officials stated.