Chase Bank Cancels General Mike Flynn’s Credit Cards ... Obama ordered FBI, CDC to implement globalist ‘health security agenda’ shortly before leaving office ... Rand Paul says scientists are refusing to study de-worming drug ivermectin ... The Vilification Of Ivermectin ... iPhone 13 will be a satellite phone ... Teacher, Students Pledge Allegiance to LGTBQ+P FAG pride Flag .... Taliban Offered Biden Control of Kabul, but He Declined ... Putin Opposes Mandatory Jabs ... Afghan refugees are 'getting Ubers' from Fort Bliss ... CIA anti-vax KILLED BY HOSPITAL VENTILATOR …

Chase Bank Cancels General Mike Flynn’s Credit Cards

Chase Bank has canceled General Mike Flynn’s personal credit card, citing “possible reputational risk to our company.”


Restaurant Reserveration App OpenTable To Integrate Vaccination Status Into Service

In an under the radar announcement last week, popular restaurant reservation service OpenTable revealed that it will integrate vaccination status into it’s app and website forms, to enable establishments to enforce vaccine pass mandates.

OpenTable announced that it will partner with digital identification company CLEAR, allowing establishments to indicate whether they require diners to present proof of vaccination.

Customers will then be asked to create a CLEAR account via the OpenTable app and connect their COVID vaccine certificate if they wish to eat in a restaurant that mandates it.


Putin Opposes Mandatory Jabs, Says People Should Get Vaccinated Without Coercion

“Vaccination is the main weapon against the spread of the virus. Importantly, no one should be forced to get a jab. Pressure, where people may lose their jobs, is even less acceptable. People must be convinced of the need to get the vaccine,” he said.


Report: Taliban Offered Biden Control of Kabul, but He Declined

According to a report from the Washington Post, as the Taliban began taking control of Afghanistan, senior U.S. military leaders met with Taliban political leader Abdul Ghani Baradar in Doha, Qatar, where an offer was made for the United States to have control of Kabul until all U.S. troops had withdrawn; the offer was declined. From the report:



Teacher, Students Pledge Allegiance to LGTBQ+P FAG pride Flag

Teacher mocks the American Flag and suggests to students they can say the Pledge of Allegiance to the pride flag: Kristin Pitzen who works for the Newport Mesa School District in Orange County



Biden Botches Meeting with Pregnant Widow of Dead Marine, Talks About Son Beau In 2-Minute Convo


High winds push California wildfire within 20 miles of smoke-drenched Lake Tahoe: Hospital evacuated and tourists and residents flee ahead of Labor Day weekend

More than 20,000 people are ordered to evacuate Lake Tahoe as out-of-control Caldor Fire which has already burned 186,000 acres closes in on tourist resort 



Obama ordered FBI, CDC to implement globalist ‘health security agenda’ shortly before leaving office

Shortly before leaving office, President Obama and his administration took some actions regarding pandemics and “global health security” which some may find interesting.

(Article by Robert L. Kinney III republished from

First, President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), led by John Holdren, wrote and published a letter to the President with multiple recommendations for defending America against biological attacks and naturally occurring outbreaks of infectious diseases, including epidemics/pandemics.

The letter was released on November 15, 2016, which was a week after the Democrats lost the Office of the President to Donald Trump; this is important and should be kept in mind throughout this article.


Americans Have Traded Their Freedoms For Safety From COVID, And Now We Have Neither

Over the last year and a half, one of the largest power grabs in the history of the world has taken place as fearful citizens willingly surrendered their rights to the state for the promise of safety. But that safety never came and it never will.


New Orleans Facing Weeks of Darkness on Hurricane Damage

New Orleans may be without power and air conditioning for more than three weeks in the wake of Hurricane Ida, which roared ashore with more powerful winds than Hurricane Katrina, according to utility owner Entergy Corp.


iPhone 13 will be a satellite phone that will let users make calls and send texts even if they're out of range of cellphone tower network, analyst says

  • Apple's newest iPhone will offer technology that lets it connect to satellites, according to a new analyst report
  • This will let users make calls and send messages even if they're out of range from a 4G or 5G network 
  • The new iPhone will have a customized Qualcomm chip that allows for low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellite communications 
  • Qualcomm is purportedly working with Globalstar on the chip, the analyst said


Democrats on January 6 committee demand phone records for Donald Trump and ALL his family plus GOP lawmakers who attended 'Stop the Steal' rally 

The records request could determine who the committee plans to call forth as a witness. It's not clear how the committee plans to ensure compliance from telecommunications companies with its request. The committee does have subpoena power but obtaining the records of members of Congress could set off complicate legal battles.The committee is requesting preserved phone records of Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle, Don Jr.'s girlfriend.



COVID SHOTS Vials Contain Graphene Oxide, Parasites, Stainless Steel

Dr. Robert Young, a microscopy expert holding two PhD's says he has examined the contents of the four publicly-available CoV-19 "vaccines", and determined the vials to contain graphene oxide, deadly parasites and stainless steel, among other metals and contents.

Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to break the findings, and issues a WARNING to anyone considering the inoculation.


Powerful: Michigan Doctor Slams Workforce Vaccine Mandates

A Michigan doctor gave full-throated support for HB 4471, a bill which would prohibit businesses in the state from requiring vaccinations as a condition of employment.

Testifying before the Michigan House last week, Dr. Christina Parks delivered powerful expert analysis explaining it’s unethical for the government to mandate vaccines which, not only don’t prevent transmission, but actually appear to be weakening the human immune system.

“…This is extremely complex science that has been oversimplified in the media to basically take away our freedom of choice,” Dr. Parks says.


124 retired generals and admirals question Biden's mental health

“We must always have an unquestionable chain of command."

A group of retired U.S. military admirals and generals signed a letter released Tuesday questioning President Biden’s fitness for office and seemingly challenging the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

The letter, signed by 124 former military leaders and posted by Flag Officers 4 America, said the “Constitutional Republic is lost” without “fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the will of the people.”

“Recent Democrat leadership’s inquiries about nuclear code procedures sends a dangerous national security signal to nuclear armed adversaries, raising the question about who is in charge,” the group added.



90 Retired Generals & Admirals Call for Immediate Resignation of Gen. Milley & Def Sec. Austin

Nearly 90 retired generals and admirals signed a letter demanding the immediate resignations of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin over their roles in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Veterans Ordered to Stop 'Disrespecting' Biden and Top Democrats

Active duty & retired service members receive letter to stop criticizing Democratic regime

Military veterans and active duty service members have received letters ordering them to stop "disrespecting" Joe Biden and other high-level officials in the Democrat regime, accoridng to reports.

The letter was sent out by top leadership at the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and informed retired and active troops that they cannot condemn Biden's chaotic and deadly withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan.

In the letter, reportedly sent via email on August 23, recipients are told to discuss Biden, Kamala Harris, Congress, the secretary of defense, and others in a more positive light.



Pfizer Demanded Military Bases as Collateral for Cost of Vaccine Deaths

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer reportedly bullied countries like Argentina into surrendering bank and military assets in exchange for massive shipments of its experimental COVID injections. But the shots came with strings attached, with countries compensating for the cost of any deaths related to the Pfizer jab.


The Vilification Of Ivermectin

Ivermectin is an early treatment drug with a reportedly high rate of effectiveness in studies against Covid-19.

But as the vaccine industry stands to make billions from a booster regimen for the Covid boogeyman, the propaganda against Ivermectin has become unrelenting.

Ivermectin, is an early treatment drug with a high rate of effectiveness in studies against Covid-19. According to

"Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 72% and 86% improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis and restriction to peer-reviewed studies or Randomized Controlled Trials.

•Statistically significant improvements are seen formortality, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 27 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation. The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 63 studies is estimated to be 1 in 1 trillion."

Like many drugs Ivermectin comes in doses for human and animal consumption. But according to the FRONT LINE COVID-19 CRITICAL CARE ALLIANCE for prevention and Early treatment, the amount of Ivermectin taken is a tiny amount.

But as the vaccine industry stands to make billions more from a booster regime for the Covid boogeyman that has a recovery rate on average of 99%. And a media industry that feeds off the pharmaceutical industry with countless hours of advertising. The propaganda against Ivermectin has become unrelenting.

Of course far from the slime permeated from television are doctors rather than failed late night talk show hosts presenting studies backed up by the threat of malpractice.

From the perspective of the psychotic elite planners. The Great Reset war on humanity using the COVID-19 gain of function bio weapon to slowly reduce population must not be derailed. And all early treatment must be vilified.


Rand Paul says scientists are refusing to study de-worming drug ivermectin as a potential COVID treatment because of they have been 'deranged' by their 'hatred for Trump'

  • The Kentucky senator was speaking to constituents at a town hall in Cold Spring 
  • Paul said he himself is 'in the middle' on ivermectin because of a lack of research
  • He accused the scientific community of being 'unwilling to objectively study' it
  • Ivermectin can be used in small doses to treat head lice and other parasites in humans but is commonly meant for deworming livestock like horses and cows
  • The CDC and FDA have raised alarm bells on Americans using doses of the drug meant for animals to try and treat COVID despite no proof it's effective
  • Donald Trump, Senator Ron Johnson and Tucker Carlson all promoted it
  • Poison control calls in some areas have skyrocketed because of ivermectin

American Generals Warn: This is How America Falls to Marxism

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin taught special operations how to fight Marxist insurgents. Now he’s seeing it happen here. 

“This Marxist movement in America is real, you cannot deny it anymore,” he said.

Boykin is among the over 120 flag officers who are warning America must wake up to the fact we are under a communist revolution.


Ted Cruz says Afghan refugees are 'getting Ubers' from Fort Bliss when they arrive in the US: Homeland Security faces questions after 'deported rapist from Ethiopia' and ISIS suspects were put on evacuation flights from Kabul

Ted Cruz claimed Afghan refugees can call an uber to leave their holding location in the U.S. as Republican criticism of the Biden administration's vetting process ramped up.



New Orleans is hit by LOOTING in wake of Hurricane Ida: Thieves are seen stealing from store by a drone as city faces at least THREE WEEKS without electricity and death toll rises to 2


Army shares image of last servicemember leaving Afghanistan as 20-year war comes to an end: Up to 200 US citizens and thousands of allies are left behind to live under Taliban who celebrate by overrunning Kabul airport and inspecting their new Chinooks 


'I can't believe no one told me this was the last flight': American citizen who worked as interpreter for US military says she's stranded in Afghanistan after forces completed withdrawal

An American citizen who worked as an interpreter for the US military during the war in Afghanistan says she is stranded in the country after the last military plane departed Kabul airport on Monday. The Pentagon announced on Monday afternoon that the last American troops had left Kabul airport almost 24 hours ahead of schedule, ending the U.S. war in Afghanistan after 20 years and the deaths of almost 2500 troops. Witnesses in Kabul said the Taliban let off celebratory gunfire as news circulated that the final US flight had left. It means President Biden managed to meet his August 31 deadline and removes American personnel from danger. But it comes at the cost of letting a militant group retake the country, after the deaths of 13 US service members last week. 'I just found out that they left, and I was just silent for a while,' the woman, who goes by the pseudonym 'Sara,' told CNN on Monday. 'And I just went, walked around the rooms, and I saw the young kids are sleeping and they have no clue what happened this morning, that the last flight is gone and we're left behind.'


Blinken admits up to 200 Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan after last US flights left 24 hours before deadline: Vows to keep working with the Taliban to get US citizens and Afghan allies out

Secretary of State Antony Blinken promised a 'new chapter' of diplomacy in Afghanistan, and vowed to continue the evacuation of Americans, saying fewer than 200 Americans remain who want to leave.



Moment angry man LUNGES at NBC reporter and tells him to 'report accurately' during live Hurricane Ida coverage

The man parked his pickup truck behind Brewster and sprints towards him as he is heard shouting at them to 'report accurately.'




Former CIA officer turned Q-Anon conspiracy theorist, 69, dies of COVID-19 while on anti-vax speaking tour of Florida


Female Showering with biological men: Female inmates in US & UK recount sexual abuse from ‘trans’ prisoners

Women in the US and UK who were forced to live alongside biological men in prison have told RT that policies designed to protect transgender rights have led to violence and sexual assault against female inmates.

She believes that she was chosen to bunk with the transgender inmate because the guards in the prison thought it would be a good “joke” to make a former police officer share a cell with a biological male. 

“I felt hopeless. I felt trapped,” she said of the experience. 

I was sexually assaulted and I am not the only woman who has been. They haven’t had surgery and they expose themselves.


Police Dog Mauls Anti-Lockdown Protester

Video out of Newcastle in the UK shows a police dog mauling an anti-lockdown protester who reportedly escaped a police kettling operation during the demonstration.

The clip shows the man attempting to evade capture before being tackled from behind by a cop wearing riot gear.

Three officers then pin the man to the ground as the dog continually mauls his neck for a period of about 15 seconds while a woman screams for police to drag the animal away.


Michael Moore After Afghanistan Evacuation: Time to Defend America ‘Against Our Own Domestic Taliban’


Japan Halts 2.6m Moderna Doses After Additional Vials Found to Contain ‘Foreign Substances,’ 2 Men Die

Two men in their 30s died last week after receiving covid shots from Moderna that officials discovered contained “foreign matter” that “reacts to magnets.”

From The Times, “Fears over metal flakes in Moderna vaccine after two deaths”:

Japanese health officials said last week the shots contained a “substance that reacts to magnets.”

“A tiny black substance was found in a Moderna vaccine vial in Gunma, an official from the prefecture said, while in Okinawa, black substances were spotted in syringes and a vial, and pink material was found in a different syringe,” Reuters reported Monday.


Cargo Truck Rollover Begets VERY STRANGE Response -DOD BROGHT IN!: Could it be the US Department of Defense responded because in actuality these so-called 'vaccines' are actually biological weapons: Clearly something is being hidden from the public. 


Top Chinese Whistleblower Exposes COVID-19 As An Unrestricted Warfare Bioweapon

Persecuted virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan joined The Alex Jones Show on Monday to explain how the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) released COVID-19 upon the world to consolidate global power.

Dr. Yan explained that COVID-19 is a product of the PLA’s “Unrestricted Bioweapons” program that was released worldwide from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


China limits kids' video game time to 3 hours a week

China has forbidden under-18s from playing video games for more than three hours a week, saying there's growing addiction to what the nation once described as "spiritual opium".


Utah’s Mia Love will join ‘The View’

University of Utah Health is first (SATANIC) hospital system in state to require that employees get COVID-19 KILL vaccine

The University of Utah Health board voted Monday to mandate that all employees be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

This is the first major hospital system in Utah to require that employees receive a COVID-19 vaccine. The announcement comes a week after the FDA gave full approval to the Pfizer vaccine and was no longer barred from setting vaccination mandates under Utah law.

UVU becomes 4th public college in Utah to require students get the COVID-19 KILL vaccine

$100bn spoils of war: Taliban ... Globalist Agenda Spars Plandemic ... Fauci says Mandating COVID vaccines for Kids ... COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Jump by 27,000 in One Week ... Switzerland warns of terror attacks on Covid-19 vaccine sites ... Trudeau Called Communist While Posing For Selfie ... Romney Blames Trump For Biden’s Afghanistan Crisis ... Impeachment Introduced to Remove Secretary Blinken ...



Globalist Agenda Spars Plandemic PART 2

SPARS Update An A Look Forward On The Globalist Agenda




CDC Announces Plan To Spend Millions Addressing ‘Public Health Threat’ of ‘Gun Violence’

“Something has to be done about this. Now is the time — it’s pedal to the metal time,” CDC director Rochelle Walensky told CNN in an interview aired on Saturday.


Fauci: COVID Booster Shots Will Be Needed Every 8 Months

In a Sunday appearance on MSNBC’s “Meet The Press,” Fauci claimed the federal government is taking a “flexible” approach to when Americans will be urged to take a booster shot.

“We’re still planning on eight months. That was the calculation we made,” the NIAID director told host Chuck Todd.  “This rollout will start on the week of September the 20th.

This comes after Joe Biden called for COVID boosters every 5 months.


Mitt Romney Blames Trump For Biden’s Afghanistan Crisis

Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) laid the blame for Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan crisis that led to the deaths of 13 soldiers at the feet of former President Trump.


Trudeau Called “Communist F**k” While Posing For Selfie

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was called a “Communist F**k” by a man who pretended to want to take a picture with him.

A masked Trudeau was seen posing with a man who initially seemed excited to take a picture with him, but that changed quickly when the man unleashed the slur, prompting Trudeau to quickly walk away.


Canada Just Ordered 7 Doses of Covid Vax for Every Man, Woman and Child


Articles of Impeachment Introduced to Remove Secretary Blinken over Afghanistan

Republicans files articles against Joe Biden's Secretary of State Antony Blinken

The articles were filed against Blinken on Friday in the aftermath of 13 U.S. service member deaths in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) introduced the articles of impeachment, saying that Blinken “played a vital role in this foreign policy failure and his dereliction of duty deserves nothing less than impeachment.”

Joining Norman in introducing the articles of impeachment was Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), who said that the “unmitigated catastrophe” was a “preventable tragedy.”


The $100bn spoils of war: Taliban militants help themselves to helicopters, hi-tech radios and armored vehicles amid ramshackle withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan 

The withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan has left the Taliban with hundreds of aircraft and helicopters, thousands of weapons and armoured vehicles and tailored tactical uniforms. Ancient AK47s are nowhere to be seen, with the Taliban of today carrying US Green Beret-issue M4 Carbines with telescoping stocks. The Taliban of 15 years ago were seldom if ever seen wearing helmets. But today their headwear is more expensive and more advanced than that worn by most British troops.


NAZI Fauci says mandating COVID vaccines for kids to attend school is a 'good idea'


Milan 18-storey apartment block goes up in flames as emergency services launch search amid fears of people trapped inside

  • 15 fire engines were needed to extinguish the fire which took hold at 5:30pm
  • The fire destroyed the Torre dei Moro building in the southern outskirts of Milan
  • Tenants have been safely evacuated with no hospitalisations, but some firefighters sustained burns according to Milan's mayor
  • One resident said he had been assured that the building's panels were fireproof 
  • Firefighters are continuing their search operation to ensure no one was trapped


Switzerland warns of terror attacks on Covid-19 vaccine sites

Switzerland's vaccine deliveries are coordinated and conducted by the Swiss army. Doses are stored in secret locations.

A spokesman for Lonza Group, a manufacturer of Moderna's vaccine, told the newspaper the company would not comment "on such sensitive topics".


Hurricane Ida claims its first victim: Man, 60, is killed when tree falls on home as monster storm knocks out power to 1M including ALL of New Orleans and leaves hundreds trapped in 12ft flood waters on the anniversary of Katrina

Around a million people are without power in southern Mississippi and Louisiana as Hurricane Ida, which has been downgraded to Category 1, tore through the region on Sunday, knocking out electricity to all of New Orleanswhile whipping up sustained winds of more than 150 mph and tearing the roof off buildings.


Mississippi governor says the state's residents are not scared of Covid because they believe in 'ETERNAL LIFE' as cases and deaths surge


Green Card Applicants Will Soon Need COVID Vaccine To Be Eligible - CDC


Hostile school board meetings have members calling it quits

A Nevada school board member said he had thoughts of suicide before stepping down amid threats and harassment. In Virginia, a board member resigned over what she saw as politics driving decisions on masks. The vitriol at board meetings in Wisconsin had one member fearing he would find his tires slashed.

School board members are largely unpaid volunteers, traditionally former educators and parents who step forward to shape school policy, choose a superintendent and review the budget. But a growing number are resigning or questioning their willingness to serve as meetings have devolved into shouting contests between deeply political constituencies over how racial issues are taught, masks in schools, and COVID-19 vaccines and testing requirements.

In his letter of resignation from Wisconsin’s Oconomowoc Area School Board, Rick Grothaus said its work had become “toxic and impossible to do.”


Neil Young Shames Concert Promoters for Hosting Live Shows: Money Motives ‘Super Spreader Events’

Left-wing rocker Neil Young, who has an estimated net worth of $200 million, attacked concert promoters for doing business as coronavirus case spikes continue to grip parts of the U.S. “Stop these shows” and “forget about making money for a while” Young said.


Rocker Dee Snider to Unvaccinated Fans: ‘F**k You,’ Don’t Have a Right to Infect Me

Twisted Sister rocker Dee Snider doesn’t want unvaccinated fans attending his concerts, saying the chance of making him sick with COVID-19 represents “an invasion of my privacy.”

“Your chance of making me sick is an invasion of my privacy, so fuck you,” he said. “If you don’t like it, find your own band. Ted Nugent is out there somewhere. Kid Rock is welcoming you. … You don’t have a right to infect me.”

COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Jump by 27,000 in One Week, FDA Pulls ‘Bait and Switch’ With Pfizer Vaccine Approval

VAERS data released Friday by the CDC showed a total of 623,343 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 13,627 deaths and 84,466 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 20, 2021.