Syria Bombing Legal Under U.N. Law ... PFIZER to test vaccine on 5 year-olds ... Defends Radical Trans Surgeries ... Largest Tsunami Of Evictions In U.S. History ... The Bond Market Is Hiking Rates ... Fauci Touts Endless COVID Vaccines ... Biden admin to charge White House reporters $170 per Covid test ... Bible Battles ...


Sodom and Gomorrah LDS

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints/Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

The Church of Jesus Christ stands by opposition to Equality Act, instead calls for protection of religious freedom and LGBTQ community


Utah drought worries farmers, ranchers, water managers

Water engineers told KSL there is, at best, a 15% chance of getting to the average snowpack this year. An even bigger concern is how dry the ground is right now.


Eviction Moratorium Ruled Unconstitutional, Largest Tsunami Of Evictions In U.S. History Incoming…


Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement

Robert F Kennedy Jr talks vaccines, Dr Fauci, family history and JFk assassination with Patrick Bet-David


Despite The Fed, The Bond Market Is Hiking Rates: As we stated, historically, there is little room for error as higher rates undermine one of the critical 'bullish supports' that low rates justify high valuations. 


Weather Warfare in TexasSnow That Doesn’t Melt – Dane Wigington

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says the big snow storm that hit Texas and much of the south is nothing short of weather warfare.  Look at the snow that won’t burn in video after video.  It’s synthetic, but the mainstream media (MSM) is telling you this is a “hoax”.  This is anything but normal.  Wigington says, “The bottom line in regard to the flash freeze that Texas was just hit with, we can debate the agenda behind these operations, but the fact that this was not an act of nature is beyond scientific question. . . .Those neck deep in the weather modification program are dictating what the scheduled weather will be.  Because of the illegal federal gag order on the National Weather Service and NOAA, our nation’s weather people are actually reading scripts given to them by the geo-engineers themselves.  We announced on February 6, almost two weeks before this event happened, that this was coming.  So, there is no question this was a massive act of weather warfare.


Fauci Touts Endless COVID Vaccines, Plays 2nd Fiddle To Chinese CDC During Symposium


Biden admin to charge White House reporters $170 per Covid test amid concerns smaller outlets will be squeezed out – reports

The Joe Biden administration is reportedly set to charge White House correspondents $170 a pop for daily coronavirus tests, stoking anger among reporters, some noting the move could cost struggling newsrooms thousands per week.

The White House press office will begin charging for the tests next week, the Washington Post reported on Friday, observing that the costs effectively amount to an “admission fee” for journalists covering the administration.

While the White House has absorbed the testing costs to date, after nearly a year of daily screenings they have become a financial burden for the government, the Post said, prompting the push for news outlets to foot the bill.


Bill Maher Warns Dems That Cancel Culture “Coming to a Neighborhood Near You”

On his closing segment of “Real Time” on Friday, Maher explained that cancel culture may not seem like a threat to the left now, but once they’ve cancelled all the Republicans, they’ll find new targets in Democrats.

“Liberals need a Stand Your Ground law…for cancel culture.” Maher began the monologue, “so that when the woke mob comes after you for some ridiculous offense, you’ll stand your ground, stop apologizing. Because I can’t keep up with who’s on the s—list.”

Jerry Nadler Defends Radical Trans Surgeries By Saying “God’s Will Is No Concern Of This Congress”


REVEALED: Google's Sundar Pichai tops list of the 100 'most overpaid' CEOs with package worth $281M - after new study compared salaries to shareholder return 


Asylum seekers who Trump banned from the US stream across Gateway International Bridge from Mexico after Biden relaxed rules - with 500 expected by end of the week


'Cuomo wanted to sleep with me too': Second aide, 25, comes forward to claim New York Gov. sexual harassed her last JUNE – at height of COVID - as he asks former Clinton-appointed federal judge to conduct review 


Former CIA Director John Brennan tells Biden to BAN Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from the US after report found he ordered killing of Jamal Khashoggi 


Prince Charles presses for face-to-face meeting with Joe Biden to discuss climate change (Communism) 'at the earliest opportunity'


Vanessa Bryant calls Evan Rachel Wood 'vile and disturbing' for calling her husband Kobe a 'rapist' just hours after he died


Democrats are accelerating plans to install President Harris

Many of us anticipated this. Now the plans are rolling out, perhaps and bit sooner than Democrats actually planned thanks to Joe Biden's failing mental acuity.


Insanity - School system drops Dr. Seuss, claims books are Full Of 'racial undertones'


Ford Wants Its Cars Back From the NRA 

Automaker fears gun group will miss payments amid bankruptcy


Rep. Lauren Boebert at CPAC: Democrats Push Gun Laws to Control Americans

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) noted during the Second Amendment panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Saturday that Democrats and the D.C. bureaucracy want gun control so they can control Americans.


Ted Cruz Ignores Laura Loomer at CPAC


PFIZER to test vaccine on 5 year-olds...


Biden’s Pentagon: Syria Bombing Legal Under U.N. Law

The Pentagon on Friday said it had domestic and multinational legal authorities under the U.S. Constitution and United Nations international law, respectively, to conduct lethal airstrikes in Syria against Iran-backed militia groups accused of targeting American troops and their allies in neighboring Iraq.


Bible Battles

Bill Gates: Mosquitoes to Inject You With Vaccines ... LDS Church: $20M to UN COVID-19 vaccines ... White House preparing for Ebola ... New Domestic Terror Powers ... VACCINE PASSPORTS BEGIN IN ISRAEL MUST SHOW GREEN TO ENTER ... Maryland Teacher Masturbating While Kids Watched ... Utah teacher calling for the deaths of Republican senators ... Global TAX ... Biden warns new COVID variants ... CRAZY WORLD ...


Bill Gates Wants to Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Inject You With Vaccines

Flying Syringes is a phrase that is used to refer to a proposed project funded by Bill Gates to create genetically modified mosquitoes that inject vaccines into people when they bite them.

In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $100,000 to Hiroyuki Matsuoka of Jichi Medical University in Japan to do research on genetically modified mosquitoes.


Dan Bongino — ‘My Secret Service sources tell me Biden is in bad shape, it’s not a joke’…


Bozeman man asking community to help sell him a home

“It’s been about 6 months, we’ve made I think 18 offers now on different properties and haven’t had one accepted yet."

BOZEMAN — We’ve heard about it for months and months: the inventory of houses for sale in Bozeman is low.

And for this young family with a baby on the way, their dream home can’t come soon enough.


Bill targets how police use info showing where you've been and what internet searches you make

SALT LAKE CITY — A new tool in wide use by law enforcement agencies across the country can draw a circle on any map and seek out, through chilling data search techniques, who was in or near that area at any specific time.

That's all thanks to the signals your cellphone is constantly receiving and emitting, whether you're using it or not.

So if you happened to be walking your dog through that search zone at the same time a crime was committed, you could end up as part of an investigation based on nothing more substantial than easily obtainable records showing everywhere you've been with that cellphone in your pocket.

Now, a bill that could have created landmark restrictions on these type of dragnet-style law enforcement searches, ones that can access databases showing not only where you've been but what searches you've conducted on your browser — even if you're not a suspect — has been toned down by Utah lawmakers but could still lead to some new privacy protections for residents.

So-called reverse location and reverse keyword searches are possible thanks to data stored by Google and other digital platforms that include historical information about where a cellphone user has traveled, through built-in location tracking abilities in mobile devices, and every search term you've used on some browsers.

And law enforcement agencies across the country have been accessing that information since at least 2016, according to recent reports and continue to do so in rising numbers.


Latter-day Saint Charities grants $20M to support UNICEF COVID-19 vaccine effort

SALT LAKE CITY — The humanitarian arm for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has committed $20 million to support UNICEF's global COVID-19 vaccination effort.

The money will help UNICEF's work with the Access to the COVID-19 Tools Accelerator and its vaccination effort, called the COVAX Facility, which aims to supply two billion COVID-19 vaccines to around 196 countries by the end of the year.

The first of the two billion doses will go to frontline health care workers and high risk and vulnerable populations, according to a church news release.

$3 million donation from the church to UNICEF's COVID-19 response last year. Latter-day Saint Charities and UNICEF partnered in 2013 to collaborate humanitarian efforts for those in need.

BYU committee on race and diversity releases 26 recommendations to help 'root out racism'

PROVO — After meeting since last July and following a deluge of thousands of personal and electronic communications with stakeholders, including the university's minority alumni base, the nine-member committee tasked with improving racial equality at Brigham Young University and in the surrounding community has presented its initial findings to President Kevin J. Worthen and school officials.

The report, outlined in a 63-page document available at, includes 26 recommendations for improving race relations both on and off campus, including the addition and changes to classes based on data received from nearly 20,000 respondents.

The recommendations are categorized under three headings related to improving the experience of Black, Indigenous and People of Color at BYU: institutional and organizational reforms, student belonging and equity, and faculty reforms. (WHITES BAD, COLORED GOOD)


Watch: Jim Acosta Receives the “Jim Acosta” Treatment at CPAC

Taking a page out of Acosta’s own book, The Federalist correspondent David Marcus interrupted a question and answer session to repeatedly ask Acosta, “When are you guys gonna start covering Cuomo?”  “We do,” Acosta replies, to which the man responds, “No you don’t. He killed 10,000 people and is accused of sexual assault and you guys want to talk about Ted Cruz.”


Ron DeSantis at CPAC: ‘Florida Got It Right and the Lockdown States Got It Wrong’

Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference Friday touting the state’s move to end lockdowns and open up the state’s economy.


Maryland Teacher’s Aide Gets ‘Administrative Leave’ After Masturbating While Kids Watched On Zoom Call

Maryland teacher’s aide Marc Schack, who works with disabled children and has a side business in which he dresses up as a pirate named “Captain Sillybones” and hosts children’s parties, was caught masturbating on a Zoom call as his special ed class watched.

After being caught masturbating on camera as children watched, Schack simply said “my bad” and was placed on administrative leave. The school’s administration claims the administrative leave is unrelated to his shocking performance in front of the children, however, and is simply because they misplaced his background check file.




Mystery explosion hits Israeli cargo ship in the Gulf hours after US air strike on Iran-backed militia forces in Syria 

The Israeli-owned cargo ship was sailing out of the Middle East on Friday when it was hit by an unexplained blast, renewing concerns about escalating tensions between the US and Iran.


White House preparing order for enhanced airport screenings for Ebola

The Biden administration is moving forward with plans to screen airline passengers from two African countries arriving in the U.S. for Ebola, which will involve sending them to one of about a half dozen designated airports, Yahoo News has learned.



DOJ Opens the Door to Seeking New Domestic Terror Powers

A senior Justice Department official opened the door to seeking new legislative authorities to pursue domestic terrorism, a step the Biden administration has yet to entertain since the January 6 insurrection and something civil libertarians have warned against.

The prospect of new counterterrorism powers has alarmed civil libertarians and others who fear that such authorities are both unnecessary and rife for abuse to criminalize extreme political views, rather than pursue people who have planned or committed acts of violence. Pointing to the excesses of the FBI during the 20-year War on Terror, they also fear that expanding those law enforcement, intelligence, and prosecutorial powers will permit future presidents to use them against marginalized groups. Former President Donald Trump, for instance, slandered Black Lives Matter activists as terrorists.


Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle tell CPAC 'the GOP is the party of President Trump' and slam 'RINOs' including Liz Cheney -  then mock her father Dick in front of cheering conservatives

Donald Trump Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle previewed Donald Trump's return to the political stage when the duo addressed CPAC on Friday, declaring the president to be the future of the Republican Party.  'The Republican Party is being reborn thanks to President Trump,'


Utah teacher sparks outrage with tweet calling for the deaths of Republican senators 'the next time a President incites a riot at the Capitol'

Brian Townsend, a humanities teacher at Parowan High School in Parowan, Utah, posted the tweet on February 13 - the same day the Senate voted to acquit former President Donald Trump.


Corporate bankruptcies rose 70% last year as pandemic decimated businesses - with real estate and restaurants hardest hit


US drops key obstacle to global digital tax: Treasury

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told her G20 colleagues Friday that Washington is dropping a push for a controversial provision in a global digital tax, opening the door to a likely agreement.

The US shift -- part of a broader repositioning by President Joe Biden from the "America First" agenda of former President Donald Trump -- prompted immediate praise from Germany and France, which said a deal was now "within reach" following the US pivot.





As USPS delays persist, bills, paychecks and medications are getting stuck in the mail


'It's not time to relax': Biden warns new variants could cause another COVID surge and urges Americans not to get complacent - even though cases are at their lowest level since November  



House passes Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID relief with $1,400 direct payments: Bill moves to the Senate after two Democrats broke ranks in 219-212 vote

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said 'We're going to make a giant step forward tonight' even after a Senate official ruled that the final version will not include a wage hike.


More than 40% of people will need to use technology to conceive children by 2050 because 'household chemicals' are driving down sperm counts, expert predicts 

Dr Shanna Swan's new book, 'Count Down' predicts that with sperm counts declining 1% a year, a large share of people won't be able to conceive, and chemicals may be to blame.


Republican Senators send letter to Jeff Bezos demanding to know why Amazon pulled a book 'that challenged the transgender movement'

GOP Senators Marco Rubio, Mike Braun, Josh Hawley, Mike Lee sent a letter to Amazon's Jeff Bezos after company removed book 'When Harry Became Sally' from the website


US Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert killed himself after he was accused of trafficking 22 children, pushing a girl to attempt suicide by saying she was too fat and telling another to kill herself


Aly Raisman slams USA Gymnastics for 'sweeping abuse under the rug' in wake of disgraced coach John Geddert's suicide, and reveals she 'frequently' had to travel alone with him and pedophile Larry Nassar as a minor




Communist China Celebrate Anal Swabbing Stupid Americans



'Golden Calf' Wheeled Into Gathering...






QAnon supporters tell CNN they believe Trump will be reinstated as President 'after a military coup similar to Myanmar' 

QAnon supporters told CNN in a bizarre interview on Friday that they believe former President Donald Trump will be reinstated. In an interview, one woman in Ventura, California, said: 'The military is doing their own investigation.' She believed that 'at the right time they're going to be restoring the republic with Trump as president.'


Washington Senate votes to ban open carry of firearms at the state Capitol and at any organized protest 

On Thursday, Washington state senators passed a bill to ban the open carry of firearms at the state's Capitol building as fears of political violence capture the country.


Multiple CPAC Attendees Ejected, Threatened With Arrest For Not Wearing Masks

Austen “Fleccas Talks” Fletcher being kicked out of the event center for not wearing a mask, as security officials warn him that he is “no longer wanted” and he will be “arrested for trespassing” if he enters the building again. Several other attendees have also received similar treatment.


ARIZONA: Judge Rules Maricopa County Must Hand Over Ballots and Voting Equipment to State Senate for Audit

In a victory for election integrity, a judge has ruled that Maricopa County must hand over 2.1 million ballots and voting equipment from the 2020 election to the Arizona Senate for audit.