CHINA IS THE UNITED NATIONS TROOPS ... Vatican Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses ... Manhattan Offices Are Nearly Empty ... DEEP BRAIN BIOPSY ... China's 'Asian NATO' ... Underwater Aircraft Carriers ....


China Initiates 5 Simultaneous Military Drills 'Directed At Taiwan'


China Says Killing Americans over Taiwan is 'Morally Justified'

  Beijing is sending aircraft near Taiwan "almost every day" and directing them to approach in all four directions.

  "Hu Xijin is not just urging China to commence a war to murder millions of Taiwanese, he wants China to be able to kill millions of Americans as well." — Richard D. Fisher, Jr., military analyst and senior fellow at the Virginia-based International Assessment and Strategy Center, Taipei Times, September 21, 2020.



During Trump's Con-Vid Test Announcement


Lies are being told everywhere

Sky News Australia  - Sky News host Alan Jones says there is no evidence to justify the suffering, the lockdown and the enforced wearing of masks because the coronavirus curve “couldn't be flatter” in Australia. “Where is the evidence that has frightened people into believing they are all at risk?” Mr Jones said. “There is none”.


Jim Caviezel: “Shake off… Destructive Tolerance of Evil, Only Faith in Christ Can Save Us, But It Requires Warriors Ready to Stand For Truth


New CDC Estimates: Fatality Rate For COVID-19 Drops Again And May Surprise You

If you get infected, your chances of surviving are as follows:

Age Group                                           Probability of Survival

0-19:                                                    99.997%
20-49:                                                  99.98%
50-69:                                                  99.5%
70+:                                                     94.6%



Growing Coalition Questions

Vatican Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses

ROME — A growing number of human rights advocates and observers are vocally expressing their bewilderment at the Vatican’s silence over the egregious human rights abuses perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Pope Francis and other key Vatican figures have avoided criticizing ongoing violations of religious liberty in China, despite the Holy See’s constant appeals to end such abuses elsewhere.


Navy SEALs change official ethos to be gender neutral, remove ‘brotherhood’ and more

The U.S. Navy SEALs and the Navy Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC) recently changed their ethos and creed statements to reflect a gender-neutral presentation of the elite Navy outfits, doing away with gendered terms like “brotherhood.”


Turkish F-16 warplane shoots down Armenian SU-25 fighter jet, Defense Ministry in Yerevan claims

A Turkish F-16 fighter has shot down an Armenian Air Force Su-25, Yerevan has announced. It comes three days after a military conflict between Armenia and neighboring Azerbaijan broke out over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Officials in Yerevan said the incident took place in Armenian airspace and that the pilot of the Soviet-designed Su-25 was killed.


Iran warns it’s ‘ready for war’ with US as it reveals new ballistic missile that could destroy America bases


Neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement targets Jews on Yom Kippur

"This year, the modern-day successors of the Nazis, known as the Nordic Resistance Movement, have mounted a vile and vicious campaign of hate against Jews in Northern Europe."

The neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement targeted Jews in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland with antisemitic campaigns throughout the week leading up to Yom Kippur - the holiest day in the Hebrew calendar.




'Mask patrols' will fine people refusing to wear face coverings in NYC


Disney to lay off 28,000 employees as coronavirus slams its theme park business


JP Morgan Chase agrees to pay $920 MILLION in fines tied to market manipulation of precious metals - the largest ever imposed by the US government

  • JPMorgan Chase to pay $920million to settle civil and criminal charges 
  • Federal agencies alleged banking firm made fake trades in precious metals 
  • Trades made between 2008 and 2016 were 'aimed at manipulating market' 
  • Two ex-JPMorgan Chase trader have already pleaded guilty in federal court


Eric Trump demands investigation into the leaking of his father's bombshell tax returns and claims the IRS is going after him because they 'don't like' him


Military World Games in Wuhan, China


LIVE: The 2019 Military World Games opens in Wuhan, China. The Games, held every four years, is the top multi-sport event for military personnel from across the globe. This year, the Games will last 10 days and will be the largest edition ever.


Why I Decided To Start Wearing A Face Mask

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Donald Trump attacks Joe Biden over Hunter claiming he was 'dishonorably discharged for cocaine' and took 'millions from Moscow' as Democrat says 'my son had a drug problem, he's fixed it and I'm proud'

he 'made a fortune' in Ukraine, China, and Moscow.


'Joe Rogan would do a much better job than Chris Wallace!' Donald Trump lashes out at debate moderator after ugly clashes throughout night 


'We are ready': Proud Boys threaten to act and pledge allegiance to Donald Trump after he told the far right group to 'stand back and stand by' during presidential debate


ICE is 'preparing targeted arrests in sanctuary cities to boost Trump's image as a law and order president' as election campaign enters its final month



F-35 stealth fighter jet parachutes to safety after colliding with a Hercules during mid-air refueling: Tanker makes emergency landing in a field in remote area of California


North Korea HAS created miniature nukes and has been developing its ballistic missile programme at an 'intense pace' despite coronavirus pandemic, UN report warns 


'Flush chunks down toilet not garbage disposal and blast heat to melt off fingerprints': The chillingly detailed notebook of son accused of dismembering his parents and boiling his mom's head in a pot

slayings of his father Joel Michael Guy Sr, 61, and his 55-year-old mother, Lisa Guy. Prosecutors say that Guy Jr first knifed his father to death in the upstairs exercise room of his West Knox County house on November 26, 2016, then ambushed and stabbed his mother to death when she returned home from a shopping trip. The son then allegedly dismembered his parents' bodies and tried to dissolve some of the remains and boiled his mother's head in a pot. But before allegedly carrying out the heinous crime, Guy Jr meticulously plotted his every murderous move in a notebook, first detailing at great length how he would kill his mother and father, then how he would dispose of their remains, step-by-step.


Driver is caught on dashcam shooting through his OWN windshield at another motorist who 'flashed a gun at him first'

A man was caught on camera shooting through his own windshield at another driver on a busy highway near Orlando, Florida. The man said he opened fire because the other driver flashed a gun at him first. Driver, Marco Mazzetta, posted the video on YouTube claiming he was simply trying to defend himself. Footage shows another driver pointing a gun out of their window causing Mazzetta to reach for his own weapon. After the shooting he reported the incident to the Orange County Sheriff


More than 250 hospitals across the US are still offline thanks to cyberattack that has caused surgeries to be cancelled and forced staff to rely on pen and paper

Hospital chain Universal Health Services' network remains offline on Tuesday, two days after the company fell prey to an apparent ransomware attack which has led to chaos at places affected


University Sets Up ‘Support Spaces’ For Students Traumatized By Presidential Debate

The “Support Space is not a substitute for psychotherapy and does not constitute mental health treatment”


Global Food Shortages Are Becoming Very Real, And U.S. Grocery Store Chains Are Preparing For Worst Case Scenarios

We really are facing a very serious global food crisis.


UAE consumers expect a fully cashless society by 2030

Covid-19 safety and hygiene concerns drive residents to embrace contactless payments, survey finds


China's military might, aggressive policies spur talks of creating 'Asian NATO'

China’s growing military prowess and increasingly aggressive foreign policy have revived talk among U.S. and European officials of creating an “Asian NATO” of regional powers to contain communist Beijing’s expansionist ambitions.

Past efforts for an East Asian security alliance, such as the post-World War II Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) to guard against Cold War-era communism, failed to gain lasting traction.



The US and Peru prevent China from destroying Peruvian waters with a giant fishing group

Beijing - Washington "war" about Chinese fishing ships The presence of hundreds of Chinese fishing vessels off the coast of Peru caused controversy between Washington and Beijing on Twitter, and at the same time angered the Peruvian fisheries association.


Dr. Jerome Corsi details deep state plans to take out Trump before Jan. 20th, and how Trump can defeat the traitors and save America


Underwater Aircraft Carriers:  Imperial Japan’s Secret Weapon


Manhattan Offices Are Nearly Empty, Threatening New York City’s Recovery

About 1 in 10 office workers have returned since Covid-19 hit, far fewer than elsewhere, hurting local businesses


Payson man sent to jail for 2 months in attack on Black Latter-day Saint missionary

A judge has ordered a Payson man to serve nearly two months in jail, saying he could have tried to stop a hate crime attack on a Black Latter-day Saint missionary but made no effort to do so.

While there’s no evidence West hurled racial slurs or struck the missionary, the judge said, he was part of the group that was aggressive as its members donned hoods, masks and one or two sets of brass knuckles with spikes.


Regulators crack down on aggressive, dubious debt collectors

Those mysterious debt collectors who call insisting you’ll be in legal peril if you don’t pay them big bucks are in hot water themselves, accused in a nationwide crackdown of harassing and threatening consumers,


Utah liquor stores will require everyone to show their ID


MICROSOFT says Russia behind most nation-state hacking attempts...


STUDY: Gays, lesbians, bisexuals at higher migraine risk...


'MONEY Is The KING Of Everything' ... AMAZON to Offer (666) Palm-Scanning ... Utah (Mafia) doctors call for statewide mask mandate ... MP Urges Mandatory Corona Vaccination to Travel ... House approves 2021 Morgan and Peace dollars & Silver Eagle Design in 2021 ...


AMAZON to Offer (666) Palm-Scanning as Option for Entry Into Stores...

Initially, palm-based scanners will be available as an entry option at two Amazon Go stores in Seattle, but the company said in its blog post on Tuesday that it’s in “active discussions” to introduce the technology in third-party stores.

The system, called ‘Amazon One,’ could be used for paying at a store, presenting a loyalty card, or entry into places such as offices or stadiums, just by hovering your (right) hand over a scanner.

Amazon said palm recognition is considered “more private than some biometric alternatives because you can’t determine a person’s identity by looking at an image of their palm,”

Democrats release new $2.2trillion COVID package including a second round of $1,200 stimulus checks, $600 in extra unemployment and $436billion for state and local governments

The Democrats on Monday released a new $2.2trillion COVID package, including a second round of stimulus checks, $600 in extra unemployment and $436billion for state and local governments

New Jersey waiter sues Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano for $15 million after he was 'forced to engage in bizarre sex act involving father-son role play' 

Waiter James Kruzelnick says he was working at the Mohawk restaurant in Sparta, New Jersey in 2015 when he met Andrew Napolitano who allegedly groped him in the bathroom.


'We're not in a good place': Dr EVIL Fauci warns the US needs to double down to stop COVID-19 infections rising ahead of the fall - and says Florida's decision to reopen bars and restaurants is 'very concerning'


Elon Musk says he WON'T get a coronavirus vaccine because he's 'not at risk' and says the pandemic has 'questioned my faith in humanity' because people have become 'irrational'

Elon Musk, 49, said he won't get a coronavirus vaccine when they're available because he's 'not at risk', in a Monday interview on the New York Times podcast Sway.


Prince Williams calls for urgent action over (FAKE) climate change in new TV documentary 


'Maybe the Clintons won't get away with it after all': Trump reveals John Durham's probe into the FBI's Russia investigation has expanded to look into corruption allegations at the Clinton Foundation 

Durham, put in charge of the Russia-gate review by AG Bill Barr, has sought evidence about federal investigations from around the same time which were looking into the Clinton Foundation, sources said.


US Air Force is designing a laser weapon capable of clearing landmines and bombs from almost 1,000 FEET away

  • Parsons Corp. won a $40 million contract to develop the Recovery of Airbase Denied by Ordnance (RADBO) system
  • When completed, the laser-mounted vehicle will clear airfields for the Air Force
  • It will be able to detonate cluster bombs, landmines, and thick-cased artillery

Former New Mexico Democratic Governor Bill Richardson is accused of raking in hundreds of thousands in bribes and kickbacks to fund debauched lifestyle including 'sexual services and favors'



2021 American Eagle Gold and Silver Coin Candidate Designs Unveiled

The United States Mint unveiled candidate designs to replace the imagery on reverses of American Eagle gold and silver coins.


New American Silver Eagle Design in 2021!

Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill ...



House approves 2021 Morgan and Peace dollars

The House of Representatives Sept. 22 passed proposed legislation seeking multiple coins marking the centennial anniversary in 2021 of the transition of silver dollar production from the Morgan dollar to the Peace dollar… The coins to be authorized under the legislation are not considered commemorative coins… The Morgan dollar was struck from 1878 to 1904, and again in 1921. Production was executed at the Mint production facilities in Philadelphia, Denver, San Francisco, New Orleans and Carson City.

The Peace dollar was struck from 1921 to 1935, with production at the Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco Mints.



Ron Paul: Question ‘The Science’? Go To Gulag!

It’s not the science that is settled. What appears to be 'settled is the impulse to silence anyone who asks 'why'?


Ron Paul Liberty Report

CDC Comes Clean: New Fatality Rate Is A Shocker!

The Centers for Disease Control have come out with a new estimate of the Covid infection fatality ratio and the numbers will shock you. No wonder the Florida governor has said "enough is enough" and decided to open his state up completely. We are told to trust the CDC, so why is the mainstream media ignoring this very important news? Is this still about a disease...or is it politics?



Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: 'These Here Are All Absentee Ballots...Look...My Car Is Full..." 'Money Is The King Of Everything'

James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, said: “Ballot harvesting is real and it has become a big business.


Donald Trump slams CNN for their 'sick' and 'totally ridiculous' report that he wanted daughter Ivanka to run as his VP in 2016

Donald Trump tweeted late Monday night there is no truth he wanted his daughter Ivanka Trump to be on the 2016 ticket as his running mate. However a new book reveals that he did want her to be his VP.


Trump asks the Pentagon to assess how quickly nuclear weapons could be pulled from storage and loaded onto bombers and submarines should arms control treaty with Russia expire in February 2021 



NYC warns several neighborhoods could be put on strict lockdown TODAY with all non-essential businesses closed, gatherings of more than 10 banned and schools shut down amid a surge in COVID cases


Anthony Fauci says Donald Trump's new coronavirus adviser Scot Atlas is giving the president 'bad information' and calls him an 'outlier' on the White House task force 

The top infectious disease specialist in the United States, Anthony Fauci, has said he is worried that fellow coronavirus task force member Scot Atlas - a skeptic of face masks - is giving bad advice. Atlas, a radiologist, senior fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution of Stanford University and frequent Fox News commentator, joined the task force on August 12. He has been dubbed 'the anti-Fauci' for his frequent disagreements with the veteran public health expert.


Governor Newsom begs Donald Trump for MONEY federal aid as raging California wildfires kill at least three, force 70,000 people to flee their homes and completely devastate more Napa Valley wineries 


People who regularly use acid reflux drugs are 24% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, study finds


Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, 87, is seen walking through a private airport without a mask - just three months after she demanded a nationwide face cover mandate


Utah (Mafia) doctors call for statewide mask mandate as rolling 7-day average tops 1,000 COVID-19 cases Monday

Utah’s number of COVID-19 cases has increased by 827 from Sunday, with no more deaths reported, according to the Utah Department of Health.



Tampa Bay captures the first pandemic title (?): Lightning celebrate their second Stanley Cup with a 2-0 Game 6 win over the Dallas Stars after two months inside the NHL's bubbles in Toronto and Edmonton 


Armenian crew are blown up inside their tank by a Turkish-made drone in Azerbaijani battle footage - as UN announces emergency talks over Middle East's new proxy war

  • Armenian separatists claim they were attacked by Turkish mercenaries and fighter jets amid heavy fighting
  • Fighting broke out in Nagorno-Karabakh region, legally in Azerbaijan but inhabited by ethnic Armenians  
  • Turkey vowed support for 'Azerbaijani brothers' after some of the worst clashes since war in early 1990s 
  • United Nations will hold talks behind closed doors over the deteriorating situation at 5pm New York time
  • Relations between Turkey and Armenia are still scarred by the Armenian Genocide in the early 20th century 
  • At least 39 people were killed in shelling between the two ex-Soviet countries which continued on Monday
  • Proxy conflict could also draw in Russia which has a military base in Armenia, and affect oil and gas supplies


Madrid Explodes As Police Violently Crackdown On Anti-Lockdown Protesters

Anti-lockdown protesters in Madrid were met with violence at the hands of police this past weekend, after the local government enacted restrictions in more areas of the capital city.



Chinese State Media Argues World Has Been Deceived By ‘American Values’ Of Freedom And Democracy

 “Now, the US’ values are much too vulnerable, and the country’s global leadership is declining.”


New Normal: MP Urges Mandatory Corona Vaccination to be Allowed to Travel

No shot, no mobility rights.

A Conservative MP has called for mandatory coronavirus vaccination certificates distributed by the Army that will determine whether people will be allowed to travel internationally.

During a debate in the British Parliament last night, MP Tobias Ellwood urged the Prime Minister to have the British Armed Forces oversee that COVID-19 vaccination roll out process.

Noting that a coronavirus vaccine was potentially six months away, Ellwood said, “Mass vaccine roll out is an enormous responsibility and we need to get it right.”

Ellwood said he had written to Boris Johnson urging him to give the power to a Ministry of Defence task force to ship the vaccines across the country and set up regional distribution hubs as well as developing a “national database to track progress and issue the vaccination certificates.”




911 lines go down across the US sparking panic as callers can’t get through to emergency services

POLICE departments across the country Monday night reported their 911 systems nonoperational - and it's reportedly due to a Microsoft Office 360 outage.


911 services back online after police agencies nationwide and in Utah report outage

It appears service is returning after 911 outages were reported Monday evening across the country — including by some police agencies in Utah.


Worldwide (FAKE) death toll from coronavirus eclipses 1 million

The worldwide death toll from the coronavirus eclipsed 1 million on Tuesday, nine months into a crisis

Burgess Owens 4th District candidate appeared on program linked to far-right conspiracy theory

But spokesman for Burgess Owens says candidate doesn’t support ‘QAnon’ beliefs

Owens’ appearance on “The Common Sense Show” that’s part of the Patriots’ Soapbox news network, a YouTube channel, about a month before he won the party’s June 30 primary was featured in a story posted Thursday by Media Matters for America, a left-leaning nonprofit.


No jail for parents after their baby was disabled by strict vegan diet

The parents of a baby girl who put their daughter on a strict vegan diet, starving her of vital nutrients to the point she developed cerebral palsy, won't face jail despite a judge finding they failed in their basic parental duties.


No Meat, No Milk, No Bread: Hunger Crisis Rocks Latin America
For tens of millions, the pandemic has exposed just how fragile economic status is worldwide. In many ways, nowhere has that been more apparent than in Latin America, where a resurgence of poverty is bringing a vicious wave of hunger in a region that was supposed to have mostly eradicated that kind of malnutrition decades ago. From Buenos Aires to Mexico City, families are skipping on