The 33 Degrees of a Virus ... BLUE BEAM HOLOGRAMS ... Ku Klux Klan plaque and relics to Confederate chief Robert E. Lee need to be stripped down from West Point, congressional panel says ... Trump Re-Ups His Demand to ‘Hold a New Election, NOW!’ ... DeSantis: “We Need A Reckoning” ... Mikhail Gorbachev dead at 91 ...


DeSantis: “We Need A Reckoning


GOP senators DEMAND Facebook hands over conversations with FBI over suppressing Hunter Biden laptop scandal - AND name the agents who falsely them it was Russian disinformation

  • The letter, addressed to Mark Zuckerberg, also requests names of FBI and DOJ officials who told Facebook the news was 'Russian disinformation' 
  • That warning allegedly pushed Facebook to censor and shut down reports regarding the laptop 
  • 'The American people deserve to know whether the FBI used Facebook as part of their alleged plan to discredit information about Hunter Biden,' they write 
  • Grassley said he would continue investigating Biden and wanted to root out 'political bias' within the FBI , during a gathering with Iowa Republicans Sunday
  • Zuckerberg openly discussed the Hunter Biden laptop story on The Joe Rogan Experience on Thursday


Top FBI agent accused of protecting Hunter Biden from probes RESIGNS: Veteran is marched out of HQ over claims he suppressed laptop story and was 'politically biased'

  • Timothy Thibault was an Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the investigation
  • He resigned after being dismissed from the supervisory role by FBI Director 
  • It comes after agency whistleblowers alleged Thibault and other high-ranking officials allowed political bias to influence their handling of case 
  • Thibault was escorted out of the D.C. headquarters for the last time on Friday


'Cannibal cut off his aunt's head and used it to make pepper soup in Nigeria... and was tucking into it when relatives caught him'

  • Jeremiah Ode allegedly killed his aunt Priscilla and cut off head with machete
  • Ode, 45, then cooked a pepper soup with Priscilla's decapitated head in Oju
  • He was caught eating soup by relatives after they went searching for victim


Truth Social Barred from Google’s ‘Play Store’ Over Lack of Censorship

Truth Social has been championed by President Trump after he and countless patriots were booted from big tech social media platforms


Mikhail Gorbachev dead at 91: Final leader of the Soviet Union who helped end the Cold War and bring down the Iron Curtain but then saw his own superpower crumble dies in hospital

  • Mikhail Gorbachev - the last leader of the Soviet Union - has died in a Moscow hospital aged 91
  • Gorbachev helped bring the Cold War to an end and failed to prevent the collapse of the USSR
  • Under his rule, the Iron Curtain which had divided Europe since the Second World War disintegrated
  • He became general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party in 1985 committed to reforming the system  
  • But many Russians never forgave Gorbachev for the turmoil his liberalising reforms unleashed


Alec Baldwin is sued for $25million by family of Marine killed in Kabul after publicly shaming the fallen soldier's sister on Instagram because she attended the Capitol riot

  • Rylee McCollum was killed in the August 2021 Kabul Airport bombing 
  • Baldwin donated $5,000 to the Marine's family's GoFundMe, unaware that his sister Roice had attended the Capitol riot 
  • He commented on her Instagram page then sent her private messages
  • He then replied to her in the comments section of his own page, which exposed her handle to his 42million followers 
  • Roice was inundated by trolls which she says was Baldwin's fault
  • She also claims he defamed her because she only attended the riot but didn't cause any damage 
  • She is joined in her lawsuit by her late brother's widow, who was pregnant with their first baby when he died


YouTube Suspends Dr. Drew After He Shows Vaccine-Induced Eye Injury

YouTube has blocked renowned physician Dr. Drew Pinsky from going live on its platform after he showed a vaccine-related eye injury he incurred after receiving an experimental Covid jab.

Pinsky exposed the censorship effort via Twitter Monday, saying he received “another” strike on his channel “because I showed an unedited pic of my spontaneous raccoon eye after my J&J vaccine.”


SICK – Pedo Biden Gets Saucy with Child in Crowd: “How Are You Baby? How Old Are You?”

US President Joe Biden appeared to hit on a prepubescent child during a rally in Pennsylvania Tuesday, calling the girl “baby” and asking her age.

Speaking at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Biden took time while on the podium holding a microphone to single out a young girl in the crowd, who he acknowledged was no more than 9 years old.

The 33 Degrees of a Virus




Trump Re-Ups His Demand to ‘Hold a New Election, NOW!’ In Bizarre Overnight TruthSocial Post

“The Presidential Election was BADLY & IRREPARABLY TAINTED by the FBI’s FAKE description of the ‘Laptop from Hell’ to Facebook & the LameStream Media – & for MANY other reasons as well,” Trump posted at 1:46 a.m. on Tuesday.

“Declare the rightful winner, or hold a new Election, NOW! Our Country, which is failing badly, knows the ‘score,’ and will never accept Criminal Election Interference. The FBI just fired its Special Agent In Charge of this outrageous & very illegal assault on the Constitution of the United States of America!” he added.


Inflation Could Top 22% Next Year, Warns Goldman Sachs

UK inflation could top 22% next year if natural gas prices remain elevated in the coming months, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. warned.

The prediction is the latest startling forecast for the severity of the crisis that’s unfolding in the UK, with hopes fading that inflation will peak in October. Goldman’s outlook is even more gloomy than a prediction last week from Citigroup, which price gains peaking at 18.6%, well above the 13% figure the Bank of England forecast earlier this month.


More Americans smoke marijuana than cigarettes, poll finds

Sixteen percent of Americans say they currently smoke marijuana with 48% of respondents sharing that they have tried it at some point in their life — the highest rate ever recorded by Gallup. Last year, 12% of respondents said they used marijuana.

A new record low of 11% of adults reported smoking cigarettes with approximately three in 10 nonsmokers stating they used to smoke, a steep drop in cigarette use compared to 45% in the 1950s.


Gov. Wolf pushing for $2,000 in direct payments to Pennsylvanians

Wolf called for the passage of the PA Opportunity Program.

It would use $500 million in general funds to send checks worth up to $2,000 to people with an income of $80,000 or less. 

The Wolf administration made a similar proposal in February, but it did not pass.

Democrats in Harrisburg say they plan to reintroduce legislation to fund the program.


Millions in new COVID lockdown as China keeps strict policy

China has placed millions of its citizens under lockdown following fresh outbreaks of COVID-19



They should have been taken down years ago!' Bronze Ku Klux Klan plaque and relics to Confederate chief Robert E. Lee need to be stripped down from West Point, congressional panel says

  •  A congressional committee has demanded brass at West Point remove or rename all facilities associated with Confederate leaders including Robert E. Lee
  •  However, the agency would not ask that a bronze plaque which pays homage to the Ku Klux Klan at one the campus' entrances be removed
  •  That sentiment has since sparked outrage across the country, with many asking why the group can nix names associated with US history and not a racist artifact


Biden Tells “Brave Right-wing Americans” Second Amendment Has Limits

PRESIDENT BIDEN: I have two shotguns at home. I am not opposed to guns and I support the Second Amendment. But the Second Amendment, as one of the most conservative justices in history, Justice Scalia once wrote, "like most rights, the rights granted by the Second Amendment not unlimited."
Right now, you cannot go out and buy an automatic weapon. You cannot go out and buy a cannon.
And for those brave right-wing Americans who say it is all about keeping America as independent and safe, if you want to fight against a country, you need an F-15 and you need something a little more than a gun.
I am not joking. Think about this. Think about the rationale that is used to provide this and who are they shooting at? Are they shooting at these guys behind me?


Another US Food Processing Plant Catches Fire, Add This To Growing List

Los Angeles-based KTLA reported QC Poultry processing plant in Montebello, California, located just east of East Los Angeles and southwest of San Gabriel Valley, caught fire around 1600 local time Sunday. Firefighters responded to the large industrial plant as heavy smoke billowed from the roof.


Pfizer Bars Whites From Applying For Prestigious Fellowship

No white people need apply for Pfizer's new "Breakthrough Fellowship" program.


Russia halts gas deliveries via Nord Stream 1

The pipeline to Germany has been temporarily shut down due to maintenance

The flow of gas to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 Baltic Sea pipeline was suspended due to routine maintenance on Wednesday, Russian company Gazprom has said.


New York Times Continues Its Long History of Covering for Commies with Gorbachev Obit

You can always count on the New York Times to put its liberal spin on events. For instance, this breaking news headline: “Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader who transformed the map of Europe and presided over the end of the Cold War, has died at 91.”


China Is Aggressively Reselling Russian Gas To Europe

China has been quietly reselling that evil, tainted Russian LNG to the one place that desperately needs it more than anything. Europe... and of course, it is charging a kidney's worth of markups in the process.

Scientists grow synthetic embryo with brain and beating heart for first time ever

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have created embryos from mouse stem cells that form a brain, a beating heart, and the foundations of every other organ in the body. This is a “further point in development than has been achieved in any other stem cell-derived model,” the university notes.


Mississippi's largest city runs out of water INDEFINITELY: Over 180,000 people are left without drinking water and can't flush their toilets or take showers after floods made Jackson's water treatment plant fail

  • Jackson, Mississippi ran out of water indefinitely leaving more than 180,000 residents without drinking water amid recent historic floods
  • Gov. Tate Reeves announced on Monday the city's failing water system was completely down due to years of poor infrastructure 
  • Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba said the recent Mississippi floods strained the city's water plan 
  • The ailing OB Curtis water plant in Jackson was taken offline after it was overwhelmed by recent flooding, which destroyed backup systems put in place to relieve the elderly plant's main treatment machinery.

Border Patrol Head Testifies That Biden “No Consequences” Policy Has Caused Border Crisis

Raul Ortiz, The Head of The U.S. Border Patrol has testified under oath that he believes the Biden administration’s policy of “no consequences” for illegal immigrants trying to enter the country has made the border less safe, caused an exponential increase in people attempting to cross, and has directly caused what he believes constitutes a “crisis”.



Dan Bongino - I’m Screwed "Getting the vaccine was the biggest mistake and regret of my life" ... USDA will Distribute the Vaccines by Airplane ... Who Was Running the Camera When Apollo 17 Left the Moon? ... CIA Mike Pompeo warns US is more likely to face another 9/11-style attack ... If Trump is indicted, there'll be riots' ... Aaron Rodgers - NFL Threatening players with their Jobs and Paychecks over the Covid Vax ... Gun Control Groups Ask Major Credit Cards to Flag Gun, Ammo Purchases ...


Dan Bongino - I’m Screwed "Getting the vaccine was the biggest mistake and regret of my life"

"This Is Beyond Imagination": Polish Homeowners Line Up For Days To Buy Coal Ahead Of Winter

USDA will Distribute the Vaccines by Airplane  (Will This Vaccine Kill Off More Food Supply By Bill Gates?)

In suburban and urban areas, they'll arrive by helicopter or vehicle or be deposited by hand in designated "bait stations," says the release.

The August phase of the program is focused on Maine and West Virginia. Approximately 348,000 vaccines will be distributed in northern Maine and 535,000 distributed in parts of western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and a small portion of southwestern Virginia.

Then from mid-September to mid-October, 70,000 vaccines will be distributed in parts of peninsular Massachusetts.

Finally, in October southern states will receive their rabies vaccines. Parts of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia will receive more than 880,000 vaccines; Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee will receive around 820,000 vaccines; and parts of Alabama will include 1.1 million vaccines.

The oral vaccine, also called RABORAL V-RG, has been found to be safe in over 60 animal species, says the USDA. This includes domestic dogs and cats, so you don't need to worry much about your beloved pet snacking on one of the vaccines. Dogs that eat large number of the vaccines may have stomach problems — but they won't have any long-term health consequences, according to the USDA.

Rabies usually enters the human population via bites from an infected animal, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While all mammals can get rabies, distinct strains are found among bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and mongooses.

Bannon on Collapse of Civilization: Great Reset ‘So Destructive You’re Not Going To Be Able to Turn This Around’

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon outlined how the globalist elite are imposing policies that are “so destructive” to America that economic recovery from their radical Great Reset agenda may soon become impossible.


China Answers Sen. Blackburn Visit By Buzzing Taiwan With 4 Nuclear-Capable Bombers

Beijing has issued its response to anti-China hawk Sen. Marsha Blackburn visiting Taiwan on Thursday and Friday. It began with at least 35 PLA jets buzzing the island's airspace on Friday, including 8 Chinese Navy vessels patrolling off the island.

And on Saturday Fox News correspondent Lucas Thomlinson reported "China sends four nuclear-capable bombers near Taiwan Saturday one day after Sen. Marsha Blackburn met Taiwan’s president in Taipei."


Ex-Russian president names condition for using nukes

Such a scenario would only occur if Russia’s very existence was at stake, Dmitry Medvedev says


The second American civil war is already happening

America will still be America. But it is fast becoming two versions of itself. The open question is: how will the two be civil toward each other?

One America is largely urban, racially and ethnically diverse, and young. The other is largely rural or exurban, white and older.

Surveys show Americans find it increasingly important to live around people who share their political values. Animosity toward those in the opposing party is higher than at any time in living memory. Forty-two per cent of registered voters believe Americans in the other party are “downright evil”.

SNAP, EBT outages reported across the country

The program, known as SNAP, provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of low-income families so they can purchase healthy food. Electronic Benefits Transfer, known as EBT, is an electronic system similar to a debit card that allows a SNAP participant to pay for food using SNAP benefits.

On Sunday afternoon, the South Carolina Department of Social Services tweeted: “DSS is aware of EBT processing issues with approved retailers, impacting the ability for clients to use their EBT cards, due to a third party processor outage impacting programs in multiple states.”


Low fuel inventories cause special concern in U.S. Northeast

PORTLAND, Maine — Diesel and heating oil supplies in the Northeast are more than 50% below the recent average, raising concerns that an extreme weather event could cause supply disruptions, federal officials said.

Fuel supplies are lower than normal across the country for a variety of reasons, including the war in Ukraine. But it’s the worst in the Northeast.

Outrageous! Person chosen to lead 87,000 new IRS agents will make your blood boil

Nikole Flax served as the chief of staff for then acting IRS Commissioner Stephen Miller, who was fired amid a cover-up of the scandal. When Republican lawmakers sought communications related to the scandal in an investigation, Flax's emails were among those the agency claimed were lost in a computer hard-drive crash. The IRS, the lawmakers charged, was attempting to "cover up the fact that it conveniently lost key documents in the investigation."


The US Economy Is Crashing But The Global Collapse Will Be Even More Terrifying


FDA set to authorize updated COVID-19 booster shots for newer Omicron strains without completed human tests: Agency will assess new jabs based on mice research and older vaccines

  • New COVID-19 booster shots are expected to be authorized this week by the FDA
  • The testing of the booster shots on humans has not yet been completed
  • The FDA will rely on data based on mice research and older vaccines 
  • Vaccines first authorized in December 2020 haven't been modified until now


'I'm fed up with people getting killed every day!' Ozzy Osbourne reveals he's moving back to the UK with wife Sharon because he 'doesn't want to die' in 'crazy' America

  • The singer, 73, who has resided in Beverly Hills for over 25 years, claimed 'everything's ridiculous' Stateside and highlighted its history of school shootings
  • Joined by his music manager wife Sharon, 69, he is thought to be relocating to their 120-year-old Grade II listed Buckinghamshire pile Welders House
  • Despite California's Forest Lawn cemetery being the favoured burial ground by celebrities such as Paul Walker, Brittany Murphy and Bette Davis, Ozzy made it crystal clear that he doesn't want to follow suit
  • He said: 'I'm English. I want to be back. But, saying that, if my wife said we've got to go and live in Timbuktu, I'll go. It's just time for me to come home'

Who Was Running the Camera When Apollo 17 Left the Moon? (December 14, 1972)

NASA's Artemis I mission launches TODAY: £19 billion Space Launch System rocket will blast off on 42-day journey around the moon - with Snoopy and Shaun the Sheep on board - paving the way for humans to return to the lunar surface by 2025

  • Today's launch of Artemis I mission marks the first step in NASA's plan to return humans to the moon by 2025
  • The £19 billion Space Launch System rocket and uncrewed Orion capsule it carries are preparing for blast-off
  • They are set to launch from Kennedy Space Center between 08:33 ET and 10:33 ET (13:33 BST and 15:33 BST)
  • The 42-day mission will see Orion capsule fly 60 miles above the moon at its closest before returning to Earth
  • If successful, NASA will send Artemis II on a trip around the moon as early as 2024, this time with human crew
  • Artemis III would see humans return to moon in 2025, possibly with first woman and/or first person of colour


The British Government Has Begun Paying $140,000 for COVID-19 Vaccine Damage Victims.

United Kingdom has rolled out a financial compensation program for individuals and families who have been harmed by the COVID-19 vaccine, despite repeated claims by U.S. corporate media entities denying any negative health impacts of the vaccines created by their largest advertisers.

Under the program, the first payments, which amount to a maximum of almost $150,000, have already been made to family members of individuals injured or killed as a result of the experimental vaccine.


'If Trump is indicted, there'll be riots': GOP Senator Lindsey Graham threatens unrest if ex-president is prosecuted and says there is 'double standard' over the FBI Mar-a-Lago raid and Hunter Biden laptop scandal

  • Senator Lindsey Graham has warned of 'riots in the streets' if former President Trump is prosecuted for his handling of classified materials
  • The materials were  found when the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida
  • 'If there's a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information, after the Clinton debacle… there'll be riots in the streets,' Graham told Fox News 
  • Graham suggested Trump is treated with 'a double standard' compared to others
  • He attempted to make comparisons with the Democrats and the investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop with FBI being told to 'back off' prior to 2020 election

CIA Mike Pompeo warns US is more likely to face another 9/11-style attack after exit from Afghanistan because it put Taliban in 'full control' and convinced Vladimir Putin he could invade Ukraine

  • In an interview on Sunday, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US is 'more likely' to be attacked in a 9/11 style way since the fall of Afghanistan
  • Speaking about the Taliban's return to power, Pompeo said: 'To have had that debacle embarrass our country on the world stage, made us less safe' 
  • In the same appearance, Pompeo called President Biden's debt relief proposals 'virtue signaling'
  • Many are speculating that Pompeo, a former director of the CIA, will announce his candidacy for president


Two people are killed when man 'dressed in black with two duffel bags' and armed with an AR-15-style rifle starts 'spraying bullets in the aisles' of an Oregon Safeway before he is shot dead

  • The gunman dressed all in black and carrying two duffel bags fatally shot two people and injured a third 
  • Shooter started 'spraying shots' outside Forum Shopping Center in Bend, Oregon around 7pm on Sunday
  • Police descended on the Safeway grocery store but found the gunman dead having suffered a gunshot wound
  • Unclear whether the shooter turned the gun on himself or was shot dead by an armed member of the public


Photos: Antifa Shows Up To ‘Family Friendly’ Drag Show With AR-15s

Ski mask clad Antifa chicken necks showed up to ‘defend’ a drag show touted as ‘kid friendly’ in Texas this past weekend by standing around trying to look tough with AR-15s.

The drag event, taking place at the Anderson Distillery and Grill in Roanoke, Texas was met with Protests by locals, including the group Protect Texas Kids.


Video: DNC Head Defends Joe Biden Calling Trump Supporters “Semi Fascist”

The current chair of the Democratic National Committee has defended Joe Biden’s comments about half the country being “semi-fascist”.

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation, Jaime Harrison claimed Biden was “calling what it what it is” in reference to the ‘Make American Great Again’ agenda.


Gabby Giffords’ Gun Control Groups Ask Major Credit Cards to Flag Gun, Ammo Purchases

Gabby Giffords’ gun control group, Giffords, is calling on major credit card companies to flag gun and ammunition purchases.


Pennsylvania High School to Host ‘After School Satan Club’ Event

The Satanic Temple (TST) is planning on hosting an “After School Satan Club” back-to-school event at a Pennsylvania high school next month.

On Tuesday, Officials from Northern York County School District approved the event to be hosted at Northern High School in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, Fox 43 reported.

Virginia's Fairfax County Public Schools do not require students to have parental consent to change their names or genders

School training materials from Fairfax County Public Schools stated that parental consent is not required for students to change their names and genders on official records. Fox News obtained the training documents on Thursday.


UK's biggest warship, HMS Prince of Wales, breaks down off south coast shortly after setting sail for US

The 65,000-tonne vessel is said to have suffered a "significant technical fault" - with unconfirmed reports about damage to the starboard propeller shaft.

HMS Prince of Wales, the second of the Royal Navy's two aircraft carriers, was experiencing an "emerging mechanical issue", a spokesperson said. The problem is being investigated.


Government to end free at-home COVID test program this week

The federal government is ending its free at-home COVID-19 test program this week, citing a lack of funding and efforts to preserve supply ahead of an anticipated fall surge in cases, a White House official told CNN on Sunday.

Both the White House and the website where people can claim their tests blamed Congress for failing to provide additional funding for the program, which provided up to 16 free tests per household since the beginning of the year.


Half cows, entire pigs: Families are buying meat in bulk to save money

Aaron Rodgers - NFL Threatening players with their Jobs and Paychecks over the Covid Vax



Devastating Malware For Hacking Banking Accounts May Be Linked To Hamas

Devastating malware that lets criminals hack into banking accounts, steal data, and spy on computer users is suspected of being linked to terrorist group Hamas‘ cyberwarfare division.