Coronavirus antibody tests are wrong up to HALF of the time ... 50 million will die in The US from The COVID Forced Vaccine ...

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mRNA Vaccines Might Prove Catastrophic in a Rushed Coronavirus Response
– mRNA vaccines could be maliciously exploited to weaponize vaccines to target critical physiological functions in humans. This is similar in effect to “RNA interference” technology which is a gene suppressing innovation that has been studied for use as an insect-killing pesticide technology in crops.

There can be no doubt that nanotechnology is, indeed, very much involved in cutting-edge vaccine research…Nanocarriers composed of lipids, proteins, metals or polymers have already been used…Nano-sensors, implanted in the body and brain, would issue real time data-reports on body/brain functioning to ops centers.

Host Brian Rose of RealLondon TV recently interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovits, then Dr. Sherry Tenpenny about the coming fast-tracked COVID vaccine. These videos have been scrubbed from YouTube and many other platforms. To her credit, Dr. Tenpenny ties in…

Police in riot gear fire rubber bullets and tear gas at thousands of protestors demanding the arrest of four white Minneapolis cops involved in the death of black man George Floyd
  • Chaos erupted at a Minneapolis protest Tuesday night over George Floyd's death on Monday
  • Police in riot gear threw tear gas and rubber bullets at people who held banners saying 'I can't breathe'
  • Demonstrators were pictured with milk doused in their faces to limit the effects of the gas 
  • Protesters were demanding the white cops are charged over the black man's death  
  • A video emerged Monday showing white cop Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck during his arrest 
  • Floyd was heard repeatedly telling cops he was in pain and could not breathe before losing consciousness 
  • Minneapolis Police Department confirmed the man later died in the hospital and four officers have been fired
  • FBI and state authorities are now investigating the man's death 
  • George Floyd's family said the cops 'murdered' Floyd and are calling for officers to face murder charges  

The locusts have already destroyed nearly 125,000 acres of crops, bringing further misery to farmers in India during the world's largest coronavirus lockdown.

The Centers for Disease Control has updated its guidance on its website, warning that antibody tests for COVID-19 may be wrong up to half of the time in delivering a false positive result.

A survey conducted by the Census Bureau revealed 34 out of every 100 Americans are showing symptoms of anxiety, depression or both as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

Mental health toll of social isolation set to be substantial.

In an interview with WNYC radio on Friday, de Blasio claimed: 'I've talked to lots and lots of business leaders...they are hanging on and they know it can be a matter of months until they'll be back in action.'

At this moment in history, the little nation of Israel has once again taken center stage, and what happens next is going to have staggering implications for all of us.
On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he would move ahead with a plan to annex portions of the West Bank in the months ahead.
The coalition agreement that he reached with Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz allows him to submit annexation for a vote as early as July, and if Netanyahu is actually going to do this it will almost certainly happen before the U.S. election in November.
The Trump administration is prepared to support Israel’s annexation under certain conditions, but a Biden administration would be 100 percent opposed to such a move.

Netanyahu Tells Lawmakers He Stands by July Target Date to Launch West Bank Annexation
Despite warnings from the international community, the prime minister says the move may be the first in importance for the newly sworn-in government to undertake

Comments deleted in realtime, despite YouTube being banned in China

'The US has been processing dead bodies from Covid-19 [Chinese coronavirus] diseases into hamburgers'

High prices at grocery stores and supply chain disruptions expected to persist

JPMorgan: The Surge In Gold Is A Sign Of Eroding Confidence In Central Bank-Generated Money

Mastercard joins ID2020 Alliance
Mastercard today announced that it will join the ID2020 Alliance, a global multi-stakeholder partnership dedicated to enabling everyone to have access to a viable and trusted form of legal identity. One in seven people globally lacks a means to prove their identity making it impossible to track who has been vaccinated.

‘Back off, India,’ China is itching for war with India, but India is not backing off
There could be a small-scale war between India and China
Face-offs between the Indian Army and China’s PLA troops along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh have now taken the shape of a tense eyeball-to-eyeball standoff situation.

Detroit Three have a new competitor in the electric pickup war — it's called Endurance

Says she felt Oregon was inviting her to vote despite being a non-citizen